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Stop shooting Fixers first

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Netsa, 5 Jun 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Unless the Fixer is low level, Mk 1 or 2, you should really be killing the Shooters first. They are doing way more damage and will go down in the same amount of time, if not faster. Even if you can kill the Fixer in record time, you could also probably kill that Shooter in record time.

    Same goes for Enforcers and Speeders. Defenders negotiable.
  2. Jabynator

    Jabynator Member

    30 May 2017
    Playing fixer comes at a cost...
    That's all I can say
    I mean that boat's fun and all, but playing it can't just be as easy as (~insert very boring and easy to do activity here~)

    Welcome to the world of supporters, my friend

    Keep battling,
  3. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I don't know what you mean. I wasn't criticizing Fixers, I was telling people to stop shooting at Fixers.
  4. Jabynator

    Jabynator Member

    30 May 2017
    And I didn't think that you were criticizing fixers, I only wanted you to know that they won't stop shooting fixers, because an enemy Fixer is far too dangerous for your team to ignore and if you destroy the fixer, destroying the other enemies becomes WAY more easy, so why would I let the fixer live?

    Btw this post only encourages people to shoot fixers, especially those who are not so good at the game
  5. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I didn't get that from your previous post at all. Why does my post encourage people to shoot Fixers? I can always edit it if it's just worded that badly.

    Also, I disagree. The enemy team becomes easier to kill if you destroy the Fixer, but a good Fixer also never dies. They know what cover is and they use it. Meanwhile, any random Shooter will unload his cannons into you while you're distracted, netting him an easy win. If Fixers were dumb enough to be out front or flanking, never backing down or running away, fearlessly firing away with a single, long-cooldown weapon, totally forgetting they even brought Duct Tape with them, relying on their Common Band-Aid for sustenance, then yeah, blow them out of the water. Alas, most Fixers aren't that bad and don't exactly rush out there to get instakilled. In other words, unless the Fixer is particularly squishy, it's probably best to take care of the damage-dealers first since Fixers by themselves aren't very intimidating.

    Let's say two Fixers and the rest of their team are just sitting in a solid ball on the water, and no one on your team has any AoE. If you focus your attacks, you can kill almost any target there within about the same amount of time, sans Defenders and Speeders, who will go down slower and faster respectively. If you kill the Fixer first, everyone left will go down faster than they did before. However, that leaves them with most of their damage potential intact. If you kill a Shooter first, everyone will take the same amount of time to kill as they did at the start, but with their damage potential significantly cut.

    Both approaches make them easier to deal with, but I think cutting their damage is a better option than cutting their regeneration.
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Matchup dependant - My nightmare are the games where two well geared speeders work together and remove me (Fixer) from the game in about 10seconds.

    In other scenarios I will agree with you though, it will often be more beneficial to just focusfire on whomever gets isolated in a too brave position.
  7. GunnyHiGHway

    GunnyHiGHway Member

    5 Jun 2017
    When you have an all dps team vs a team with a fixer, you HAVE to kill that fixer asap. You cannot beat a team thats gettinf heals and youre not.

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