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Unusual Weapon Strength - Bug?

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Spartacus, 12 Feb 2018.

  1. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    I get shot one time with this guys epic blast cannon and it cost me 2376 damage points! Even though his canon is at level 40, and including its enhancements, it should be nowhere near 2376. Is this related to the invisible torpedoes and magic area-damage-causing sniper canons??

  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017

    Here what his Blast roughly looks like with talents added. On top I'm still missing a few talents that would boosts its damage further. He also has an epic 'crit damage' talent which makes crits hit even harder.

    You got crit, nothing unusual going on.
    ThatOnion and _devill like this.
  3. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Thanks for the reply. The damage I took from that 1 hit was more than twice the amount in your pic. Is the crit-chance something different with the blast cannon because with my grenade launcher, the critical chance only sets the person on fire for a bit, not more than doubles the max damage.

    Here is a closeup of his.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: 12 Feb 2018
  4. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    This was yesterday’s mystery hit...

  5. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Grenade crits set people on fire - Cannon crits do double damage, unless there's a perk or talent that increases them further.

    Assuming that your opponent had talents similar to @Kitterini which results in his Epic Lv40 Blast Cannon dealing 1122 points of damage "normally" there's a few extra factors.

    First of all, you got crit. That's normally worth 200%, but this player also has an Epic Crit Damage Amount perk fitted which bumps that to 220%.
    Second, and just as importantly, you were on fire at the time. Bhurt has several talents that increase damage to burning targets, so I'd expect that to be another 15% boost given player level.

    So you've got 1122 * 220% * 115% - that comes out to an average of 2839 damage from that hit.

    Unfortunately, you were just on the business end of a lucky roll in your attacker's favor.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I'm not as much of a troll as the great @Joey who but I think there's only one reaction left.

  7. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Thank you for that, I understand now. Any thoughts on the magic sniper shot above your post (3 vids)?
  8. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    Lol why do u call them mystery hit....cant u clearly see that it came from enemy side. The thing is when u start launching torps u gave away your position to enemy which in turn also launch torps at you or try to take a lucky sniper shot since sniper has very long range. The above videos shows enemy trying to take those lucky hits and nothing else.
  9. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I'm betting on lag here, honestly. You went forward, then right before impact stopped and reversed. That "stall" along with the delay between you and your opponent probably means from their perspective, the shot was good, and the server agreed.

    Can you post a replay from the enemy's perspective once you find out who took the sniper shot? Edit: Looks like it was their Enforcer, and he was definitely lagging judging by the replay (PHSQWBFX, right?) so it's entirely possible that he took the shot well before it showed on your screen.
    Spartacus likes this.
  10. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    Seriously?! We can all see the shot, I just could not understand how a sniper shot that clearly missed me registered as a hit.
  11. Spartacus

    Spartacus Active Member

    9 Sep 2017
    You are correct, it was Dann123, the Level-4 Enforcer. No matter how many times I’ve watched from his perspective, I can’t see my ship without some form of zoom.

    It’s just very strange because my connection is awesome and I did not personally experienced any lag from my perspective. That forward – back motion you witnessed was intentional.

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