Battle Bay is good game to play, there is no doubt about, But it is been constantly ruined bad players, who aren't willing to cooperate with each others, speeders and shooters doing suicidal run towards enemy line just because they think they are heroes and invincible, shooters playing hide and seek with their sniper cannons not even helping teammate.
Why are we still tolerating this behavior in matches, I bet most game is loss through bad players. The so called matchmaking keep partnering me up with loser teammate who can't even understand the simplest concept of teamwork, the amount of infamy that I dropped because of this s biblical. They are truly the bane of this game.
Why can't we have a rating system that allows players in own team to vote and shame on the Worst Player in Game (WPiG) on respective player, just like over-watch, but instead bad players. Group the bad players together, make them play against each other
You can argue that is took too long to match make if implemented, but I don't mind waiting for longer period for matchmaking, it is better to wait for a good match have fun work together than to have player which are bad and a source of nightmare to the entire team
PS:The amount of restrain, it took me not to start swearing on bad and non-cooperative players in this thread.......

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