So I was playing and the screen between 2 battles got different as always, since it's never shown the minimum infamy required for each map. I took a screenshot cause I found it weird and then I compared it to Battle Bay Wiki. (EDIT) Then I compared with the normal "wait" screen. Here are the results:
View attachment 14719
View attachment 14720
I'm not sure at all about the location of each map. And
now i'm not sure about new maps. There's a thing about the 2 flags: one is green, so any player, even at 0 infamy could play there (?); the other one requires only 40 infamy to be opened. Why would the make new maps with such low infamy requirements. Or maybe they're just adjusting the infamy requirements of each of this 2 maps?
There's a fact: in Battle Bay Wiki there are 9 maps, only one map (i'm pretty sure) is not in Battle Bay Wiki: Wayward Pains. In the screenshot I took there are 12 flags. The starting maps are not 2, but 3: First Flood, Cold Riddance , Brawl Park, if they we're all flags, they should be 13.
Other fact: it is really weird that the infamy requirement for each map were shown even when my Infamy allows me to enter any map.
There's something fishy here

I really hope these are 2 new maps and not just a glitch.
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