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Make all gear viable at all levels

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zachiderp, 16 Feb 2018.

  1. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The game has a major problem with gear imbalance and most fixes to them are that not all items are equally good at all levels. The standard cannon may be good at the start but are almost non existent past that 2k infamy mark and tesla items are almost useless when you start but are on every yellow ship at higher infamies. Usually when an item is balanced, rather than making a change to the infamies which it's directly affecting players (say mortars for example) the changes are made across all levels, causing severe imbalances. The main problem with mortars is that they're almost impossible to dodge at lower levels, but almost impossible to land a shot at higher levels. Rather than making them slower at lower levels and faster at higher levels, rovio just increased their damage, making nearly no change in higher infamies but making them more brutal at lower infamies.

    There are 2 ways this could be fixed
    1. Make more in-depth changes to allow each item to be usable at all levels (such tesla items and explosive cannon and carronade). That way, it's easier to balance them out when major imbalances are seen
    2. Recreate the talent tree to allow each item to have training from the beginning and accessible at all levels
    or something along those lines because many weapons are being overly used while others are completely ignored
    ViscountSniffit likes this.
  2. Lardfinnish

    Lardfinnish New Member

    28 May 2017
    I see plenty of folks with "standard canon" in the end game. Just depends on the build. Many people prefer the heavy hitting weapons. Yes, some weapons scale higher in the upper extremes but they come with a cost.
    Yes, I'm sure there will be more tweaking but a wholesale change and restructure is far from needed.

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