Apologies in advance for hijacking this thread and also if this has been covered elsewhere – what do the colored bars between the two sides mean and how are they calculated?
I can see that they are used as a guide to perhaps show relative "strength" of the player, but I cannot see a pattern of how the color is assigned (well, I kinda sorta can but there are outliers).
For example - I think the bar colors represent the highest equipped item (Yellow - Legendary; Purple - Epic; and so on), but then looking at ArtofDeception's (top screenshot) list of equipped items, he/she only has Epics but has a Yellow bar.
Then on the 2nd screenshot, (. )Y( .) [yikes i feel dirty after typing that] .. has a Legendary shield equipped but is assigned a Purple bar; and *WEBB* & S.S.Von Snoot are assigned a Yellow bar with Epics equipped.
Probably not a biggie in the grand scheme of things, but curious to know - if the bars are meant to give a quick glance as to the level of the player/ship, then enquiring minds need to know how the color bars are assigned

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