I have made a suggestion for this before, and I am going to make it again:
(Global) trading system
When your captain badge reaches 2 star bronze, captain level above 20 and infamy above 2,000, I would suggest to unlock trading then. Then, players first only get to trade item pieces (the ones used for combining), and when they get to a higher requirement, they could unlock full item trades. Trading should cost a new currency along with gold/sugar (e.g. A trading ticket) in which the currency could be earned in preferably league rewards. Trading should not include legendaries NO MATTER WHAT and the system should be like "Player X looks for Y and would trade in return for Z. Trading cost: X tickets Y gold Z sugar"
Guild donation system
Guild donation should be for guild members to "request" for materials (power cells and parts) around once per 8 hours. Players could then donate the requested resources to the requester. The no. of materials requested should be based on Captain Level of requester (higher the captain level, the more you can request) and each person would have a limit to the no. of materials you can donate. In return for donating, maybe you could get a small amount of gold, sugar or even pearls.
Adding on to the previous idea, when you donate, maybe you could earn the guild some experience and "level up" the guild. Gives guilds a new purpose as well.
That's all from me. Hope this could be added into the game.

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