You guys play/played tanki too?
Its an insanely addicting fps i must admit. Not really p2w since there are lots of players around each rank and you can always grow gradually, also buy kits on super good discounts with your hard-earned crystals, and i worked up m3s of firebird, freeze, thunder and isida in around 2 years without paying a cent.
I've spent years playing that, since 2013 till now.
My IGN is Blood_crusader (blood everywhere), wbu?
Here's an old pic of me -
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Was a pretty active player back then (still active) and i remember it was really good with all my friends spamming messages together

Here are random pics of me talking in RU1(heavily flooded) server -
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Guess this one was after i ranked up to gismo.
Here's a pic of my last few rankups too (the final ranks which take months) -
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From a recruit to a generalissimo in just around one year, i've gone through a lot of matches with ridiculous amount of time spent in one game. It was hell addicting and worth the fun i had every round. From matches lasting 15 minutes to 6 hours and heck sometimes even half of the day, the craze was nerve wrecking taking short intervals to go to the toilet only.
Here's a pic including some of my continuous battle records -
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And yes I used to spend lots of time editing and jamming out screenshots and clubbing pics together. Also was an active participator in almost all their contests and made quite a few tanki related stuff.
Here's one pic i drew for 2014 -> 2015's december time new year event - (I was just 15 then)
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But my real pride and happiness lied in my team (m2-3 clan), which i created right way back in 2k13, and we were one of the best families ever.
Here's my team's member list - (yep am the leader)
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Quite a huge list eh? We were one big happy family and god did we have fun. From well organised clan practices on UTC timings to parkour rounds to clan wars and executing our crazy ideas on our favourite maps, we did it all. We were also a former SLTV squad (5 member railgun XP/BP team) going for the big cash league which was aired on russian telly live.
This is a box viewer pic i made of what our main team used to look at one time -
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You can visit our pages for more info and pics of us ( :
Here's the thread link to our clan page in tanki forums (was pretty active there too) :-
The pages go to 94 (yes we have a looong history) where a community moderator (such as grim here) locked the thread for temporal inactiveness on forums, but its still there to view for all forever.
Here's the 94th page -
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We were pretty popular back then and we loved our fans, so we posted clan training pics and other stuff on the forums and other social/discussion platforms.
In fact we even made our own website : (haven't updated in a long while tho)
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