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Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Try to win nubs, 16 Feb 2018.

  1. Try to win nubs

    Try to win nubs Member

    7 Apr 2017
    We find mk4/5 with 4/5 weapons and 3-5k hp vs ppl with less then 1k hp... And its too easy to get the 1st place on rivalry bc we r mk1/2 vs mk4/5

    Attached Files:

  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Regarding unfair matchmaking, this always happens as you start to increase infamy,

    As for the rivalry, it is too easy to get 1st place??

    Everyone else I know is finding it too hard!
  3. Try to win nubs

    Try to win nubs Member

    7 Apr 2017
    A clan with mk1 and mk2 (25 players) vvsss a clan with mk4-mk6 (25) players... Who will win?! Matches need to be mk1-2 vs mk1-2.. 3-4 vs 3-4.... We have mk1-2 vs mk4-5... Who will win?!
  4. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Yes I see, your post said rivalry is easy to get 1st.
    What you mean is the rivalry is too hard, as you cant compete with the other ships :)
    We have same situation.
  5. Try to win nubs

    Try to win nubs Member

    7 Apr 2017
    No. Its easy, u just need to be a suicide speeder fleeted and ur team will loose bc of 3 vs 5.. so... A few hours doing that and u will win 42k + 12k and all boards...like always and u will not be banned or idk.. the point is... U will fight with ppl whos have 2500-3000 infamy, but.. the rivalry will be the same... I will post here my guild vs mk5's guilds.. we have 12 points and they have 30+ :l
  6. .xyz.

    .xyz. New Member

    18 Feb 2018
    Please look at this thread i just posted today.
    It has attachment as well.


    Our guild rank 180+
    Rival guild rank #3, #5 and two other below 50.
    Our boat majority mk5 and few less than 4 player has mk6. In term of weapon majority rare 40 / epic 30 with few less than 5 ppl has epic 40/ legendary 10.
    Our infamy max 3500 lowest 1700 total 25 players

    Here is the fun part:
    Our rival boat majority mk6 and mk7. Weapon epic 50 majority and legendary 20 or more majority. Rivals infamy max 5200 and lowest infamy 3800. Please tell me how to compete and win the rivalry? With the amount of superboost we use, still no match to them. Any advise developer, moderator, or senior?
  7. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    I'm not sure if this helps...
    Until this recent update, getting first place has been a cakewalk for us like 10 out of 20 times. The other 10 were actually challenging, either resulting in us barely pulling off 1st, or settling for 2nd. My guildmates' infamy ranges from anywhere between 215-4401, so there's a ton of diversity.

    Idk if this has anything to do with it, but we're getting by just fine. It's more of a challenge now, for sure, but somehow we're not facing as ridiculous a challenge as you guys. I wonder what they changed? Hoping my scenario, which is the opposite of you guys', could help us find some answers.

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