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DevReply Match Making Getting Even Worst in Every Update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Friendly Fixer, 22 Feb 2018.

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  1. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
    Hey Devs And Every One ...
    I Think That The Match Making is Getting even Worst I don't Know Why But This is a Big Problem This Game May Be The Worst Match Making Ever Not Being Rude or Anything But in 1000 Infamy Mark There r OP Players With Mk 5s 6s Maybe 7s it Just What??.....
    Please Tell Me Why Do We Keep Getting Matched Up with OP Players This Is To Be Stopped This Been Happing Like All my Days of BB I Like The Game and Every Thing ... But Lots of Players Have Quit a Such a Awesome Game But Ppl Well Idk But Devs I Love What Have you Done Over 9 or 8 Months Now You Guys Have The Game Alive But I Don't Want To Lose To Meany Players We Need to Do Some Thing

    That's All

  2. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Disagreed. Matchmaking is working great. There are plenty of "matchmaking sucks" threads so please just add your complaints onto those.
  3. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
    Dude You Must Be Wrong Few Days Ago I Seen Mk 6s in a Mk 5 and 4 Fight
  4. Kraptastic

    Kraptastic Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I've noticed this while checking out other teams on Guild Rivalry. You can watch players (at all levels of infamy) sink very low and then rise up very fast. I'm guessing that this happens because the guild quests only count if you win. The players at 1000 infamy definitely look like they get hit the worst by seal clubbers.
    roytchai likes this.
  5. Jerbears

    Jerbears Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    Its interesting you say Matchmaking is getting worse. Currently I'm bouncing between 2600-2900 with mk5 ship. When I get matched with boat's 3k+ they are usually mk5. But when I get matched with lower players between 2k-2600 they tend to be more mk6. In all honesty I've learned to mute out the loss streaks. Its so hard to predict an outcome just based on boats stats. Everyone has bad matches and good ones. I find the lower level boats have a higher average of playing better. Since they really have to in order to carry match wins. So when I see higher mk boats on my team I think crap... Just wanted to give another opinion!
  6. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Do you know what's even a bigger mismatch? All those lowercase letters trying to combat a huge number of uppercase letters in this thread. Poor lowercase letters :(
  7. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I face Mk5s almost every match when I play my Mk2 mini-account.

    If you're ahead of the curve, you gotta adapt.
  8. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    There are actually two issues:
    1 - seal clubbers/deliberate losers whatever you want to call them. Many of them have OP weapons as well as boats and are P2W, so low rewards for winning aren’t any kind of punishment at all.
    2 - the matchmaking system which tries to match players against others with a similar level of boat as well as infamy. Under this method, and due to bell curve distribution, you will always get some players at each boat level gaining infamy, and some losing.
    Strange as it may seem, I would suggest we remove the aspect of matchmaking which tries to match players against those in the same level of boat. This would result (all things being equal) that we wouldn’t see the current ‘infamy drop’ when upgrading boats and that we would see less of a spread (less standard deviation) from the norm for each boat level. You would still get the seal clubbers down at lower levels, but they would stand out more, and their actions would be much more obvious, and it would therefore be easier for devs to take action.
    StrictSalmon307 and Spinners71 like this.
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I'm one who would rather see a pure infamy system that doesn't try to manipulate matchups by boat level. Infamy should be infamy.... unless we have infamy by boat, which has a lot of advantages. The only real matchmaking issue I see are inept teammates. There's ALWAYS one or two guys who contribute almost nothing to the match... and it's a head-scratcher how they are that high on the infamy ladder. Sure not everyone is going to contribute regularly at a high level in every match, but it is nearly every single match I see this... particularly Shooters and Defenders, which have more guns than the other boat types that makes me question their infamy level.
    Spinners71 and YerJokinArnYer like this.
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Heh... that's interesting that you say that. I've noticed a very similar thing at my infamy (1200 right now). The M3 and M4 guys are generally pretty dependable and solid. Sure, they can die in half a second if they make a mistake just like I can, but they are at least trying to win. It's almost universally the M6 boats which are the floaters or doing the Leroy Jenkins routine or, in some cases, simply awful. Heh, you can bet I cast a wary eye on any M6 fixer on our team.
  11. Wezsh0T

    Wezsh0T New Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Infamy by boat seems like a good idea for matchmaking. I bet that would be difficult to implement in the overall ranking system though.
  12. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Idk how long have you guys played BB but didn't old matchmaking system was based off on infamy alone?!

    Then lots of whiners came, players crying because they can't win, denying that they just suck and Rovio receiving lots of complaints.

    Then Rovio delivered, tweaked the matchmaking algorithm to include ship level and now you guys want it back?! lol ridiculous
  13. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    I think matchmaking is fair. I just do not really like that kind of boat class attraction that puts many boats of the same class on the same team in many of the battles. When I play with a boat, most teams will have between 2 and 4 boats like mine.
  14. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    I too have come to ignore the win/loss streak although it burns when my team loses because of a player that is either a) incompetent or b) trying to drop infamy. Just yesterday, was in a battle where we were closely matched on each side. Towards the end, we were left with Mk5s on each side. Our Mk5 had loads of health left (about 3000+HP as a TierIV L40 Rare Big Shield and a Tier IV L34 Rare Standard Shield equipped) while the unfriends' Mk5 had less than 1000 HP.
    It was extremely painful spectating as our player repeatedly shot mortars and missiles beyond and behind the unfriend and totally missing. He had a Tier 3 L30 Epic Ex Cannon, Tier 4 L40 Rare Blast Cannon and a Tier 1 L10 Epic Sniper – and he DIDN'T use any of those 3 weapons, just spamming mortar and missiles. One (or two) shots with the cannons/sniper would have ended the match in our favor – the unfriend was almost always in line of sight and close by, so would have been an easy kill.
  15. Capt Bags

    Capt Bags New Member

    21 Feb 2018
    When are you people gonna learn that none of it matters. Rovio forces a 50/50 win ratio for everyone. You will lose games. It is out of your control. Whenever you think the matchup is terrible, it’s Rovios way of forcing you to stay around 50%.

    It really is that simple
  16. Rainbow Warrior

    Rainbow Warrior Well-Known Member

    26 Sep 2017
    Nonsense :D
    Kalbs likes this.
  17. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    No, the real explanation is
  18. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
  19. roytchai

    roytchai Member

    6 Oct 2017
    they are probably tanking their infamy and rush into the crowd to suicide
  20. The Friendly Fixer

    The Friendly Fixer Well-Known Member

    1 Feb 2018
    Where all my friends are the Heaven
    Guys Soon as the Update Come out I Been Facing With Mk 6s No Joke And I'm just a Mk 4 We Should Be Just Be Facing Our Level Not in Infamy
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