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The impact of sniper canon in game play!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Babablacksheep, 1 Mar 2018.


Suggested nerfs

  1. Crit resistance--to prevent repeated crits

  2. Reduction of % 'crit chance' offered by perks

  3. Bhurt projectile speed talent clash with crit cahnce

  4. increased reload time (less spamming)

  5. Decrease in crit hit damage

  6. Decrease in crit chance progressively at closing Range(similar to railgun)

  7. Base projectile speed reduction (regardless of talent selected)

  8. Reduction base crit chance (since perks of sniper offer good %)

  9. Crit chance cap (around 25%)

  10. Spread the talent tree

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    As a dual sniper user(rare T4 and Epic T3),i expected sniper nerf to hit earlier than explosive canon

    Impacts :--

    1) LIMITED WEAPON DIVERSITY ;--- Every shooter uses sniper,it has become a mandatory weapon these days for a shooter.With a ridiculous projectile speed like 52 and a fair amount of curve you can hit it across the map with 1.5K+.

    2) Very Low skill: Very high reward :--- Many mk5 shooters have made it to nightmare,and i can with confidence that they rely heavily on sniper.After practicing matches with great player i have been better at dodging torps,missiles,etc but with snipers,NO success!

    3) Enforcers :--- If the boat itself needs a nerf or no i m not sure..At around 3.5k infamy infamy i dont find them much of a problem,except they are notorious to hit at high range while they dance and hit you with constant crits

    4) Speeders :---- Below mk6 speeders doesnt have a bandage.ITs impossible to recover from a 1.7k crit whilist the enemy hasnt even appeared on radar.i know a lot of speeder complaining about shooters,but as ace--1 shooter myself i find sniper and mine as drastically effective on speeders compared to other weapons

    This is the only weapon which doesnt seem to have any weakness high projectile speed (ridiculous),solid range, fair amount of curve,11.1 second cool down (Very low compared to its efficacy).I dont demand serious nerf,what i want it is to make a weapon of much more skill than what it is Right now!
    To all sniper users :--Please keep the salt away,i m a sniper user just like you,but i dont like rigged weapons...The weapons should be balanced and nerf is necessary for fair gameplay.If you have any other ideas i can add them to poll.

    It will be helpful if nightmare players shared their views on the weapon effectiveness in their league.....

    NOT A Duplicate thread, i just wanted to segregated views via a poll
    Last edited: 1 Mar 2018
  2. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Yes agreed to all points and I would like to add 1 more things.
    Just as any other ships hated stun spams frost spams being a speeder I to hate mine spams mortar spams etc.
    Just make so that shooters can't equip more than 2 same weapons. 1 sniper will cost 1 slot point but 2 will cost 3 slot points same of every other weapons to stop spams.
  3. Cozytrendsetter

    Cozytrendsetter Member

    31 Jan 2018
    The best suggestion so far on this forum has been to spread the talent tree.As a sniper user that is the only way it remains relevant in the game.A slight increase in cooldown is also not bad.Other than that nothing.
    Whenever i hear argument against sniper ,people make it sound as if sniper crits everytime with 1k damage.The damage without crits is meh..
    Many weapons in the game start very weak like missiles,flare but become very powerful at high levels.Spreading the talent tree will allow the same for sniper.
    We should remember most people use sniper not because it is OP but because it is easy to use.
    ElMataC, Zachiderp and Babablacksheep like this.
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Yea the talent tree thing was suggested by me old thread , i will add it. However its not a question about talent tree anymore , since legendaries would be flying in no time. Maxed snipers are even more dangerous and hurt the boats without shields really bad while staying in safe range
    A55A51N likes this.
  5. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    There are plenty of sniper nerf thread post ur suggestions there no need to make new thread every damn week.
    BITTERSTEEL likes this.
  6. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I'd like to add a couple of things since I've been on both sides of this issue. I used to main a sniper cannon, but then switched to blast cannons, and now I'm testing out a sniper again.

    The blast cannon definitely has a few big advantages over the sniper cannon. Reliability and close-range battles due to better arc over waves. I've been in several situations today alone where I would be able to hit with a blast cannon, but I could not hit with a sniper.

    I don't think the sniper is quite as OP as this forum makes it sound. I voted to reduce crit chance up close, but don't think that is the biggest issue. I think the biggest issue is the auto-aim in this game makes it far too easy to hit targets at long range with the sniper. If you take even half a second to actually (barely) lead your target, it is almost a guaranteed hit.

