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Fixer’s dilemma

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Arc, 12 Feb 2018.


Should I put Big Torpedo or a Railgun?

  1. Railgun

    7 vote(s)
  2. Big torpedo

    7 vote(s)
  3. Sniper Rifl

    2 vote(s)
  4. Sniper Rilfe (Don’t click on one above)

    6 vote(s)
  1. Arc

    Arc New Member

    14 May 2017
    Hey, I’m a new member, and I have trouble winning battles with a mk3 fixer, and usally because I get targeted in the first few seconds, please help.
    I first thought a better weapon at close range will work, so I switched from the lvl10 rare rail gun to the lvl 10 rare big torpedo, but it didn’t help that much. Here’s my account, so Any tips?
    Basically, Big Torpedo or Railgun.

    Attached Files:

  2. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    If you get lucky enough to swap the bandage for a shield that will at least help you stay alive a bit longer.
    A big torp is usually better than the rail gun. Either aim at near by wall or wreckage but don’t spend to long. Works well against speeders especially if you see them heading straight towards a wall as they are too busy shooting at you to look where they are going. Focus mainly on the healing. I used a swift torp, normally I didn’t do much or any damage in a fight. But I just pointed in the rough direction and let go.
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Of the two, I'd go with the Big Torpedo. Fire in the path of a group of enemies or at a nearby wall/shipwreck, or even a friendly (splash damage still counts!) and hope to get some hits. But your primary role is to heal, so make sure you aren't neglecting that while trying to get a kill.

    Neither of those weapons will do anything against an opponent who gets right up in your face; and as you're finding out, job number one in most games is "Kill the Fixer!" So you have to make that job as hard as possible by hugging your teammates and calling for close-range support if you find a Speeder or Enforcer flanking.

    If you really want a close-range defensive weapon, go for a Blast Cannon.

    And as @Craigjnoble suggests, pick up a Shield, even if you have to buy your first one - 1575HP is a low amount of health, and a yellow boat fitted with close-range weapons will take that off in a hurry.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  4. Arc

    Arc New Member

    14 May 2017
    Thanks, seems like I just have to practice aiming, but I saw some other stuff, and it said I should put a sniper on.
    Will that be better than big torpedo? I just dropped from around 900 infamy to around 700:confused::eek:
  5. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Id level the Cannon up to 20. At your infamy you need to be able to kill targets as you cant bet on solid teamplay :)

    I had great succes with using a standard Cannon till I reached mk5. If you can find a Blast Cannon then that is a great tool, both now and in the long run.
  6. Arc

    Arc New Member

    14 May 2017
    I’ve been practicing the big torpedo, and it seems like I just needed practice. Thank you all!
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Try looking up some torp plays on YouTube, it helps a lot. Especially Bittersteel with those real long-game plays with the bigtorp.
  8. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    I'm a Sniper user, so I can tell you it will only be good if you can get a bunch of crit chance perks equipped and the relevant Bhurt talents trained. Otherwise it'll barely put a dent in a target. Blast Cannon can be made fairly strong at low levels and without perks. Explosive Cannon as well, although it takes a fair bit of practice to be able to reliably hit with the slow projectile speed.
  9. jfcliche

    jfcliche Member

    21 Sep 2017
    Railgun would be the worst of the three IMO. Because of its straight-line trajectory, it's a weapon that requires you either to anticipate that you're about to have a shot or to wait a few seconds until you have one. As a Fixer, you already have to manage your teammates health + yours + escape from the unfriendlies because they're alway targeting you, so when you finally have a shot with your RG, often times you just can't take it.
    The sniper rifle has a little bit of the same problem, although not nearly to the same extent and it's a little more flexible. Between that and the Big Torp, I'd take the former, but I must admit I am biaised against torpedoes in general — I never use them, but I see many FIxers who do.
    If you can get your hands on it, my personal favorite when I play Fixer is the missile launcher. You have to commit Blastian to it (especially the talents that give you more projectiles), but it's pretty good. It has a good range, even though it's rather weak from far away (the missiles scatter randomly), which is good because you don't want to brawl. It flies over the waves and it does so *very* fast, which means you can take shots pretty much anytime you want, which lets you focus more on the rest of your tasks. And at high level and medium range, the damage is very good. I find it to be a pretty good fit for a fixer.
  10. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    Biggest recommendation is to realize you are not a combatant as a Fixer - stay away from combat! I switch between Sniper Cannon and Big Torpedo mostly myself. I use the torp not for damage, but for spamming and team support - the more they're dodging my shots, the less they're focusing on killing my teammates and me. Napalm is pretty fun, too, once you learn how to use it. Especially at low level players avoid it, and you can significantly change the flow of battle as a result. You won't get more than peanuts for damage from napalm, though. Sniper Cannon will give you more damage per battle and is more of a deterrent against assassins, and it lets you double team single ships with friendly shooters, but then you're focusing less on your primary role of healing.

