Not the best video, since it only compares their base stats, which get a lot more dissimilar to each other when you factor in Crew buffs. If you build for one or the other, it becomes vastly more powerful than the other choice. At base, Sniper is almost always a better choice, since it's damage is only slightly lower but otherwise has better stats across the board. If you build for Sniper, the base damage barely goes up, but it's critical chance and damage skyrockets. However, if you build for Blast, it gets massive base damage, giving it more usefulness for it's consistency. The differences become pretty noticeable at a reasonably low level, since Bhurt is the first crew member, so I don't think comparing their no-Crew stats is fair.
Personally, I wouldn't recommend using both of them (after you get the hang of the game and have tested both). I think it depends on what ship you prefer. If you're on a Shooter or Fixer, you should probably stick with the Sniper, but if you're on an Enforcer, Speeder or Defender, Blast is probably a better option. Reason being that if you plan to stay further away from the fight, Sniper is better by far, since you can shoot from outside every other gun's range and your shot is more likely to hit because of the projectile speed. However, if you're regularly going to be any closer than that, Blast's more consistent damage will serve you better since, when you're in danger, you want the best bang for your buck without any of it being based on RNG.
Plus, at the range Blast fires from, it's easier to take advantage of Bhurt's cannons-on-ignited-enemies buff (if you build for that). Hitting with a Fire Bomb, much less a Flare, from Sniper range isn't the easiest thing in the world, so it's a moot point for that gun most of the time. With a Blast, it could lead to crazy damage numbers very easily. For a Sniper, well, you just have to be happy with your crazy criticals (don't worry, they get pretty crazy, especially when you fire from a range of over 40

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