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Sugar lost...

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Muahahah, 10 Mar 2018.

  1. Muahahah

    Muahahah New Member

    13 Jan 2018
    My captain level is 32. And till 7 35 am, india time, my sugar capacity was full. I think 100500 sugars. Can't remember the actual value, but it was full. The training of my crew member Brock was supposed to finish at about 9am and i had stored all that sugar to train him to the next level. Now i am seeing that I have 875000 sugar! What happened to the rest?! I don't know whom to report to...
  2. hotwap

    hotwap New Member

    31 May 2017
    some pirates robbed you :(
  3. HARPO!

    HARPO! Well-Known Member

    21 Nov 2017
    I’m a Performer! Television and Stage!
    Are you sure you didn’t spend it on anything? Cause if you did and you’re posting this to get more sugar to upgrade someone else on your tree, then don’t make posts like this.

    Ask the devs if they can refund you the sugar back
    @The Grim Repair

    Finally, was your sugar bar showing you red? Because if it was, then that men’s youre over your limit and you need to use that sugar fast.

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