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ENFORCER Loadouts & Discussion

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Munnin, 5 Jun 2017.


What do you think?

  1. Could actually be effective

    4 vote(s)
  2. It's an illusion of yours

    1 vote(s)
  1. Munnin

    Munnin New Member

    23 May 2017
    Newbie here,
    After going up to 850 infamy with a Fixer, I decided to play enforcer since I got it to Mk3 and wanted a bit of a change, so I thought I'd share my thoughts with you guys.
    The thing is I fundamentally don't have a clue how to optimise the enforcer at this stage, I watched the most entertaining "battle bay with Porthos" vids where you can see pro Mk6 Enforcers and I understand it, but what about getting there?
    I tried the following setup for a short while and I seem to be consistently stacking up more wins than losses, although I'm not really sure why it works (or if it works at all lol, maybe it's just been a string of good luck huh?).
    Care to share your opinion?

    Enforcer Mk3
    Lvl 8 Rare Sniper Cannon (12.5% crit,173 dmg)
    Lvl 2 Epic Big Berta (330 dmg) + 4.5% Increased dmg to Slowed Enemies Uncommon Perk
    Lvl 6 Uncommon Frost Launcher (-19.3% Snare)
    Lvl 1 Rare Big Shield

    I've found myself playing a "tanky" enforcer of sorts (1899 HP), it is obviously slow as fuck without overboosts or turbo (0.79), but I've noticed this tends to be an advantage since I am always left behind the rest of my team when the shooting starts and I am less targeted for it. Nevertheless, it is not a problem to stay in range of my enemies for my items to target them. The drill then is to fire the frost launcher and slow as many unfriends as possible, then quickly follow up with the Big Berta. The Sneaky sniper cannon usually comes last unless there is a very clear shot right away. I might die at a point where the baddies are halfway dead or survive until the end, but very seldom get raped first thing. More often than not I find myself pressing enemies to retreat or supporting kills with fellow shooters, in a way that really feels like "enforcing". I am under the impression that even at low total dps, the fuckery the slowing brings (especially against speeders) disrupts the other team's gameplay enough to make a noticeable contribution.
    Usually I will get 2 stars and rank 3rd to 5th in my team, with total dps ranging 900-1800 approx. So the questions are, am I really doing something worthwhile for my team which is leading to more wins, or have I just been quite lucky and playing with above-average skilled shooters?
    Last edited: 5 Jun 2017
  2. Jabynator

    Jabynator Member

    30 May 2017
    If you really only do 900 - 1800 damage, you're not really helping your team
    Unless you soak up many shots from the enemy (which you don't do as you said)
    So, you basically don't soak up shots for your team
    You don't heal your team (only fixer can do this btw lol)
    And you don't do as much damage as others do

    I would suggest using something else but the Big Berta and I would switch the Frost launcher for an Overboost or a Tesla shield
    Just do more damage with higher DPS weapons
    Who cares about one-shot damage -
    DPS is important!
    One Cannon has twice the amount of DPS as a Big Berta
    Just think about it...

    Keep battling,
  3. Miroo

    Miroo New Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Your setup is okay but a bit under level. That was actually my setup when I started playing enforcer, but I used swift torpedo instead of a sniper cannon and recently switched to sniper after realizing having both big berta and a torp wasn't providing reliable damage.

    The thing with enforcer is that it benefits greatly from mobility. It has low health even with shields and a surprisingly low move speed so you can be gunned down faster than shooter and even fixer. I'd put either a turbo on and upgrade crew members towards health perks or use frost blaster with an overboost. I started climbing quite a bit after I put both turbo and overboost on.

    Also, because of enforcer's superior turn speeds it's meant to be played more aggressively. You'll earn more stars staying close to enemies and do more damage because your mortar shells will have less time to travel so unfriendlies will be hit closer to the impact zone. Staying behind allies and avoiding being targeted is more of a fixer's play style or a shooter's if there is a defender. Enforcer should be dodging shots out in front much like a speeder would but still let them do the distracting and don't venture as far away from your team as speeders do either. Enforcer's are also great at crowd control with all those yellow slots which it sounds like you've already gotten down.

    As for what Jabynator said, dps is important but unless you're playing shooter, you shouldn't worry too much about dps unless you're consistently coming in fourth or fifth every match.

    Also it's not true that cannon has double the dps of a big berta. It is slightly lower than a cannon's but once you factor in bonus damage to frost and the 30% bonus on direct hits, it ends up being much higher. Not to mention that large splash radius allows it to hit lots targets at once.
  4. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    i've just get the MK4 enforcer, and use it at middle/close range. i'm thinking like you that enforcer is good for harassment.
    my build is like this :
    epic grenade 10
    epic canon blast 20
    was before with canon and blast canon, it's easier, but seem dps drow
    next slot weapon : flare gun? mortar? canon? why not canonade for harassment?

    rare teslabolt 10 (really useful, 6,3s of stun)
    uncommon frost launcher 30... (-29% speed)
    sometimes i use my rare frost blaster 10 (-37.2% speed), but seem team like much more launcher
    next slot : tesla shield/overboost/nitro/frost blaster...not sure

    epic standard shield 10 (2 slot of defense, got 20 defense not so bad, necessary in close fight, my 2 cents)
    rare turbo 20 (32% increase, it give me 1.02 speed) without it's 0.82 on my build.... too slow. (maximum is 1,37 for enforcer MK4 in my build)
    next slot : no idea... gear? lube? another turbo?

    for me it's a good support especially with a defender, do a good amount of damage, need good defense and good speed.
    i like test different build, but if someone got advice i take them

  5. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Frost blaster is a great weapon for enforcer. Allows you to facilitate a huge amount of damage if your teammates recognize who's slowed.
  6. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    i've done more test, blaster is better than launcher (in my build), so totally true, and it's really dangerous against a speeder.
    i like kill speeder (like all enforcer)

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