    Maybe a decreased projectile speed would be good. Maybe not. I personally don't want to see any more weapons or items receive the Nerf Hammer.
    Lil_Torta, Sifa, ThatOnion and 8 others like this.
  7. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    The main focus is poll, Views are spread out other threads. I know there is a sticky pinned thread
  8. Mad_Bulls_007

    Mad_Bulls_007 Well-Known Member

    25 Jun 2017
    I really like the idea of crit resistance to be able to resist the crits for certain duration..

    The only way it is going to work is, say if ur get hit for 2k from crit, Then u'll have a resistance of 20 sec and if ur crited for 1000 u'll get a resistance of 10 sec.. I think this be a fair balance that the sniper needs right now.. Otherwise u'll be dead from 3 sniper crits dealing 6k which is ridiculous..:rolleyes:
    Shadow Moon! and Babablacksheep like this.
  9. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    The sniper is the only weapon you can use to fight stronger foes but isnt a reliable weapon at all. In high leagues, most of playeres have only 1 sniper.
    I have a shooter with 1 sniper and sometimes find it useful even if most of times I miss
    What should enforcers do? Stay static like a turret?
  10. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Do you know what the bay has become? Long range camping shooters with x2 sniper cannon and firebomb spams. Half of every battle is a camping fest, about time sniper received some moderate nerf. I'm a single sniper user too btw.
    Hokuse, Zachiderp, LimeOnMars and 2 others like this.
  11. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    They have all been locked
  12. w@x

    w@x Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Boston, MA
    Sniper is fine, if anything the crit damage can be reduced by like 5%. More often than not it hits like a wet noodle. People need to be more careful with how they first come into view of unfriends.
  13. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    And how can you be careful when you are hit within a quarter of a second after you are seen? Hide behind a wall all match? You can’t hide all match, since you have to do dmg too.
    Also, sniper dmg and crits are the same in every range. I suppose i would have to hide at 10 units from enemy?
  14. DrLuigiPhd

    DrLuigiPhd Active Member

    23 May 2017
    Crit resistance is already in the game in the form of the Tesla shield. You can’t crit against it.
  15. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    I’m a single sniper user....it crits 32%....when it doesn’t it’s useless....525 like a peashooter against all ships....so almost 2/3 shots it’s useless...meanwhile I’ve been railgunned, LRMd, missiled.....dead. I don’t rely on it at all. In fact it’s useless for sub zero (waves) or wayward pains (walls) I’m actually training grenade to replace it.....o_O

    but it’s my only legendary item......:rolleyes:
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  16. Hokuse

    Hokuse Well-Known Member

    31 Aug 2017
    Best solution is decrease crit chance in lower ranges. We taking 2k dmg even point blank. It is a long range weapon right? Let it do its job.
    A55A51N and Zachiderp like this.
  17. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I don't even know why there are talents for extra sniper crit damage when it already has the highest crit of all cannons. Stupid.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  18. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Here We Go Again!
    People are saying they get hit by enemy they can't see, its because enemy speeder scouted you, Its strategic. I am ace 1 enforcer mk5 with no shield and rare 40 ts, I only get hit by sniper when inm stupid. We all know where enemy team spawn in each match, it my fault if I provide them two conditions :
    1. I got scouted
    2. I positioned myself in line of sight with whole enemy team.
    What did you expect pat on the head?? If not sniper any of missile,railgun, LRM can hit me way harder. With Sniper there is atleast 55% chance I won't lose more than 700.
    Thing with this community is that they don't even wanna try, we want everything easy. So if get hit we cry to forum like baby to mother.
    I, an ace 1 player with 3200 hp deals with sniper even mk6 dual telsa user and have beaten and got beaten. I don't want any nerf, I can overcome higher weapon by skills.
    As @BITTERSTEEL says Map control and Skill can beat high lvl weapon anyday.
  19. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Could you say same things without buffs you recieved?
    All I saw on forum was enforcers crying don't boast around when your boat it op in meta speak when it was under used and you didn't had problems then.
    A55A51N likes this.
  20. DragonLegend

    DragonLegend Well-Known Member

    22 Jan 2018
    I was still using enfo before buff. And enfo is meta because of speeder nerf not because its Op.
    And this is the fact. Enfo didn't get buff this update, it was two update before. It got OP suddenly or people are just don't want to change.
    Instead of changing your own build and game style to deal with Meta, people just wanna nerf the META.
    This kind of thinking will break the Game.
    LimeOnMars and Sifa like this.

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