Enforcer, Shooter, a cannon... Let's start.
Shooter have defence, like DEFENDER, the tank. Almost same defence : Seriously? Nerf that.
Enforcer. Just simply Enforcer. Tesla shields. Seriously? Nerf that.
Sniper cannon have long range YES, but no. It needs a little buff on damages, and it's rare to see someone at 40 of range ( Maybe only for me ). Seriously, Buff that.
Battles at low infamy ! Oh these ones... I raise up to 350 infamy, i'm still Mk1. Suddenly, after the fights that gave me 5kills/game : I fight against Mk4 ! Awesome, isn't it? You get killed in 5 shots, can't kill them and so get no ressources because you did nothing

Then you level up to Mk2, 650 infamy ( it raise because your team was Mk4 too). You now play with Mk5 sometimes ! Seriously? Stop that. People do it for quests, ressources... But what about low leveled? Impossible to play normally.
Carronade is impossible to use now, with defence. Exemple : A carronade do 50 damages X5. Yay, 250 (But at CLOSE range) ! But no. Defence. 250-DefenceX5, it gives much less damages. Seriously? Buff that.
Shooter and Enforcer are OP ( Enforcer go first ) Yes, and so what are we going to do, pay more to evolve them? NO ! They cost less than speeder or defender, and even...
Fixer. This little guy is the hero of the seas ! But... It get focused, repair pulse needs a little buff, is slow so can't really avoid... Well, the only thing that "really" needs a buff in this is Repair pulse..
It's pretty good -yes- but why does it cost MORE to EVOLVE? It's really hard to play, between healing and running, then going from ally to ally because they are feared by your pulse, box or bolt ! Really? Buff repair pulse, and please make a lower evolve cost.
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