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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HARPO!, 22 Apr 2018.

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  1. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Chapter 1

    In the beginning, I was a mk1 shooter. Happy. And loved to try new weapons. Then I unlocked other ships, and kept in grading all of them.

    Then it occurred to me, every ship is different, and the way they are played is different too. (This is what I thought on my own, having watched no tutorial videos on how to get to Nightmare)

    So I asked myself, “which ship do I like the most?” (Speeder)

    What weapons are the most powerful damage wise in the game (mines and torpedoes) and there you have it, the birth or HARPO!

    I rocked that setup and never changed it, even though so many people told me so. They said that’s not a speeder setup, you need a cannon, (but my torp aim was outstanding)

    People said to me, “with that mine, you’re limiting yourself of the chance to put out more damage” (with my mine I have won countless 2v5’s. Plus, I’ve also gotten 18k plus damage as a mk4 speeder with this setup. So I have no idea what you are talking about)

    Those people can just zip it, cause it got to 3636 INFAMY with this setup, and by God I’m not changing it!!!

    I got so good at the game, I stopped playing.

    Chapter 2
    I came back to this game with a vengeance, this was before I hit that 3600 mark. I was in the 1300 mark at level 28-29ish. And then my infamy shot up when I got mk5 speeder.

    In a night almost, I went from there to 2900 infamy, to then breaking the 3k point 3 months later. I was so happy. But yet always a bit nervous.


    Well let me tell you this. I was invited to Suboaters. I accepted and only stayed a little while. P0rthos was there but he had just left 5 days ago.

    I was 5 days from meeting the man himself.

    Stoopid Sailor was in the guild still, the last one left, and I asked him, “why was I here?”

    He told me because you’re one of the few mk5’s we have found to have such an infamy raise. We think you’ll make it to Ace 1 for sure. But who knows about Nightmare.

    Well with P0rthos not being in the guild anymore I left because there were just a bunch of nobodies left and Stoopid Sailor left the game too.

    Chapter 3:

    So I make it Ace 1. A young mk5. Hoping to make it to Nightmare. But I was very nervous.

    Why though!?

    Because, I didn’t see too many mk5’s at 3k.
    None really. And I thought to myself, where did they go? Nightmare league obviously. But what happened to the whole world of mk5’s swarming the Ace 1 league?

    They weren’t there!!!

    No one was there. I felt alone, I thought to myself was I too late?

    I was wondering if this was what P0rthos and Stoopid were wondering. But I couldn’t ask them because they’re gone now. How come there aren’t anymore mk5’s. The numbers have dwindled.

    Chapter 3
    I start my first posts on the forum.

    The add a new ship post. Anything to make the game fun again. I wanted people to play more. I also made rants on the forum on what you should never do in battle. I thought I was qualified.

    And then something happens to me in Battle. I remember this day.

    It was a match on Crash and Burn, there was a guy with a tier four legendary big torp. Another guy with a tier to leggy big torp. A mk7 enforcer?! A legendary tier to missile. Leggy leggy leggy galore! And tier five epics.

    No rares.

    Except for me! :)

    But the battle ended swiftly because of the sheer power the other team had.

    I was so mad. I wanted to blame the game saying that I was the matchmaking’s fault. But then I’d remember what P0rthos said.

    “Weapons mean nothing, it’s Map Control.”

    So I stayed in denial of matchmaking ever being the problem till this day...

    Chapter 4

    I make this post on the forum to get the ENTIRE COMMUNITY OF BATTLE BAY’s attention. Nothing has changed. In fact, it’s gotten worse.

    Poor little mk2’s, like my friend @CoolDownHSNA gets put up against mk5’s.

    I get matched against mk6’s and mk7’s.

    Now I know what you might say, Harpo and mk5 isn’t that much different than a 6, but it is.

    Having that extra blue slot, yellow slot, red slot, green slot, anything!, means a difference in battle.

    Now I’ve killed my fair share of 6’s in battles. But I can’t do it all the time. It’s too much. And I don’t wanna sit back and only do support moves because nobody wants to see that kind of content in a YouTube video.


    Why are the 6’s so low.


    WHY ARE THE 7’s so low?!

    Hear me out,

    In game purchases.

    People are able to purchase better weapons, and get better gear, however, still go against people at their same infamy.

    Matchmaking is not based off of gear score, (i tested that with a mk4 defender at 3300 infamy, not a pretty sight, might get reported)

    And it is certainly not dictated by the mark of ship you use, hence, the issue now.

    It’s off of infamy.


    Trashy players who won’t go up in infamy in the first place...

    Can now buy the best gear in the game and wreck face still being noob players...

    Ruining us free to play peeps days forever.

    So here’s my dealio with you Rovio.

    You focus more of income towards things like skins on boats, emotes and stuff like that.

    BRAINSTORM FOR ONCE!!! I mean seriously!!!

    The only reason why Fortnite is such a successful game is because I gives everyone a fair chance to win because it’s based off of skill, not paying to win. And they make crap tons of money because of the skins they make.

    Maybe think of other items like the jingle bells, or the car horn.


    Faces to put on your cannons

    Different railgun colors

    Different fire colors

    Different bullet skins (like whenever you shoot your cannon it’s a smiley face :) )

    Or whenever you shoot your torp you can see Jaws fin sticking out of the water, @Eeyore would like that lol)

    And in exchange to make the game more fair, make the matchmaking based off of

    -gear score
    -mark of ship

    And you guys get rid off the offers section.

