Firstly, please try to get over yourself. The only thing ‘comical’ in this thread, is the massive disconnect between ‘how clever you think you are’ and ‘how clever you actually come across’.
Your method of argument is only appropriate if we’re in highscool, and you’re the prettiest cheerleader. Since neither of those conditions have been met, please try to have a discussion like a grownup, and ditch the spiteful commentary (I can promise you, no one is impressed by it).
@TheAntiSnipe provided data. That data clearly supports the point I was making: “sniper is overrepresented”.
His personal opinion on the matter doesn’t change the data, so my argument isn’t dependant on him agreeing, or hurt by him disagreeing. Why are you even bringing it up, let alone acting like it’s some kind of spectacular refutation? If you aren’t able to distinguish between data and people, then maybe debate isn’t for you.
Lastly, I suspect you’re actually wrong about that too.
@TheAntiSnipe has been very diplomatic on the subject (he kind of has to be). However, he has consistently supported making changes to Sniper (especially the skill tree), and has made topics in the past suggesting possible ‘balance changes’ (which you would interpret as nerfs).
I’m not saying he agrees with me 100% (lately he’s been talking more about compromising), but that doesn’t mean he agrees strongly with you either.
If you really believe arguments can hinge on what
@TheAntiSnipe says, then maybe you should actually listen to him, rather than putting words in his mouth.
Edit: (and follow his YouTube channel

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