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Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kaphora, 1 Jun 2017.

  1. Kaphora

    Kaphora New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    is it just me or am I the only one getting paired up with not so smart teammates? I'm a fixer mostly and they all seem to stray far far away from me. I can't be everywhere at once. This always seems to happen. I've went from 1500+ infamy all the way to 1014 these past two days because my team ends up making bad decisions. For example, going full on into open map where they will surely be bombed out in less than 10 seconds. It's infuriating... anyways that's all, I just wanted to know if this happens to anyone else. I'm sure it does. I just needed to rant about it I guess lol.
    GhostYasuo and Dobson like this.
  2. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I'm playing far lower in infamy but am already seeing this. I have mk2 boats, and if things go well I'm in 700-800 (I think 802 right now), but sometimes when I get a bad teammate streak I'll end up just above 300. Examples of things that happen:

    - someone is AFK
    - 1 person rushes ahead and gets himself killed, causing the following group fight to be 5v4
    - people split up at the start and get picked off one by one, or the enemy kills half the team before the other half reaches the fight
    - fixer doesn't fix, usually caused by either having no repair pulse or no clue about positioning
    - everyone shoots different targets causing all of the enemy boats to take a little bit of dmg and none of them gets close to death
    - matchup is just plain bad, with one side having a strong fixer and the other side having only shooters and defenders

    Most of the time I can already tell that the match is lost after like 20 seconds of play. Nothing you can do about it though. As long as we can't group up with 5 boats, bad teammate streaks will be a thing.
    Raunak, Dfer3nt and Kaphora like this.
  3. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    It happens. And it's not always best to stay in a close group. Some maps are better made for a little bit of splitting up, and being all I a group means you are very likely to get mass bombed by mortars and torpedoes. Plus you block each other's shots. All I can say is hopefully your teammates know what they are best at and equipped for. Dont expect a speeder to sit by you. They are made to runa dn are going ro go lone wolf to distract the enemy. Personally I run cannon, sniper, and blast cannon on my shooter . I need to be in a good line of sight spot. So I often split off a little and try to line up some shots while ducking behind cover while I reload. I always try to stay within a quick run distance of my healer though. And i have a turbo on so i can move pretty quick. I don't expect the healer to stick with me if the other 3 members are somewhere else. I'll come to you if I need healing. I try to keep my boat pointed in a way that I can make a quick run back to me healer if needed.
    My suggestion is if your team splits up a bit pick a shooter or defender to stick near as kind of a base camp. If two friendlies are sticking togather, stick with those two and keep them healed. If you see a ship running back to you with low health move out to meet them a little and maybe tank a shot or two if they are being pursued. I think thats how you can best serve your team and get the win.
    Raunak and Kaphora like this.
  4. Kaphora

    Kaphora New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Wow thank you guys. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one dealing with this. Also, thanks for the great advice from the two of you. Happy battling! :)
    Raunak and KellEl like this.
  5. maybe not

    maybe not New Member

    19 May 2017
    Sometimes you get a team of idiots, sometimes the other team are idiots. It all balances out in the long run so don't worry.
    KellEl and Kaphora like this.
  6. KellEl

    KellEl Member

    15 May 2017
    True that. I've been in plenty of matches where I was the idiot and I feel like my teammates are screaming at me through their phones the same way I've done to others.
    Kaphora likes this.
  7. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    Can't save them all, my suggestion to you is find out who your MVP is and stay by him/her that's your best bet if you have people that strait off. If you have decent team members, they will come to you for healing if they need it.
    Kaphora likes this.
  8. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    im a fixer too and i feel your pain. im at a lower infamy bracket than you so i dont think im qualified to give you advice but i just wanna give you a tip that you might want to try out ... try following a defendef for the whole game. ignore the speeders, enforcers and shooters for the whole game and focus on keeping that defender alive for the whole game. if others need fixing(healing), they should come to you. chasing everyone around will just get you killed anyway. sticking to a defender works best for me. sometimes you get the suicidal defender that dives straight at the enemies but more often you get the more laid back defender teammate who knows what he is doing.
    Raunak likes this.
  9. Kaphora

    Kaphora New Member

    1 Jun 2017
    wow thank you guys some really great advice. Love that everyone is super nice here!
    Miathan likes this.
  10. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    The same thing happened to me today....went from 1482 infamy to like 1240 or something.Im a shooter main and I always stick to the healer but one or the other teammate just goes off alone and gets picked off.Agreed its not always a good idea to stick together but people shouldnt run too far off from the fixer because he will try to follow you to heal which will expose him to enemy fire.And ofcourse people at that infamy level know to focus the fixer.My best games have been when a fixer decided to stay with me and help me leading to a win so I really respect all you fixer mains :)
    Kaphora likes this.
  11. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    It happens to all of us the best think to do is find a player you trust to fleet with then to call out plays together as much as possible
    Kaphora likes this.
  12. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Im sorry i have never seen something more relatable. I have been a fixer this entire game, and have reached 1700 infamy. These past two days I dropped down to 1100. Slowly, ever so slowly have I been coming back up. but i had the same exact problem. the game treated me like a trash fixer and threw me in with trash players. A lot of people will say oh but it is a team game if you dont want ot lose, put in more effort. Look as a fixer you rely on your team. Say the whole team splits up. Sure i can follow one guy, we get trashed and then they pick off the others one by one. Cant go solo, only have one weapon slot. Its impossible, you need good team mates. I understand the struggle, and it has been pissing me off how the game has been putting me with one bad team after another. smh.
    Kaphora likes this.
  13. Raunak

    Raunak Member

    15 May 2017
    Hey guys yeah the it's like a universal problem to all of us especially in lower infamy. I am at 850 infamy and I have a Shooter MK3. I 90% get my performance Upton the mark but my team's aren't much good. They don't listen sometimes if I say "together" . Mostly players play their own game and forget to know that's it's a TEAM VS TEAM NOT AN INDIVIDUAL PLAYER GAME. Hence I was at 909 infamy and was gone straight down to 560 in one day. I was stuck at 600-700 infamy then I anyhow managed to be at warriors 2 that too at the end of the season.

    If even there is just two players good enough in a team u can almost win the battle.

    Hence I also blame the luck of getting a weak team. It all depends on some luck and Ur and urs team performance.

    Like I said it's a universal problem in battle bay.

    Happy battling !!
    Kaphora likes this.

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