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Targeting Crosshairs Overly Sticky

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Bomby McBombface, 2 Jun 2017.

  1. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    Not sure if this is just me, others are having the same issue, or this has been mentioned before.

    But since the recent patch my targeting crosshairs are overly sticky beyond what they were before. They have difficulty switching targets when needed, I can be firing on one person then switch to face someone else in another area, but my crosshairs stay on my previous opponent so my shots go that way instead of where I need them to.

    This has cost me my life multiple times, caused my squad to lose, as well as my loss in damages.
  2. codemonkee

    codemonkee New Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I do find it sticks to a target more then I would like especially when the opponents are close to each other in terms of line of sight but not overlapping.

    Just to double check "Sticky Targets" isn't enabled in the control settings?
  3. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    I do have sticky targets enabled, but this surpasses even that. It used to switch with line of sight, but isn't doing that as frequently, it just sticks to one target even if I'm no longer close to (or looking at) them.

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