If you discuss the defender, please keep it civil, and don't just say things, use facts please. I like to educate myself about a topic before I make any claims about it. So I upgraded my defender and took it out for about 200 battles. Keep in mind that I am playing in the 1700 to 1900 infamy range as a mk4. Anyway, I can see both sides of the buff/it's fine argument. The main reason defender appears to be underpowered, is that at the defenders final slot unlock(mk 5, I am aware you gain slot points at mk6) gives you the option of three weapons to choose from in battle. Shooters and speeders have five items that can be used, and enforcers and fixers have six. Having roughly half the things to do as other ships can be boring. With the others, you can be doing something whenever there isn't global cooldown. But moving on, I loved the gameplay of the defender. Provided you do it right, you can distract most of the other team, while your shooters wear them down. The problem is, the defender is slow, and has a massive hitbox. With only three things to do, the defender seems underpowered, because you are constantly getting hit, and not necessarily able to hit back. With most defenders using flare double explo, the explo nerf hit them hard, as they were unable to do things for longer. I am not making a suggestion of what to fix, if we should fix something, about the defender. Feel free to post ideas down below. However, my final thoughts of the defender, is that it is hard to do top damage without having the best or close to the best weapons in a match, and it is easily spammed by mortars and other weapons. However, I have decided to switch to a defender main, due to the fun I had of having sheer massive amounts of health.
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