Exactly, It helps a lot fro non fixer to train felix although it may be aminor boosts, And for the fixer its not that they have less crew to train
AS a Fixer
For Red Slot - You have to train one weapon crew lets say Bhurt and for MK6+ It could be two weapon crew
For Green Slots - Obviously Felix

For Yellow slots - now here the choice depends but one can say that you gotta have Swift train for the speed and one other as per your yellow items if over boost (then only swift but still)
For Blue slots - It needs to be Two crew at least bandage and shield means Sinklair and Brock
So thats total of 6-7 crew to be trained

Now for a Defender Two weapon crew Bhurt obviously and the Other as you like If Sinklair it will overlap with one blue item bandage, Brock and Blastian will be obvious and Tada!! Your Main defender crew is ready.
So if we take minimum it would be 5-6 crew for Defender

,I guess same can be with the shooters also.
So we can see if we talk about minimum crew I don't think fixer has it easy going, I find Enforcers have to deal with a lot of crews because apart from felix (hp boost obviously)
its like they almost need everything crew for there setup

and those Hit points increase talents in felix do help.
Although I see the thread started by a newbie I guess who doesn't know much about the overflow of sugar, but lets talk about crew training haha.

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