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Need to adjust infamy gains and losses

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by KellEl, 25 May 2017.

  1. Ar I Am

    Ar I Am New Member

    9 May 2017
    Battle Bay Battler
    T . O .
    IMG_0214.PNG Here's another.

    Dynamicink is a good player, this was just a bad match.

    But based on the infamy reward, one can deduce that the best way to avoid a huge loss of infamy is to do nothing during a match.

    If the infamy reward can vary by +/-1 then why don't the people who help the most get rewarded +1 consistently and the people that help the least lose -1 consistently?

    Imagine knowing that if you won you will get +24 but if you won and kicked ass, you can get +25.

    But if you're one of those players that likes to hide and your team loses you will lose the most infamy.

    If the contribution in a match is fairly equal then everyone gets +24.
    ThirstySeal likes this.
  2. Ar I Am

    Ar I Am New Member

    9 May 2017
    Battle Bay Battler
    T . O .
    IMG_0215.PNG Another!

    What did I do to get 3 stars and +25??? I want to do it every match!!
  3. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    It feels like the variation between +/- 23 or 24 is pretty arbitrary, and not really significant enough to make much of a difference. If a player AFK's or gets whomped in the first 30 seconds but his team wins, it makes sense that his infamy contribution should be measurably lower than his teammates'. Even something like a +/- 20 point baseline with the ability to gain or lose up to 25 points based on individual contribution would go a long way toward addressing players' complaints while not essentially altering the team-oriented design.

    Infamy doesn't ignore the fixer. Ships' total contribution (which number is secret) is calculated on how well they play their part & use their whole load-out. I've gotten 2 stars while dealing less than 500 damage - I actually find it easier to gain stars with fixer than with any other class.

    It'd be nice to see the final game results list players in descending order of contribution rather than of damage - even if there's no real number for contribution displayed. I think it would clear up a lot of folks' confusion on this issue.
  4. PAwn o PiES

    PAwn o PiES New Member

    26 May 2017
    One thing that always irked me was the tendency of earning only two stars, despite doing a good 2700 dmg, and sinking 1 enemy, with the second best coming in at 1450 dmg only. and this one person with only 750 dmg, sinking 4 enemy ships because he executed low health ships constantly. Its just a tad annoying.
  5. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    You only earn 3 stars if your team wins AND you do 2x or more the average contribution of all players. It's not easy to do. Remember contribution is not the same as damage dealt.
  6. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    ^ Do you have your eyes closed? His screenshot clearly shows him getting 4.4k while the highest damage is 7k and he got 3 stars while the 7k one got 2.

    The 8.8k damage one didn't even get two stars!
  7. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017
    Copy/pasting Miika's reply from another thread: "It is just UI rounding as the actual infamy number is a decimal number. No worries, everybody is getting the same."
    Kalbs likes this.
  8. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    Why do you guys keep ignoring the main post and only respond to these things that we all know about at this point? You can repeat the same thing multiple times, mika keeps responding to those comments that say matchmaking is rigged blabla most of us know, it isn't Why post on the thread, but not respond to the main post?
  9. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    One last time for the people in the back: contribution does not equal damage. Each class of ship has a style or styles of play that the devs have put calculations on in the background that helps determine number of stars awarded. You can do tons of damage but if you're not doing it as a team player your calculated contribution to the win won't be as big.

    Stars are awarded in relation to the average contribution across both teams, so you can't just look at a couple of players and shout "it's not fair!", I'm pretty sure it's working as per design. There's just not much transparency (to stop people gaming the calculation) so these objections keep coming up.
  10. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    Fam. He's a shooter.
  11. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Aaaaaaaaaand...... shooter contribution, like all the other classes, is not based solely on damage. Why is this such a tough concept?
  12. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    Um.. what else does a shooter contribute, if not damage? They didn't have a fixer on their team so I doubt he tanked all the shots for the rest of his team, even if he did, you're saying whatever he did was enough to award him with 3 stars when someone who did double his damage, didn't get them? Of course you're going to keep saying "Its contribution dude!" because you actually have no idea what that even means, but because the mods said it, you'll keep saying it, wont it be better to just keep quiet and let one of them answer, if you don't know? Just saying.
  13. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    I saw this a couple of days ago, too, and was wishing I had gotten a screenshot. I had posted a thread on star calculation because I was wondering how I could have 3 stars when someone above me only got 2, but I was on Enforcer at the time. Maybe I was doing something special, or maybe it factored in all my Frost shots.

    Then I saw this happen with two Shooters. That threw me through a loop, since Shooter specializes specifically in damage-dealing and has no yellow slots. This implies that more is factored into "contribution" than just using your gear. Behavior might be considered! Shooting the same target as allies, shooting targets that are shooting allies, closing distance, capturing, drawing fire, dodging, etc. We don't even know if it's specific to each class! You might theoretically be able to jump on a Fixer, play exactly like an Enforcer, heal no one, and still get 3 stars.

    Geez, this star system is weird.
    "Not much transparency" @ThirstySeal
    Given how complicated this system seems, and the fact that you need to double the average "contribution" in order to get the second gameplay star, I'm not sure it's possible to "game the calculation".
    Except that +/- 1 is added to your actual infamy, isn't it? I'm pretty sure infamy ranks that are less than 24 points off from each other isn't entirely Draw points (though it could be, I don't have the facts). It seems to be more than just UI rounding. Plus, why would Infamy even be a decimal?
    HeroicBubbles and OniZoro like this.
  14. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Quoting because I think this would still be helpful, judging by the amount of threads created where people whine about the system
  15. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Damage isn't everything.

    There are other things your teammates can do to help you guys win without dealing damage.

    There is distraction. Freezing. Stunning. Tanking. Seperating. Scouting. And more...

    Distraction: Even if your teammate gets 0 damage. If they distract the enemy team and make them all focus fire on him and he can dodge he already gave your team a chance to take out the enemy while they are distracted. This requires no damage but CAN BE game changing if taken advantage of.

    Freezing: Slowing down the enemy can help your team immensely. Freezing the enemy means your team can land easier shots. This also provides a damage boost for teammates with torpedoes and mortars, and again, helps your teammates land an easier shot.

    Stunning: Stunning the enemy makes them unable to use any item which helps your team not take damage from the stunned victim. Which helps your team even without dealing damage.

    Tanking: If you take 5000 damage chances are you saved your teammates from taking that 5000 damage which gives your teammates a longer life-span. Which also helps your team even if you don't do damage.

    Seperating: You can use napalm to seperate your enemies from sticking close to their team. This can allow your team to take out the guy alone who can't stick with their team for cover/back-up. Most cases your enemy will not walk through the fire and you won't deal much damage but you still help your team.

    Scouting. Getting the first scout on a map like Chill Zone can often times be the deciding factor in a game. Means your team can see every enemy while every enemy can only see you. This can help your team win aswell.

    The point I am making is that sure dealing damage is what kills your enemies. But there are tactics you can use to help even if you can't provide the same fire power as the next guy.

    So they shouldn't be denied their reward because they didn't do as much as you would have wanted them to, because chances are had that guy never been there and it being a 4 vs 5 your team probably would have lost.
    SlowSpeeder, ThirstySeal and Kalbs like this.
  16. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    But but muh damage :(
    Joey who likes this.
  17. SlowSpeeder

    SlowSpeeder New Member

    1 Jul 2017
    but how do you split people with napalm everyone dodges them :s

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