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Infamy point system

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by MJL, 11 Jun 2017.

  1. MJL

    MJL New Member

    8 May 2017
    I'm not sure if this and been discussed yet. But I think it's something that should be revamped. You can have an awesome battle, destroying most the whips or the other team and get the same infamy points as your team mate that died within the 1st few seconds of the game. Also, you can be in a battle to the end, just 1 on 1 left and lose the same amount as everyone else. 2 boats battling at the end should be close in the same infamy points.
    It seems more of a performance based point system should be better. It would accurately reflect an individuals skill level, not the crappy team they were paired with.
    I realize this would take a while to develop but it would definitely pull in more players.
    TheDhruv likes this.
  2. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The problem with that is that you don't always get the chance to play to put all your skill to use. For example, sometimes when I play fixer, everyone goes in a different direction, making it very hard for me to do decent healing. A performance based system would give me low infamy in that case. Do I deserve that? It's not my fault that the team ignores my "together!" calls and spreads over half the map.

    This is just one situation out of plenty. Being the last one standing also does not mean you played best, nor that you played worst. It can be either, or neither. Performance is such a complex thing that I don't think they could ever create a good working system to measure it. The star system is proof of this, by the way. It works based on contribution, which is pretty much supposed to be performance, but every now and then the stars that are handed out make no sense at all. Like when I go out of my way to heal the team, barely succeed and carry us to a hard earned victory, but get only 1 star while the shooter boat that went around like a headless chicken and almost got himself and me killed multiple times gets 3 stars.
    Totoro and Roundtable like this.
  3. Gimpdiggity

    Gimpdiggity New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    The Infamy system in the game is just broken.

    It's ridiculous that at the end of a game, when I have four kills and twice as much damage as anyone else in the game, that I lose 24 Infamy because nobody else on my team did anything and we lost 5-4.
    MJL likes this.
  4. MJL

    MJL New Member

    8 May 2017
  5. MJL

    MJL New Member

    8 May 2017
    It should also be on your damage total as well. Fixers are bitch, they are a main target because they repair the fleet making the chance of a win greater.
  6. Roundtable

    Roundtable Member

    9 Jun 2017
    Amen to that

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