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WE NEED Item trading facility In Battle Bay WITH Friends and Global.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by RAJOAN REDOY, 29 May 2017.


    RAJOAN REDOY Active Member

    12 May 2017
  2. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    that will make legedary items more prevalent. just make sure the legendary items is non tradable. :)
    RAJOAN REDOY likes this.
  3. Raissa tito safaraz

    Raissa tito safaraz Active Member

    18 May 2017
    Well this is would be great idea but i havent found a kind of this feature in another game. But i love this idea
    RAJOAN REDOY likes this.
  4. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    I like trading as much as the next guy -- and I'd hate to play Devil's advocate -- but the economy of this game as it stands is so completely incompatible with any trading system conceivable that it makes oil and water look like a happy couple. The way the progression system works would have to be completely reimagined to accommodate such a change.

    For example: The market gives you options for items and 'restocks' its shelves every so often (never paid attention to the number). How would a trading system where every could barter/buy items from other players with gold affect the market? The market would probably as a result be made far less useful. Why buy from the game market when wealth could be perpetually circulated around the playerbase? The market would probably only be worth buying the occasional parts you need or maybe even a weapons perk if no one happens to have one at the time.

    A highly restricted system that, say, only allows bartering with guild or friend members and can't trade items above X value also has impacts on the economy of the game as it's set up: I recycle certain weapons since I think they are an abomination. Why, however, would I do that when there's another player who LOVES this weapon and will use it, and upgrade, hug it and love it and call it George? Then they could take it, give me their items that are practically rubbish to them (although equal in value as far as the game is concerned). I do exactly what I would have done to the item he loved had there been no trading (scrapped it), and he got this item while effectively bypassing the entire economy this game is currently based off of. We both win, but the house has undoubtably lost. That's not good for business.

    TL;DR: I think it's safe to say I as much as anyone love trading systems, but the game as it stands could not simply have it tacked on; it would need to be reworked. Reworking a system like that would require many hours of development that could be otherwise allotted to an immensely more profitable endeavor. Besides, even if for some reason they did decide to do it, expect to wait a long time. That rework would would take umpteen hours to complete.
    Recent, CrizR, Kakashi911 and 4 others like this.
  5. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    good idea, trading would really be helpful especially when items are gotten randomly most of the time. we get things we dont need and other people get things that we need, so trading makes sense in this game.
    Lamentaa and RAJOAN REDOY like this.
  6. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I hate to admit it, but I agree with @RangerCA ...
    This game simply cannot handle a trading system with hows it's set up.
    I truly think that the only thing that would possibly work with how the game is currently set up, is to allow players to trade pieces for better pieces and vice versa. Meaning, 10 common parts for 1 uncommon. 10 uncommon for 1 rare. etc etc.
    Trading would truly eliminate the "market" (which I actually have come to utilize on a daily basis) and legendaries would become the new uncommon...You'd see players wanting to "buy" pieces for real money outside of the game and Rovio would not be able to control the balance of weapons in the game. It allows players to buy them which is fine to me but currently, it'd get out of control and the forums would be busting at the seams of players complaining because some mk2 shooter has a legendary sniper cannon and kills the whole team.
    Right now, it just isn't smart to add trading.
    Miathan and RAJOAN REDOY like this.

    RAJOAN REDOY Active Member

    12 May 2017
    Thanks for ur support

    RAJOAN REDOY Active Member

    12 May 2017
    THANK U every one for ur Support
  9. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I think it would be great but, sadly, P2W games don't trade. Anything that would make it easier to advance likely will not be added to the game.
    RAJOAN REDOY likes this.
  10. TTrain

    TTrain Member

    26 May 2017

    As cool and fun as this would be RangerCA is pretty much right on. Its crazy because I had came up with this same idea a week or two ago and was talking about it in VIP chat, and some well known long time players were making the same points as RangerCA... BUT after some pondering later on, I think I may have came up with a way where it would work for everyone, wouldn't mess up the market or make it irrelevant/useless, and the devs would still make money and wouldn't lose anything, and we get a little somethin to :) I'll try to keep it short and stick to the main idea and points. It's actually quite simple and not long or complicated. But anyway! So here's my pitch...

    • First - ~ You could make it so you can only trade between your Guild. This would at least make joining and being part of a Guild not pointless, which I feel like there's not really a point now unless I'm missing something, but I digress ;)

    ~ Or you could be allowed to trade with everyone, You could also break it into different groups such as, Infamy levels, Captain Level, League Level, etc. You get the idea. Moving on... :p

    • Second - ~ You and another player are allowed to trade one item for one item, doesn't matter if it's a Red, Yellow, Blue, etc.

