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Crew training require more sugar than capacity

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Trap_DK, 5 Feb 2018.

  1. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    Why do I unlock crew members I can't train? The sugar required to train them is more than my capacity. Lvl 17 Capacity = 250000, Felix lvl 12 = 264000, Sinklair lvl 9 = 267500, Burnice lvl 8 = 310000, Blastian lvl 9 = 395000, Dr. Buzz kill lvl 9 = 495000.
    How am I supposed to rank up when I can't train any crew members?
  2. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Clearly there are many crew members you can still train - perhaps the ones you didn't list above? Train them, increase your captain level and you'll be able to train listed crew members more again.
    Neptune_Gaming likes this.
  3. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    All the others are first unlock at lvl 18, 19 and 20.
  4. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    You said you can't train Felix, Sinklair, Burnice, Blastian or Dr. Buzzkill at the moment.. What about Bhurt, Mortimer, Swift, Isak and Brock? When you go through them all, I'm sure you will find some training you are able to do. They are definitely not "first unlocked" at lvls 18, 19 or 20.
  5. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    Bhurt lvl 13 = unlock lvl 18, Mortimer lvl 13 = unlock lvl 20, Swift lvl 13 = unlock lvl 19, Isak lvl 13 = unlock lvl 19, Brock lvl 13 = unlock lvl 20
  6. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Either use pearls to make the difference or use the overflow. Or a bit of both.
    Overflow trick:
    Complete a quest that has a high sugar reward but don’t redeem.
    Max out sugar through battles.
    Buy a common and level it up once to take you under your max sugar.
    Redeem the quest. Your sugar balance should now be above max.
    Start the training, if you are still short use pearls to make up the difference.

    This only works once to get you over the sugar cap. You cannot redeem a quest if your already over it.
    benguin8 likes this.
  7. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    But surely this is a bug in the game that need to be fixed?
  8. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I am not saying it’s not a bug and shouldn’t be looked in to.
    Just trying to get you a work around in the time being. They changed the way that you level from when I started the game to add in game xp after fights so I have only ever had the lack of sugar capacity, not the cant train anyone as I still have some low level captains to level.
  9. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    It’s not a bug, it’s there on purpose to tax your pearls, and get people to spend.

    If you don’t want to spend pearls, then you might hit it by overflowing your sugar. Otherwise, you’ll just have to train something else until you unlock more capacity.
  10. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    Like I said... I can't train any crew members at the moment and how would spending pearls help me. The only thing I can get is 100% refill, but that's still only my capacity which isn't enough to train any of them?
  11. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    You can use pearls for a train up on a crew member. It will take into account of what you have sugar wise before calculating the value of required sugar as pearls that are missing.

    The sugar overflow by @Craigjnoble was introduced by the dev's so it's not a bug and was introduced to help support the fuller utilisation and mitigate of sugar wastage. See announcement thread [Patch Notes] v 2.5
    So to clarify based on your current captain level, all crew members are capped and the sugar requirements are in excess of your maximum storage?

    Is this also the case having looked at overflowing your sugar?
  12. Trap_DK

    Trap_DK New Member

    5 Feb 2018
    Yes. If I use overflow I can train Felix lvl 12 and Sinklair lvl 8 as you can see from the numbers earlier mentioned.
  13. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    Be one for the Dev's to look at in that case as you ought to be able to continue training your crew members without the need to pearl/overflow. I suspect the experience earned from the matches early game could have thrown off the training aspect a bit.
  14. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Feelix Lv13 will be even more (324K) so I'd suggest overflowing into Sinklair Lv8, as Lv9 is 122.5K and Lv10 is 147.5K.

    How many XP are you from Captain Level 18? That will at least push you to 260000 sugar cap, which should be easy to overflow with a quest.

    As a note, you are allowed to have one quest in the "backlog" - so even if you have three quests showing, the fourth will queue up behind them. Hold on to the big-value sugar quests, and re-roll your gold ones if you feel it necessary.

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