    You should practice staying away from the enemy more - Overboost is good for getting into and out of trouble, but Stun Bolt can also give you crucial seconds to get back to the pack and send out a Help! macro. I'd also recommend trying out Turbo or Rudder instead of the bandage - I die lots of times because I couldn't turn fast enough or run away, but the amount of healing from Bandage never seemed high enough to warrant it for me. The best way to heal yourself is to not get hit. I'd also recommend trying out double bolts. You'll get a huge boost to your raw healing ability and you won't have to chase after damaged friendlies into combat zones in order to heal them. Double bolts on open maps can lead to really amazing numbers, especially in long range games where there is lower risk of unfriendlies flanking you. The amount of healing from Repair Pulse basically requires you to be close to multiple friendlies in order to beat out repair bolt. In most realistic scenarios, you cannot get close enough to friendlies to meaningfully heal them.

    Good luck!
    fragglelator likes this.
  11. fragglelator

    fragglelator Active Member

    30 Sep 2017
    Sage advise and unless you are using double/triple duct tape to play as a Selfish Fixer, the main job is to stay behind your strongest teammates and heal them. The equipped weapon is really only for opportunistic shots where the team is closing in on unfriends and you can sneak a shot in to help whittle down HP.
    My loadout on Mk5 Fixer is Explosive Cannon, Standard Shield, Overboost, Double Healing Bolts and a Repair Pulse.
  12. Arc

    Arc New Member

    14 May 2017
    Yeah, but I’ve been surfing the web, and found most fixers like napalm or big/Swift torpedo, let’s change the discussion to the comparison of...
    Big Torpedo VS Napalm Launcher!!!
    Last edited: 13 Feb 2018
    kusura bakmayin likes this.
  13. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    Big Torpedo pros - opportunistic shots, keep enemy on their toes, break up packs surrounding Fixer for healing, (low) chance to win 1v1s against Speeders, serious boost to support possibility in 2v1s with friendlies, high reload time means it's distracting you less from primary role of healing than weapons like Carronade or Long Range Mortar would
    Napalm Launcher pros - annoy enemy, strongly discourage enemy from stalking you (less deterrent effect against Speeders), channel the enemy, create no-man's land that would be useful in torp/mortar heavy games

    Big Torpedo cons - slow speed means higher stakes: when you miss a shot in an important situation, you don't have any backup weapon (except as Mk6); most players are very good at avoiding pop shots from torps after 1500 infamy; torpedo weapons mean that you have to have a clear sight line to enemy, which is rare if you're not a Duct Taper or trying to commit suicide
    Napalm cons - low damage because people avoid it, high reload time, you are helpless if an enemy attacks close up and you're not Mk6
  14. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    Surviving the battle is much more important thus,
    A fixer that can survive longer will always be they key factor in winning a battle.

    My advice, use 1 Duct Tape, throw away the bandages and replace it with a small shield.

    For defensive weapon, a good std canon will do it.

    Try it out.
  15. R4Z0R

    R4Z0R Well-Known Member

    11 Nov 2017
    why do u wanna know?
    ay the selfish fixer strikes again...
  16. kusura bakmayin

    kusura bakmayin Member

    10 Jan 2018
    nothing selfish about a single tape when it boosts your ability to heal with your other two green items. absorbing enemy fire is altruistic.

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