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Regarding Fleeting System

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by BITTERSTEEL, 20 Apr 2017.

  1. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    If previous explanation is not enough for others to understand maybe an example in the form of basketball (NBA) is better:

    TEAM A: pick your 2 best/ excellent players at their peak (e.g. Michael Jordan plus Shaquille Oneal) + 3 other average/ below average players (e.g. support/ reserve players, etc.)


    TEAM B: 5 above average/ average players (lazy to check all time NBA stats just check the mean average stats)

    Who will win?

    If you still cannot get what I mean then I rest my case. Just to clarify, I love this game and helps me unwind after work. So, I am only posting in this forum to help raise concerns and improve the game further if possible. Prolly, this will be my last post in the topic, I'd rather be playing now hehe.
    Memorize likes this.
  2. Ragneox

    Ragneox New Member

    15 Apr 2017
    Spot on with your comment below in its entirety, Emilia.

  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    If something is not perfect the issue very rarely is that do we "get" something or not, but can something to be actually done for it or not. We are very aware of the situation and we do "get" it.

    The real issue is that matchmaking has to work on the players available in the queue and sometimes it's just impossible to do perfect teams out of them. Like in your basketball example, you just can't make perfect teams from 2 superstars + 8 average players, if the 2 superstars must play on the same side.

    This issue is not unique to fleets however. We have always had the same issue also if there are 1 or 3 superstars playing. It's again impossible to create perfect teams out of them, and the matchmaker just needs to pick the best compromise.

    Luckily 5 vs 5 is so chaotic situation that anything can still happen in the battles and just the extra adrenaline rush and concentration from seeing a high level fleet on the enemy side can actually turn the battle into victory. It's way too easy in this game to become overconfident and lose because of it. I should know, I really need to resist to urge to yolo in those situations myself... :)
  4. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    My favorite combo so far is:

    Defender (torps, napalm, and standard canon) + Speeder (frost, blast canon, and torps) - my napalm boosts speeder's canon, speeders frost boosts my tritorps, and slows them down so I can catch them. It's a match made in heaven.

    So exciting getting to actually experiment with combos now. When the player pool gets bigger, the issues will be solved completely I believe.
    SirojPr likes this.
  5. SirojPr

    SirojPr Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Napalm and torpedo combo has another benefit. The effect of napalm can dissimulate the in coming torpedos. And I trust, Flying Douch Man use the combo in this manner (but not sure for you). By the way, napalm is one of the best strategic weapons now.
  6. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @SirojPr shhh, don't give away my secrets! :cool:
  7. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    napalm is awesome with the new effects. you can hide a lot in it and build a barrier where unfriends can not look through so easy.
    SirojPr likes this.
  8. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I'd just like to point out 2 things:
    1) In the example Emilia shared, the disparity in infamy between the teams is approx. 1700. I have played quite a few games just like that too - just lazy to post pics. Before fleeting, there was no way this disparity could have happened. If the concern is the wait time, then in the spirit of fairness, make them wait. So Berg and Xmas have to choose between playing a game together once every 15mins versus not fleeting and having a game like us mere mortals. The latter would be considered fairer for the majority.

    2) If you look at the league tables pre-nightmare, the top players have far exceeded the initial threshold - e.g. To get promoted to Nightmare you needed to be 3500 - before fleeting highest was typically 3.6-3.7k? In the recent season, it hit a high of 4K+? Not broken?

    Bottom line is:
    - Fleeting is great. But it needs to be tweaked to make the game fun and fair for EVERYONE.
    - If the gods want to fleet up, make them wait till they can find a fair fight.
    - You do realize that being overwhelmed repeatedly by a superior force can be tantamout to cyber bullying right? Considering that this is a game played by kids, you might want to take that into consideration (how a kid on the receiving end might take it)
    mammoth1946 likes this.
  9. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    Losing to superior players in battle bay is definitely not tantamount to cyber bullying, please refrain from hyperbolizing to this extent.
    Mr. Chompers and BITTERSTEEL like this.
  10. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I agree with Zeus just means the matchmaking sucks.
  11. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I agree with @Zeus but I do not think the matchmaking sucks. Typically I enjoy it just pointing out some extreme examples
  12. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    lol this was an interesting matchmaking
    in terms of damage way on christmas side.
    in terms of infamy way on our side
  13. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Zeus is correct concerning the hyperbole but he also completely ignored the rest of the post which is annoying af
  14. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Who won this match?!? my guess is team Christmas but in terms of infamy, it is quite evenly matched except for the fact that team berg has 2 other fixers with him. the truth is, there is no perfect method in matchmaking... as far as i'm concerned, matchmaking has been better every update... but sometimes you get hit with a string of bad luck in terms of matches (i once had around 15 straight battles alternating between blacktail and orpheus with me as the lead player on my team and they were both ahead of me by at least 500 infamy points, i lost 400 infamy that day). sometimes you just have to suck it up and challenge yourself to play better and cross your fingers for awesome teammates :)

    losing is always tough to swallow but try take a more positive approach to it... games are supposed to help you relax and forget your worries for a bit. if you're getting frustrated, just put down the phone/pad and take a break (trust me, it helps).
  15. MHz3000

    MHz3000 Member

    1 May 2017

    Mammoths? I think you've watched the brutal age advertisements a few too many times.

    And you are right, remember thailand kill from a previous match made me a bit angry, so I ran in front of a guy he was about to final blow (with an OP epic carronade) and lost pretty much all my hp saving him, but in return he damaged thiland enough for me to get the last shot. From there I continued to contribute.

    Attached Files:

    mammoth1946 likes this.
  16. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    @yellowocean, ironically it was a very close fight. Captain Pi and Hunter in some ways took each other out. It ended up a fight in the last 30 secs between Christmas on one side and Berg and I on the other, mostly firing at each other over a wall :p. Christmas did the most damage by far but did end up losing when he got hit from 2 sides
  17. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017

    Wow, that would have been something to watch :) high damage vs. very fast heals :) it could have gone either way :)

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