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Question(s) about ban/mute in global chat

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by mang inasar, 29 May 2017.

  1. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    (i hope a mod/admin/dev could address my inquiry)

    Just today, there was talk in the "tagalog" global chat community in battle bay that some people were either banned or muted. A few names came up ( i won't be mentioning any) and surely enough, the most toxic, rude and detestable guy was on the list. First thing that came to my mind was "great the toxic guy got what was coming" but i also noticed some very nice and good people among the ones supposedly banned or muted from global chat. i found it incomprehensible that such people received the same punishment or tratment as the toxic guy.

    My questions are: What's the basis for the bans or mutes? Is it just being reported or do you have teams that read transcripts of the chat before taking action? what if the toxic guy and his friends report someone ramdomly? would that random person be banned if enough people report him or do you have translators who read the transcripts of chat to see if reporting is really accurate or if it is just done by trolls?
  2. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    We always look into reports, and false reports are punished.
    Stelmo likes this.
  3. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    thanks that sounds good.
  4. manueliz30

    manueliz30 Member

    6 May 2017
    how did i get muted? I'm not even doing this things..
    Circumventing our profanity filters
    Badmouthing players
    Toxic messages
    Ban evasion
    -Creating a new account for circumventing chat & other bans
    Forbidden topics
    -Politics, religion, racism.

    please review @Zeus :(:(:(:(
    I only chat once per global advertising my recorded videos in battle bay.
    and how do i know when will mute will gone? please help! i cant chat in VIP as well ~_~. IMAGE.jpg

  5. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Hi liz, it seemd the dev is ignoring you. it could be a week mute.
  6. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Honestly, it feels like spam to me.. chat is busy enough and if everyone did this, we'd just get non stop utube spam.

    Get your guild to watch it, if its any good they will tell their friends and itll publicise itself

    Bomby McBombface and Miathan like this.
  7. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    I do not think its spamming .. seems like she posted it once
    if she posted it multiple times in a row id say thats spamming.
    by the way, youtubers help form the so-called "communites" of their respective countries with regards to a game. supercell knows this well and treats youtubers well. i assume rovio also knows this and will take action regarding your plight Princesslizzie.
  8. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Actually their is a notice in the game, for YouTube for phortos. Battlebay supported YouTubers.
  9. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    She did post that to every single chat room there is (I think at least most of them). So that is counted as a spam. That's why she has got the ban. Anyway I once got temporare ban for badmouthing :rolleyes: and it lasted like an hour because it was my first (and so far last) ban. In case PrincessLizzzie haven't got bans before, I think it ends really quickly. There's no notification about ending though so only way to find out when the ban has ended is to try to say something to chat. Please remember that still being under ban doesn't give you possibility to spam that "Hi" to there. Just try once, wait a bit and if nothing appears, try again in an hour or so.

    Chat bans are temporary only I think so no worries. That is not the worst category so I think it won't last whole week as said above.
    Cheers :cool:
  10. BirdFly

    BirdFly Member

    17 May 2017
    I did bad mouthing and I'm still muted. This is my first ban but it's almost a week now. I even think this can be a permanent ban cz don't think they have a good report system or they read reports. It's about how many people reported you nothing else I'm sure. They just look at how many reports there are and banning the person according to that. I already bought that 10 days pearl thingie an I was thinking about buying 30 days vip to skip ads but I will wait for week to end and see if I'm still banned. If I am banned I will uninstall the game instantly cz I don't want to waste my time with the system that gives a month ban as the first time ban. That shows how careless the company is about players.
  11. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Maybe next time you will think twice before spouting abuse in chat?
    Working as intended.
    Bomby McBombface likes this.
  12. BirdFly

    BirdFly Member

    17 May 2017
    Okay I posted an another reply but it got deleted. They said it includes insulting or something. Anyway. What I said whitout insult ( "I GUESS" cz I couldn't really find insult there) I don't take comments serious that there is no character in it. If I want to take them serious I would go and talk with online bots.
    Here we go. I wonder if I will get an another warning for this comment.
    Or maybe I will get one just because I said "Here we go. I wonder if I will get an another warning for this comment."
    Or not.
  13. OniZoro

    OniZoro Member

    19 May 2017
    People actually use that cancerous chat?
    Bomby McBombface likes this.
  14. BirdFly

    BirdFly Member

    17 May 2017
    I used to use it to help new players a lot but some players like this monobrow guy make me so mad easily so I got muted. Fairly. Except the ban duration -.-'
  15. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    I only ever use VIP chat. There's actual nice people helping others and discussing game mechanics there. Non-VIP chat is horrible.

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