I guess this thread can help us to learn from other players mistakes

Please post only your own mistakes and write what you were intenting to do at the moment, we can't know for sure what our teammates were thinking or if there was some problem on their devices.
I'll start with my worst game, today. It was full of bad decisions:
My team had a big blue, three reds and me (as a banana boat), I started trying to envision my shooters and to attract one or two enemies to my defender have some fun.
Then I started to play bad lol
1 - I went too close to the wall what gave me some movement restrictions. If it wasn't my rudder, Angle Turtle's torp and Blast Cannon would make me to find the creator right there

2 - I didn't look at the mini map before attack Angle Turtle by the second time, if I did I'd probably retreat instead of having to deal with TGMPoke on the other side of the iceberg, I guess that was my bigger mistake because I ended being forced to left my saviour defender all by himself because of my low health.

3 - I came back to try to help and I did help the other team to sink my teammate BinarySolo earlier by hitting a mine inside my teammate's napalm

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