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[Looking for Tips] How to "fix" gaming mind?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ShinkuMoon, 21 Apr 2018.

  1. ShinkuMoon

    ShinkuMoon Member

    16 Dec 2017
    To be more specific, I could use some tips to suppress the pulse to smash my device on the ground and delete BB again if the device is still functioning. I use the term "fix" as I am usually totally fine with the wins & loses, to a point I can laugh away with them. However, there have been times that I need to achieve a certain number of wins in given time while keep matching players that are just... let's just say incompetent. In similar scenarios, I find it hard to keep cool. Just 10 mins ago I suffered an 8-loss-streak. Not a big deal, I know.

    So part of curiosity, part of a break from battles, what do you do usually to calm down when the anger kicks in?

    Disclaimer: I blame the matching system because usually there is no change in my set-up then suddenly all teammates matched become so incompetent that they deal less dmg then I do who is a lowly napalm mk4 fixer. Also, it is extremely frustrating to watch the rest of the game after destroyed hoping the last remaining teammate would win the dual, only to find he/she/it couldn't even lead shots.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    On losing streaks? I for one just stop playing BB and take it out on some noobs in Shadowgun: Legends. Flexing those level 20 muscles... Hell yeah!
  3. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Simply try your best to force yourself to stop and take a break
  4. Aether_Zero

    Aether_Zero Well-Known Member

    6 Feb 2018
    I play better if I'm stoned... Which also means I can take the losses as easily as the wins haha.
  5. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    We all have this problem , once before i lost 800 infamy so i switched to my mini account and lost 500 infamy there.

    And then i realized that infamy doesn't matter ,i know we all play to win and gain infamy but we downloaded the game for fun , so which one come/came first?,

    Now i get mad too when i'm losing a lot but i know i will be back to my infamy , even if that losing was winning then the (getting back to normal infamy, wins) then i will gain a lot of infamy so i will play against all t5 epic and t3,4,5 legendary players and i will lose a lot more infamy

    You can see that most of Nightmare players have 50% win ration ,so they are facing the same let's say problem

    So just play as you want ,do suicidal moves , play like crazy , and win every match you can but have fun first (and you will if infamy doesn't matter for you ) and those suicidal moves will build your skills so that you know how to play in tough situations

    But don't blame matchmaking , because if it range players by their skills you will have good teams by harder enemies so no difference
  6. ShinkuMoon

    ShinkuMoon Member

    16 Dec 2017
    I don't care about infamy either. That is the presumption I made to myself before return to BB. It is about getting quests done or simply farm resources before an item in the market I want to buy expires.

    As for match making, it is significantly better comparing with the previous times when I quit. Still, there are very frequent times that a loadout works all the way up to 1800 where I definitely don't belong considering my gear score and captain levels, then suddenly it drops down to 1200 with literally nothing changed in neither loadout or play style. The only variation that could be brought about is the match making.
  7. ShinkuMoon

    ShinkuMoon Member

    16 Dec 2017
    Just downloaded the game. Looks legit so far. Thanks for your recommendation lol.
    TheAntiSnipe and Djradnad like this.
  8. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    Now why did you reach 1800 infamy if your gear score and captain level isn't for that infamy range ? Because of your skills and you had luck with matchmaking ,if you don't belong there you can't stay there
    ,Maybe your setup and gear score is somewhere between 1200-1800 infamy ,so you are just finding where you belong for now

    before a very long time i was at 1300 and then in 1h i went to 2k infamy and then dropped 1500 infamy and then went to 1600-1700 infamy and i stayed there for ever till i leveled up my items ,etc.... And for you believe me mk4 reached 1.8k infamy is really hard at current time ,
    I have a mini accounts i was facing mk5 with my mk2 at 500 infamy

    , every single hour this game matchmaking will become worse and worse because of new players
  9. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Guilty - Players who go off on their own and get wasted wind me up to no end, especially those who could come to me for heals but don't do, not specifying any ships in particular. A game I really enjoy to distract me is called Music Racer, such a simple and fun game to play by yourself. I'd recommend having a ganders at that though for anyone with light sensitivity / flashing light issues such as epilepsy I wouldn't recommend it.
  10. ShinkuMoon

    ShinkuMoon Member

    16 Dec 2017
    Hmmm this is an interesting interpretation I suppose.

    I actually stayed 1700 - 1800 for quite some time until I tried to do an enforcer-win daily quest, as I needed the sugar, which put me down to 1500ish. After I switched back to my good old fixer, things just went down. My play style relies heavily on strategy and positioning, in which case so long at least 2 of the teammates know about target priority, leading shots and regular minimap checking it is fairly easy to outplay mk5 or even mk6 unfriend fixers(rare but there were times) and win a battle. Come to think about it, higher infamy tends to hold better players who possess those qualities plus challenging unfriends could make the battle a lot more fun even if those were losses.

    Anyway I guess matchmaking doesn't deserve too much blame but it could be pretty frustrating for sure.
    ToR P2 likes this.
  11. Djradnad

    Djradnad Well-Known Member

    11 May 2017
    the unfortunate fact is that you are going to get bad teamates at any level ( albeit nightmare is a little better) and it will delay your infamy gain/balancing out.

    Based on what you said you are just as much a culprit as changing your setup probably made you lose where you could’ve won, that being said there is nothing wrong with trying a different setup as long as it isn’t way underpowered.

    Still hoping for 5man fleets to come out for the anniversary XD
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Turn off the shoot button, and I swear you'll have more fun m8
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    All you can do is stop playing until you are ok with losing a bunch more games. At that point I remind myself that lower infamy will mean easier matches and more rewards at some point, which could be days out, but it will come... typically after even more frustration. It helps to have a fleet mate to vent with, even if, after a time, one or both of you will call it with "If I continue playing I will chuck my phone into the wall"

    The issue happens primarily when you NEED to win a few matches and have 30 minutes to do so... pressure goes up, then teammate after teammate cowboys off and dies in the first 20 seconds, leaving you under-manned, then Napalm comes pouring in, you try to escape, a wave stalls you in the middle of two Napalm circles, against a wall, and auto-aim refuses to lock on the boat right in front of you with 100HP left, and you die without landing a final shot.

    Keep it casual and treat wins as a bonus. It's hard... very hard. Today I had two fleet sessions, both of which started off with a bunch of matches with our team being completely out-gunned.. it was just frustrating and I started questioning whether to break up the fleet. Then in a flick of a switch we found ourselves on the other side for match after match, demolishing our opponents one after another. It makes you wonder, and it makes you feel that matches can be largely out of your control. Remind yourself that this is supposed to be fun, and that item you've been waiting for 6 months is still months out, and there's really no hurry to get anywhere... just play.
    ShinkuMoon likes this.

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