I'm not getting into any weapon OP-ness - you can't please everyone all of the time.
Now I'm sure some of these have been said before but here's my thoughts:
I feel these are the most underused items in the game but my experience is that most persons I encounter are running shield/turbo/bandage outside of the rare defender who is filling slots.
I would suggest combining these items to have the combined rudder lube effect and making it a more viable option.
So, what to do with existing Rudders/Gear Lubes, just straight convert them to the new item.
And what about players that are running both... this is unfortunate but I guess this is less than 1% of players. On the plus side you have an extra item to scrap now or an extra duplicate to evolve with.
Perk salvage cost
I think the pearl cost to salvage perks should be removed as it inhibits the changing of play styles and experimenting with new ideas.
Maybe I want to see how my cannon works with an extra range perk, maybe I want to run damage perks on my BC with my fixer but I want burn perks on the BC with my speeder.
I don't have the versatility and I'm not willing to spend 100 pearls every time I wish to switch ships and change perks.
Allow the free changing of perks and it opens the versatility of a players weapons, ships and play styles.
Getting your team on the same page can be very difficult and frustrating.
A "hold ground" or "watch out for enemy mine" would be really helpful.
I know a custom message would be abused by the trolls and then you'd have to monitor for language and all those other headaches so I won't recommend that albeit it would be useful for actual competitive players.
In the absence of enhanced communication I would like the loading screen show me my friends weapons and items so I can make an educated guess as to their play style. I don't want to see my enemies weapons - as therein lies the game.
Fleeting notification between battles.
I like the "next battle" function, you can go straight into your next game and get in a rhythm - yet it would be nice to have a popup to let me know "new fleet request/message"
Whilst we're at it, a "guild quest complete" would let me know to switch up to a new one.
Give guild leaders a method of managing their guild activity.
In player profile - last online timestamp - x hours ago
Guild leader should be able to set sticky message in chat (or in envelope (one per day)) to members.
Healing should contribute to guild damage quests
Doesn't have to be 1:1 ratio, but they should get credit for helping.
I've said it before, but if a shooter can have 5 weapons all contributing to a single weapon quest, then a fixer needs to be able to contribute in some way.
If you really need "further balance" allow weapons to contribute to healing quests with a similar ratio.
Tesla Shield vs Tesla Bolt
With the prominence of double bubble and recent nerf of bolt cooldown, has consideration been given to tweaking the mechanics and allowing the tesla bolt to break shield AND stun (for say - half/quarter of standard stun).
Just now it's too easy to throw up that 2nd shield when the first one goes down, this would provide a viable counter, opening that window between shield down and shield up.
Alternatively, and this is just a suggestion, allow the stun to penetrate the bubble instead of removing it and leave them stunned inside it. That way when if the stun timer is greater than remaining shield time they'll have to wait out the stun after shield drops.
Repair Bolt vs Tesla Bolt
This one pains me to say, as I main fixer and use the repair bolt.
When repair bolt is used on a stunned enemy, and that tesla bolt was delivered by a enemy who has the "Enemy receives no healing when stun is active" ability, then the bolt shouldn't provide full healing in addition to removing the stun.
It completely negates the telsa bolt ability and it doesn't appear right with me. (Even though I currently enjoy said benefits).
Changing of part requirements
I've noticed the rare + epic requirements for levelling legendaries has apparently doubled at some point.
In my view this is harsh, penalising those who have still to acquire these legendaries and further increasing the gap between those already with them.
An extra 329 epic parts and 2272 rare parts (for level 1 to 10) is a big deal and the moving of the goalposts/extra grind required is not appreciated.
I understand that you may wish to slow the progression before everyone gets tier 5 legendaries, but this sneaky tax is not appreciated.
It's impossible to "catch up" if I'm being penalised for being late to the party. It's demoralising and feels like I'm being punished.
If it's a sign of things to come then count me in the disappointed camp.
Can we do something with the old power cells:
I'm not too bothered about epic and legendary cells.
The excess common/uncommon ones that we're all carrying about cries out for some attention.
Allow us to cash them in for guild raffle tokens or something for cents on the dollar, and let us get rid of them.
1 common = 10 tokens
1 uncommom = 100 tokens
1 rare = 1000 tokens
1 epic = 10,000 tokens
1 legendary = 100,000 tokens
...or for whatever rate you want.
Anyway, thanks for the great game and for taking the time to read my 10 things I think I think
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