    ~ Once you complete the trade, a timer or countdown starts (you could also have an option where they get to choose out of 3 different amounts of time or just one universal amount). I would say this would be just a few hours, probably not more than 12, but who knows. Also, you receive the item you traded for at its 1st level as if you had bought it from the shop or got it from a crate. Even if the player you traded with had his leveled up, evolved, w/ perks etc. ^^^^^Important!!!^^^^:rolleyes:

    ~ During the countdown of the timer, you can use the item that you got when trading just as if it is yours. You can level it up, evolve it, put perks on it, etc. But whatever materials you use, you're not gonna get back. :oops::mad:

    • Third - ~ Timer runs out suckaahh! :eek:

    ~ Now here's the kicker, if you haven't caught on already. Once the timer runs out both players will receive their item back in their inventory as it was before they had made the trade, so just like nothing ever happened. :confused:o_O

    • The point - ~ So doing it this way pretty much makes it almost as if the players never traded item, so no negative effects, but at the same time it lets us try out items that we may have been wanting to try out or debating to buy, but aren't sure if it's worth it, or if we will like our purchase, or if we will regret it. So doing this give us the opportunity to try things we may not have been able to previously, but at the same time doesn't affect the market negatively, or make the devs totally rework and redesign the system and game.

    • Final Thoughts - ~ There would have to be some type of restriction, or the way you set up who can trade with who, because you cant have a brand new player come in and trade with some one that gives them an Epic or even a Legendary item for one of their common items. Obviously they'd be doing this to help out the brand new player, but this would definitely make things unbalanced and would need to be taken into consideration.

    • Alternative - ~ One other idea I had was, there could be a certain type of battle that you would Opt. into, but basically you'd be battling for your pink slips (kinda) o_O:confused:;) So if you're not an OG :cool: what that means is you're basically battling for keeps. Before the match each player would have to bet an item. There would probably have to be some kind of minimum or floor where you have to bet at least an Uncommon or Rare and above, and/or the item has to be above level x.

    ~ Then when the battle is over, each player on the losing team would have 1 less item, and each player on the winning team would have one more item :) Just an idea. And there could be many variations, or additions to this idea, but this is way too long already. :oops::mad::rolleyes:

    Let me know what you guys think! I'd love to hear back. It may not be perfect, or even close, but I feel like it's at least a start where we get to trade, but with minimal negative effects. Sorry it's way longer than I was anticipating, But thank you for reading, I appreciate it! See you out there on the Bay! My IGN is TTrainn by the way! :cool:;)

    mammoth1946 likes this.
  11. RangerCA

    RangerCA Member

    23 May 2017
    That's a good idea. It would be nice to see what an epic carronade is like before I bother assigning carronade perks or Swift talents. However, why would that need to be a trading system when it could be implemented as a trial system in the market? That may eliminate the player to player trading anyways while still being more efficient.

    That could be interesting for the more daring players (although this probably still speeds progression too quickly compared to how the system is set up now) if they want to gamble on their matches, but I think this might increase floating reports to people who legitimately crash since some people placed more at stake. As a result, it would probably just breed more rage in a game some people already take way too seriously. Definitely doesn't seem like it could hurt, but eh, when you factor in the good ol' humans... =P
    TTrain likes this.
  12. maybe not

    maybe not New Member

    19 May 2017
    Furthermore you should only be able to trade items of the same rarity, stopping players getting items more powerful than they should have for where they are in the game.
  13. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    I truly don't think trading would be beneficial to the game...
    The reason being...common, uncommon, and rare items would lose their value and become obsolete. Epics and Legendary's would become to new uncommon.
    Then the only thing to focus on would be the ships and there's only 6 levels...not much progression there.
    Once all this is in place, everyone would have the weapons they needed, materials would cease to have a purpose, the market wouldn't be needed (because perks would be traded too)...
    And chests would be pointless.
    You see guild mates trading items for power leveling...you'd see gold/sugar farmers popping up...you'd see people buying items on shady websites for real money...
    It would fall apart.

    The way the system is set up now, it's not needed or necessary.


    An option!!!
    Allow guild to donate pieces to each other or materials.
    Max 1 piece a day (No legendary)
    Material donations are based on the guild level and the players captain level.
    **********That's an option. But trading isn't needed.************
    TTrain, mammoth1946 and lolawola like this.

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