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Infamy manipulation spoils the fun for most

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 7 Apr 2017.

  1. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Seal clubbers (players who intentionally lower their rating to compete against weaker opponents) are ruining this game. It is becoming more and more common and is even boasted about and recommended in global chat. The current system is based solely on infamy and is easily manipulated, the matchmaking system must become more comprehensive. So far every time I have raised this issue there has been no small amount of pushback from the devs. I think that's because to them it's a non-issue. They all have powerful boats with powerul weapons and ample enough infamy to stay above this particular problem. So here's my challenge to them. @Zeus @Miika get out of the ivory tower and start a new account to get some true perspective on exactly what it's like to be a low-mid level player in your game. I think you'll find it's quite different from what you expect.
  2. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Well that was an easy challenge, as the devs already have multiple accounts in the game on different levels. We just use only our "main" accounts for talking because otherwise we can't be incognito in our other accounts and it would affect the experience if others would know who are devs.
  3. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I'm glad you're being thorough. Are there plans to alter the matchmaking system to prevent abuse?
  4. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    There are no plans currently because we are not aware of any clear way of improving the situation. However, we are banning people for most blatant abuse already.
    KURNI, qySatas, dikshift and 6 others like this.
  5. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    You're exploring options, that's the important part. I'm sure the collective brain power of the devs will find a solution.
    Nefuah likes this.
  6. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    whats the point of dropping infamy? I don't get it... I guess to get the 15 wins in a row achievement... but rewards are less at lower leagues and it really makes no sense. This isn't CoC. Or am I missing something?
  7. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    The rewards are about the same when you factor in the bonuses awarded for outclassing the competition. Add in the star rewards and they're profiting quite a bit. And as long as they raise their infamy at the end of the season they can maintain their league bonus %
  8. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Oooh. Yea, I've seen a number of players do this. Lame. But hey, it makes me a stronger player when I beat their manipulating tails. Muahaha.
  9. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I guess the right way to "fix" this is to just make it never ever worth while to battle in lower battles where you belong.

    Of course there are still grievers who would do it just to annoy other people but those can be much more easily then handled by banning.
    JustinBeaver likes this.
  10. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Honestly sometimes I'm so really want to lower my Infamy too,do you know why?
    When you're only mk4 ship reach 3,000 infamy have to battling against mk5-6 with their levels Hp twice or more it's tiring and fell disadvantaged it was fun at start and until 200-300 games it isn't (Feel like dead weight for team sometimes)
    That's one reason make me want to drop infamy down.( but I'm didn't do it )
    For another player who does it maybe they're might feel the same way as I'm as well.
    Some people have no idea how hard it's when fighting against those high levels and Mk5-6 ships,your skill play won't help much when your unfriends have 5,000-13,000 hp bigger guns when you're only 3,000 hp and smaller guns.(only for me I'm guess)
    Last edited: 8 Apr 2017
  11. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well i have to disagree in one point. I like to play all my ships. But i like to compete anyways. If i want to use my fixer i _have_ to drop infamy simply because my items are low. If i switch back to my shooter i will burst thought the leagues until i am back. Will i get banned for this? Hope not.
    StormBlazet likes this.
  12. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    It is different to drop in infamy because your items are worse on another ship than intentionally be AFK in hundreds of battles in a row just to drop in infamy. As long as you are fighting and not intentionally ruining the game for the other players then your are fine.
  13. Rusty Scupper

    Rusty Scupper New Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Hello there battle bay players and devs,
    After the new update, this is the very first time I have considered losing matches intentionally to lower my infamy and go to a lower league. I have spoken with other players, good players, who are also considering doing the same thing. I think the main reason is simply to get an easier bonus at the end of 2 weeks...even if we don't finish number 1 we still get something...it feels like it is the only way to know you can actually get some real payoff....and it is a risk as I suppose I will be playing against the same people who had the bright idea of my moving down a league. The poor kids who have to just wait till we get back up to the next league will probably have to wait a few months as this pattern repeats itself.

    Why would it repeat itself?

    Simply because it feels like much more of a grind to get new items, much more than before, so players will do it to try to get something, anything they know is within reach.

    I actually feel confident I will finish in one of the top spots simply because I think I play well, not because I have big guns.

    Honestly I feel bad about it myself....losing intentionally is not in my DNA as a gamer (who really loves this game)...it has even made the game boring as I have tried to lower it.....so I suppose that part should dissuade me. In the end the underlying problem with the update is simply that progress on weapon upgrading feels much slower and costly. Perhaps I haven't played enough to figure that out yet but honestly I feel like it just too slow.

    (also making stars so much less valuable really gives us a feeling like they don'the do much for you anymore wherasin the past they really could help you soooooo much)

    Just my 2 cents

    My rambling is now over....
  14. ItsKhalifa

    ItsKhalifa New Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Hey guys sorry to interrupt but i wanted to know when will it come out in the US? Im so excited to play it! Anyone has an apple id i can use to download it?:(
    Nefuah likes this.
  15. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Don't you worry @ItsKhalifa ! This game is going global soon and the developers have mentioned this on Facebook. Look forward to seeing you around! ;)

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Here we go again Mika, that get's me frustrated when devs answer with smart ass remarks like "well that's an easy challenge" or previous replies that go round in circles, i mean did u start up an account after the update ? & because u know already how the game works is an advantage. Isn't it ? I sometimes wish i knew what i know now when i first started as i would have better weapons & only upgraded ships i wanted to use etc etc
  17. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I do not know what more do you want from us. We were challenged to start new accounts which was an easy challenge because we do that regularly already after any meaningful change to the game.
    dikshift, Xenon03, BEN and 5 others like this.
  18. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My challenge to the devs: Give yourselves amnesia, start new accounts, play for a month, then take the red pill and compare notes.

    (Disclaimer: the red pill works every time 50% of the time)
  19. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I have one:
    Try a mk4 ship around 2700 infamy and enjoy being deadweight filler in half your games.

    Perhaps its time to increase the infamy reset to something higher than 3500? Or allow higher queue time for those 4-4.5k players, Im sure they'll have more fun fighting other high end ships rather than slaying cannonfodder.
    HELLRAZOR likes this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    This is what i've been ranting on about, infamy in this game doesn't work for match making. Anything with boats, tanks, planes that upgrade & make stronger while having more weapons will not work. Please listen to us as this will make your game global bliss & you will reap the rewards at the end of the day & you'll be happy that you engaged in our concerns. It would work best if games were matched by a players level where the next level boat can be purchased & have 3 levels within that class. What would really be a game changer that no one else has accomplished is having a free for all
    (players vs players) & in this map there are boats & weapons all equal for hire & a player loads out whatever they choose & game play would be epic while improving their skill.
    Njay07, Bloodbait and SCOOTY PUFF Jr like this.

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