    This game is about to go dead. Just like Angry Birds. Do you really want it to? Because a lot of people are getting tired of playing.

    Thank you for your time.

    (And if I get reported for this post be being, too rude and saying stuff that could be harsh, then come talk to me in private!)
  2. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    I don’t know about you, but I like this guy.
  3. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
  4. Neptune_Gaming

    Neptune_Gaming Well-Known Member

    26 Oct 2017
    What a coincidence!
    I like his posts too!!
    The Otherguy and HARPO! like this.
  5. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    Superb speech bro....Heads off to u.....
    Last edited: 22 Apr 2018
  6. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Thank you.
    Cryix likes this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Dude, don't just stand there, catch HIS HEAD! Halp! Call an ambu-I mean necromancer!
  8. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    @HARPO! told me that it's hats off to u not heads off to u....still I don't think tht I wrote wrong....For my bro...I don't think hat can do the work....Heads off to @HARPO!
    Last edited: 22 Apr 2018
    HARPO! likes this.
  9. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    TLTR - (
  10. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    matchmaking cant base on gear score and mark. u will see mk1 on world top and people wont be upgrading gears and mark, and match time will take minutes cause such player dont really exist. most important, the game will lose income and noob players will lose interest in this game. most of the mk6 an mk7 players at lower infamy you talking about are just bad. i know u talking about the sealclubers, but any change agasint sealclubers will hurt bad skill pkayers. the best way should be fix the reward system, incourage people to move up
  11. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Then make separate leader boards for all the leagues
    Cryix likes this.
  12. achillesRising

    achillesRising Member

    14 May 2017
    what needs to happen? press caps lock mate it's on
    Miathan, Cryix and A55A51N like this.
  13. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Ha ha ha

    Cryix likes this.
  14. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    I don’t know how you say that the game is dying. Plenty of players up here. This season i got 4341 infamy, that has been enough to get to top 400-500. Now i am 831 currently.

    And matchmaking is based on ship mk. The total ship mk of each team, not individual ships. Gear score could be implemented in a similar way, but the main factor should be infamy.

    As for offers, i am completely f2p. I have grinded 2 epic t5 weapons, that some top whales get in a week. But if i were to spend any money on this game, i would spend it to an epic big shield, epic container or pearls to buy boosts. I would never use money on skins. Sure, the biggest whales would still buy them. But the medium and low spenders would use their money to something else, and the no-spenders wouldn’t even start spending.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    @Cryix, it was just a joke, dude, chill!
    Cryix likes this.
  16. Cryix

    Cryix Well-Known Member

    20 Sep 2017
    Lol....m not angry bro....just protecting my image. xD
    The Otherguy and xxxBISMARCKxxx like this.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It was funny tho, right? Lmao
    The Otherguy and Cryix like this.
  18. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017
    I’d prefer to not have to start another game from scratch. Gameloft goes through cycles of making a new game yearly for each franchise that they break and let die. Selling disney and minions is more important than supporting their (good) franchises like asphalt or dungeon hunter with properly managed games instead of building new broken crap. They are the EA of mobile anyways so i’ve stopped that.

    I wont play pubg or fortnite. Wargaming did plenty to run me off their games before warships even got released as well with hitskins, gold ammo for regular credits and russian bias on the tanks (made in Russia).

    I’ve considered war robots as it advertises “millions” of players and I don’t like leauge of legends so I also don’t like vainglory.

    In recent months I have seen battle bay advertisements with a recognized (and probably high payed) voice showcasing the speeder as a fast assasin. But dispite the new players it doesn’t matter anyways if they don’t stay long.

    In the mean time I await a battle nations clone made in Russia called frontier chronicles. Since king bought Z2 games out right before activision bought king and proceeded to delete my earliest and favorite IOS title.
    Last edited: 22 Apr 2018
  19. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Sorry, but this would definitely not work if we were all in the same pool, but if you separate mk1-2, mk3-4, mk5-7 all out in different leagues with their own respective infamy then it might be ok? The reason why all these high mk ships are caught with all the lower mk ships is simple: Battle Bay matchmaking balances mk levels between teams (as of 2.6).
    Low level ships are getting carried because the matchmaking currently balances ship mk levels. What this means is that even though they're using, for example a mk3, your team will always (or usually) be balanced with the others. Let me try and simplify to a 2v2 scenario:
    You | Teammate /VS./ enemy1 | enemy2
    mk3 | mk5 (total =8) VS. mk4 | mk4 (total =8)
    mk4 | mk4 (total =8) VS. mk4 | mk4 (total =8)
    mk5 | mk3 (total =8) VS. mk4 | mk4 (total =8)
    - no matter your mk level, match will always be balanced as a mk score of 8v8.
    So as you can see, upgrading your ship has no real impact on your infamy because as you upgrade your ship, your teammate will in return have to be a bit worse. What DOES have an impact on your infamy at the moment are two things: Skill, and gear. If we wanted to eliminate gear having an impact on a player's infamy, we would simply balance gear score of both teams; it would have a similar effect to what they did with mk levels. But we of course can't have that, we can't let players with low skills stagnate even if they pay big bucks, its frankly not fair and also not a good business model.

    I do hope they revert the changes to MM made in 2.6 which balanced mk levels in matchmaking. It was a mistake of the community to ask for it, and tons of people have already expressed similar feelings to me. MM was much less of a problem back when it was solely based on infamy :(
    _devill, HARPO!, A55A51N and 3 others like this.
  20. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Is that in global ranking? Confused by what those numbers mean.
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