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I am ignoring this for a long time but its out of control now

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Sh@rp shooter, 28 Feb 2018.

  1. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    Hey folks and devs please for once can you sort out this problem of lagging even on high connection. For a long time i am facing issues regarding lagging in game and not registering of shots but i ignored them since i adapted to that kind of gameplay and accepted that indian players will always get some lag irrespective of thier net speed. But since the recent update i am not able to play at all and the lagging is increasing day by day. What's worst is that after initial 2 or 3 games, my game started lagging like hell even though my net speed and ping remains same. I am probably going to leave this game because of this issue cuz i have tried everything but to no avail. I am really sad cuz i really like this game and about to get an mk6. I hope someone can help me with something else than reinstalling and cleaning cache cuz seriously i have tried everything.
    Ps: i usually have ping around 400-500 but my game used to work pretty good at same ping b4
    Babablacksheep and Ash2oush like this.
  2. Ash2oush

    Ash2oush New Member

    12 May 2017
    Same issuee ping 210 and nothing changed super fast wifi or 4g and keeps lagging
  3. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    Seems like its not just me but many people are facing this issue. Devs should do something about it cuz i know this game is widely played in the east too.
  4. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Might be beneficial to post what make/model of devices you're using. If it's not lag due to suitable connection, it may be down to the device you're using.
  5. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    No i dont think so....i play on my samsung galaxy j7 and s8 but the problem is still there and i dont think so my specifications are low for this game cuz i have played nova 3 online without any lag ever.
  6. ShadowBeast

    ShadowBeast New Member

    2 Mar 2018
    Same issue here at Singapore & Indonesia. Its still lagging even though my connection is pretty stable and fast.

    Maybe there's some connection issue on Finland or problem at the router that connects Europe with Asia. ;)
    Sh@rp shooter likes this.
  7. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    Exactly what i think......cuz i play many online games and all of them works pretty fine on my connection.
  8. mani5396

    mani5396 Member

    7 Jul 2017
    Agreed I also have a good internet connection but still games lags a lot maybe problem in the game servers. Developers need to fix

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