Did you just randomly type numbers and percentages for buffs/nerfs without having any prior knowledge of critical and actual ingame statistics/data
For the defender you said: Decrease the size of the ship, and increase hp by 5%
"Decrease the size of the ship",
Why, does it get in your way?
Ever tried sailing around the damn thing, hell, you even can go straight through it without it distorting your set-course of motion.
fyi, defenders up in nightmare can max out their health @ 23000hp, I've been there, I've seen it and I tell you. THEY DONT NEED A 5% buff.
Sorry for being blunt, but why one earth would you want them to decrease the fixers base hp?
- There is absolutely no reason for that whatsoever
- They increased it for a reason (I.e pulse got nerfed making the fixer too vulnerable)
- The fixer is the only ship that can't equipt a BIG SHIELD at later tiers.
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"Decrease hp (skipping part of the quotation)
so that there are more options in the game"

Excuse me?
Please explain
1. How does decreasing the fixer's base hp by 5% (for all 'mks') open up more "options" ingame
2. What sort of options will it open to players that the game lacks so far?
In my 10 months of playing BB I've never come across a single player who says:
"Ah shit the options in the game are SO limited, because the fixer has 5% more hp than necessary"
I can't be bothered to go through anymore of your 'balance' changes, as the ones I've pointed out so far, make zero sense.
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Note to self: If ROVIO releases this as v3.0 patch notes, I.e no new content, nothing but more buffs/nerfs and (terribly thought-out)
Ship. I don't care my lvl 42 captain or the fact thay ive been grinding my life away for 10months , ill fucking quit this game, because if ROVIO can't bring new content for their "special anniversary" then they'll never bring anything to the table for future updates except for buffs and nerfs.
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