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Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Gamesmith420, 8 May 2017.


Will fixers ever receive compensation for a job well done? And do you think they should?

Poll closed 18 May 2017.
  1. Yes

  2. Maybe? Should definitely be considered!

  3. No

  1. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    Dr. Buzzkill is probably not going to be happy with her friend Feelix if he invents this.
  2. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    He'll live...:)
  3. rlxgenerate

    rlxgenerate Active Member

    10 May 2017
    Booyah! 3 star fixer!
  4. aaaxxd

    aaaxxd Member

    20 May 2017
    I'm surprised that the opponent fixer didn't get a star. He pretty much forced two of your players into 7k+ damages.
    Red Herring likes this.
  5. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I 100% agree. I'm recently new (almost 3 weeks in) so I'm around MK3 fixers and there's so many of them with duct tapes. It doesn't help that draws by surviving isn't viable anymore, even less reason to use one since if the team is dead, you might as well be too.
  6. CrossFireXX

    CrossFireXX New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    well, seeing this topic instantly make me wanna sign up in the forum and add some comment.
    I originally wanted to play as a tanker in this game. but, i had a limmited amount of money to spent on this game that made me a squishy tanker. so, i finally changed my role to fixer besides i luckily luckily got an epic healing pulse.

    So, as a fixer, i think a fixer SHOULD NOT given a reward or any noticeable stat that says the fixer is a MVP or so. Because i think, a supportive role is a special role. Their main job is not to be a game winner. But to make sure the team survive. So, there is no need to show off that a fixer is playing well. Only by keeping all member alive, or keeping an ally with low health survive untill the game end is enough to proove the fixer had some serious skill.

    Thats my opinion on becoming a fixer. not the stats to be the main concern. but how successfull he is to keep their teamate alive by healing or distracting the enemy. because every good team had a skillfull support player.
  7. Fabian Treskow

    Fabian Treskow New Member

    3 Jun 2017
    Yes I think we should get rewards for being awesome fixers ...... maybe a health regenerated thing ie in battle results .... when I go out with fixer , I always end up at the bottom ..... I have one cannon , what am I expected to do ? It sucks , especially when the team wins because of me or some thing .... ok now I'm ranting ... gunna shut up now
    Red Herring and Totoro like this.
  8. Fabian Treskow

    Fabian Treskow New Member

    3 Jun 2017
    When you put it that way it does make some sense ... but I've always been a dominating type of guy and want to be at the top of the board ..... but that's just my opinion
    Totoro likes this.
  9. CrossFireXX

    CrossFireXX New Member

    5 Jun 2017
    so far im playing a multiplayer online game, i always choose to be in a support role either its a tanker support or healer.
    and the best trophy i get, it's not the shining stats displayed at the end of battle. but, the MVP of the game (the best killer mostly) add my account which i rejected mostly because i hates to team up with someone i dont know. The proud of this moment is above everything
    FAILEDKNIGHT likes this.
  10. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    No matter what role I play, I use stats to help me get better. Healing stats are expected for healers. They give me a sense of my performance. They give me some recognition. They would help me immensely in terms of improving my game, helping me to understand the effectiveness of different tactics.

    Support does not mean I should be invisible. Make my contribution public! I am not trying to hide and hope people appreciate me. I want to dominate. I need better public stats to contribute to this goal.

    Should we take all stats away and just hope everyone can appreciate what the others are doing? Give everyone participation awards? Good going Jonny! You're swell!
    Last edited: 5 Jun 2017
    Red Herring likes this.
  11. Mache

    Mache New Member

    21 May 2017
    Guys a question about weapon: is in your opinion napalm launcher good on a MK3 fixer? I have to choce napalm or cannon, i think that with napalm i have to focus less on combat and can focus more on healing
  12. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Napalm is too situational. I can't tell you how many times I have needed a reliable point-and-shoot weapon to finish someone off. If you had two slots with a higher level fixer, then I would understand it.
    Red Herring likes this.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I mostly run Napalm (at Mk5 though) -- Its a great Fixer weapon, but it does leave you completely reliant on your teammates to finish off people & in some games you hardly do any damage at all. I would be wary of using it already at mk3, unless you have a good defender/shooter/(enforcer) to fleet with.

    That being said its a fun weapon to use at higher infamy where you are almost always grouped with capeable dps'ers -- If you (like me) lack a proper damaging weapon then the utility of Napalm might be worth trying out, it works wonders at disrupting the unfriendlies. Its main use it disrupt, force movement & spread chaos, not so much doing actual damage.

    Favourite use's:
    - Shoot behind an unfriendly shooter/defender that has come abit too close to your team, trapping them in the deathzone.
    - Shoot between a wounded teammate & unfriendlies, more often than not they will back off giving you time to get into healing range. (Also works for covering a dying speeder's escape back to safety).
    - Shoot in the middle of a team thats hugging a Fixer, resulting either in panic movement or you dealing loads of damage.
    Totoro and Red Herring like this.
  14. Red Herring

    Red Herring New Member

    19 May 2017
    I originally thought the same thing with with the Napalm launcher, but as Totoro said it is to situational and there are certain places on the map that give cover. I instead shifted goals to Flare Gun it sorta has the same effect for you cause you can fire it and go back to fixing, and its a nice piece to have cause enemies on fire also take more damage from cannons and down Burnices tree it will also make them heal for less.
    Totoro likes this.
  15. Red Herring

    Red Herring New Member

    19 May 2017
    I just wanted to say Brilliant Job!
  16. IOError

    IOError New Member

    6 Jun 2017
    As a speeder I'm always mentally marking where those boxes are put at the beginning because they are often not where the battle is taking place so they are easy for me to get. Second, there is nothing better than screaming out of the back line just to see a box land smack in front of you, and then to get hit with a pulse as you sweep around the back of the fixer and into the fight without ever breaking speed. I've only had it happen a few time but it was awesome. Hats off to the on the point fixers.
  17. XGF

    XGF Member

    11 May 2017
    Just going to post this here because this is called FIXERS UNION.
    I'm going to get a fixer mk.3 soon and i was questioning myself: "should i use a 2 slot weapon?which one?most of them have a long cool down"
    So that's the question
    Is it worth using a 2 slot weapon on fixer?
  18. Robos

    Robos Member

    17 May 2017
    It depends what you have. If you have a much better 2 tier than one tier - yes. If not - maybe. Cannon is awesome and effective but not better than many other. I use blast cannon on my mk3 fixer due to it being tier 3 rare
  19. Whistler

    Whistler Active Member

    2 May 2017
    Use a weapon with which you can get consistent hits, torpedoes are most probably not what you want to have unless you are a god at aiming them or use them in conjunction with something with freeze. Other than that check what suits you, don't worry too much if it is a 1 or 2 points weapon.
    Oh, and don't worry too much about the cooldown either, you won't be shooting much anyway, you are better off with a hard hitting slow recharging weapon most of the time.
    Last edited: 9 Jun 2017
    JJf and XGF like this.
  20. XGF

    XGF Member

    11 May 2017
    Thanks for all the help!

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