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Yellow Item Suggestion- Sonar Shot

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by StillOP, 10 Apr 2018.


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  1. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    Hi friends. I'm posting to talk about my new yellow item idea- the Sonar Shot. Now this may have been posted before (not to my knowledge).
    The Sonar Shot would be a 1 cost yellow item. It would stick to an enemy, and reveal them to all unfriends for a period of time if hit. The arch and speed would be similar to a blast cannon.
    Like other yellow items, if hit, the effect would be removed.
    When you upgrade the Sonar Shot, you will increase the time the unfriend is revealed. Some levels would not give an upgrade to time because the period of time would not be very high (having "wall hacks" for longer than 10 seconds would be too over powered).
    Extra: There could also be a launchable sonar station (two cost) that has a set amount of health and has 1st shot protection shield to it. Levling this item would increase health. There could also be health perks to it. There would be a set number of pings or scans it can perform. It would only reveal the unfriends for the area they are in currently, and that would stay until the next scan (unless you are already in view of the unfriends).
    Edit: Snapshot helped me develop my idea.
    Thank you so much for reading through my suggestion. Please comment anything related to this.
    Last edited: 10 Apr 2018
    Cryix, NoTtIaN, HAPPY SITHSHA and 2 others like this.
  2. Neptune_Gaming

    Neptune_Gaming Well-Known Member

    26 Oct 2017
  3. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I like both ideas.

    For the sonar station though, I would absolutely make it destroyable. In my head I'm toying with a model like "When you first shoot it is has an arming time. During that time it is very easy to kill and it hasn't turned on yet to reveal any enemies. So if they are on the ball they can just beat it down again promptly. If they aren't paying attention, however, then the thing arms and two things happen. It starts giving the enemy locations AND it arms a shield. Now it's a lot harder to cut down but it would still die quickly to focus fire... just as any ship would.

    I'm trying to give the enemies an incentive to nail the thing right now but still a way to clear it once it's there.
  4. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    That is an incredible idea. For the Sonar Station, it shouldnt level up time, rather it would level up health! There should be a set number of pings on that one. Thank you for replying!
  5. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I like that. It should have a time limit on it but it ought to be designed with the expectation that it will die before that limit unless the other team are potatoes.

    I'm always in favor of things which require active response rather than passive things. This way the sonar buoy isn't much of a threat to a team which is on the ball (like all weapons really) but could be disastrous if ignored.
  6. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Love the idea, it’s really cool. But I think it should work more like a sonar instead of a beacon. So when it hits an object it will send out a sonar wave that will show enemy ships while the wave moves over them. I think it should be either a repair bolt type projectile or mortar type. I also think when you upgrade it then you’ll upgrade the radius the sonar travels. I think a beacon would be too OP to deal with. But still great idea.
  7. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    @Admiral DJ
    I don't see the item revealing the ship for more than 6 seconds. Also when they are hurt the effect goes away
  8. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    Yes but how long until they get hurt? Also the way you describe it will make it useless in battle seeing as face to face combat will always lead to them getting hurt and taking the beacon off. This mortar/repair bolt shot will make it very good at starting off matches. Where as if you have to shoot some type of beacon off them then it will rarely stay on them long
  9. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    That's the point, it's to reveal the enemy and thier team (the sonar shot)
    And to not be on them the entire time
  10. Admiral DJ

    Admiral DJ Well-Known Member

    27 Nov 2017
    You don’t understand what I’m saying. The beacon type method would make it very hard to use and people wouldn’t want to use it because it would be ineffective. The sonar idea itself is great tho
  11. super_sonic181

    super_sonic181 Well-Known Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Somewhere on EARTH!
    And tesla shield would resist that sonar shot like Tesla bolt does with that Tesla shield.
  12. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    Yes. Thanks for addition.
    super_sonic181 likes this.
  13. StillOP

    StillOP Member

    19 Nov 2017
    So you mean put a beacon on thier head and let the unfriends see it over waves? I think I get it (correct me if im wrong)
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I like it! I would need a serious duration to be used over other yellow items though. Or perhaps have some secondary effect (fx increase next hit taken by x %).

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