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Someone explain infamy/levels/matcmaking?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Diquaphilius, 21 Mar 2018.

  1. Diquaphilius

    Diquaphilius New Member

    21 Mar 2018
    Hello all,
    Brand new to this game, been playing for about 3 days. I asked this when i was online and got pretty rude responses so i will ask it here.
    How does the balancing of matchmaking work based on infamy and levels? I ask this because as a person who plays ALOT of games, this one seems broken. Like badly broken.

    As i said ive been playing for 3 days. im Level 9 now, i have 1 epic blast cannon, and a few other rare things, All of my boats are mk1. My first 100 games have been pretty fun and enjoyable for the most part. But the last 38 games (roughly) i have gotten 0 kills, at all and haven't had a balanced or fair match yet. I just got over 350 infamy, and i already don't want to sink my time into this game. Why is this happening? Are the leaderboards scewed that bad that people playing for 3000 games are still at my level?

    note: please dont be toxic, as i said, i asked this in general chat and the common response was to invite me to custom game saying "fight me bro" or "lets see how good you think you are" i never said i was good, i just want to know why its happening on day 3....
  2. FirnenAhead

    FirnenAhead Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    The first battles are held against bots, not against players. It's completely normal that you had a great performance then, but now you're suffering against real players.

    It is indeed kinda broken. New players can't do anything good in battle before reaching higher captain levels, getting better gears and upgrading boats to mk3 or mk4. It's not about the leaderboards (Nightmare league doesn't work badly) but about the infamy rank between 500 and 1.5k/2k. A lot of players and a bunch of captain level and gear differences.

    I guess it's not easy and not fun at all to play this way, but I can asure that if you're persistent and keep training your crew (don't ever stop training your crew) you will start to be competitive in a while. And once you're competitive enough, you will enjoy the game a lot. :)
  3. Diquaphilius

    Diquaphilius New Member

    21 Mar 2018
    Thanks for the quick reply! Any (very rough) estimate on how long this takes? i know putting money in the game can alleviate this but i dont want to do that. Ive watched some videos and stuff saying for new players too just focus on getting blue items too start, because they are the best f2p/power option. So i am doing that. Im also saving pearls to get the epic pack for 3k, because bang for your buck. Anything else i should be doing. And/or what i should be spending on what?
  4. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    This game is worth it in the long run. Stick it out and you'll be well readded with a great and fun game.
    YerJokinArnYer and The Otherguy like this.
  5. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Stay as long as you can below until you're about level 20 + as it is a lot harder to climb. Trust me.
    Disguised likes this.
  6. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Don’t scrap epics. Even though it feels like you’ll never be able to use them. Inventory space is expensive but worth it. Try to get 75 stars a day. Ik it’s tough. Don’t spend pearls on training unless you’re full on sugar and ready for the next one. Even then I’d save them for the epic chest. Buy all the rare parts you can afford with gold. Postpone upgrading mk until you’re sure you have the items to fill the new slots. Save as many items as you can as you don’t know how your play style will evolve as you grow
    Rainbow Warrior and The Otherguy like this.
  7. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I know it can be hard for a low level player, but being in a active guild will help a lot. Other tips...
    1. Don't scrap epics till you're a higher level Mk4, as before that, you are likely to switch ships and items several times.
    2. That being said, once you found your build, scrap almost everything else. (Not the almost, keep other builds that you might want to try in mind)
    3. Plan for Mk5/6. Mk5 is the main ship, as you get it (relatively) early, and keep it for a looong time.
    4. Don't worry about push infamy to the highest you can, do your best of course, but don't worry about winning every game... (it's hard to explain, I stayed at 1800 [the easiest infamy for me to maintain] till I found my build, and got t4 rares, the I pushed to 2600, where I ground out, and now I hang around 2400.)
    5. Don't take it too seriously, remember that, at the end of the day, it's just a game. I know that sounds strange, but at higher levels when you know more people, it becomes very absorbing.
    6. Train crew whenever you can till mk5, then keep training your crew, but leveling items gets expensive too, so focusing on leveling isn't bad, as you can get really close to, or if you're good, well into, Nightmare League
    7. Don't let floaters get you down, report them and move on.
    8. You will meet whales, people with Mk6s and t4/5 epics with less than 1500 infamy. This may seem unfair, but if you're careful and work with your team, you will find that they are down there for a reason.
    9. Yes, the match-making isn't perfect, but it works. The devs are working on it, so there is nothing anyone can do about it. Deal with it.
    10. Don't let the Global chat intimidate you. Just because someone says you should be 1000 infamy higher, or have 5000 more battles doesn't mean you should.
    11. T4 rare is the F2P staple. A level 40 rare is better than a level 26 (t3 and a half) epic. Keep that in mind, and don't scrap the rare duplicates of that epic blast cannon till it's t4.
    12. T5 Evolution takes 2 duplicates of an item instead of 1. Keep that in mind.
    13. Lead your shots. Manual aim takes practice, but its very worth it.
    14. Be open minded to new items and combos, they might just surprise you.
    15. Try out every ship by mk4. You don't want to build an entire other build and ship later than that. Unless you have nothing else to do. Then go ahead.
    16. Follow the tips of those who posted while I was typing. :p
  8. Sandz

    Sandz New Member

    20 Nov 2017
    You either play this game like 5 hours a day or spend a stupid amount of money on in-game offers. Feels like the space in between for people who view BB as a small game you play 15-30 minutes to pass the time every now and then is shrinking more and more.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  9. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Lol, the more you play, the more friends you make and the more attached you get. I play about a hour and a half every day.
  10. NietonoPanda

    NietonoPanda Member

    20 Mar 2018
    I agree with you captain. You have to be peristent to get strong, but a lot of newplayers will be discourage to play if it continues like this. Mk5 on lower infamy isn't fun at all.

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