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The ULTIMATE Infamy revamp

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 24 Oct 2017.


Will this new system make matches more fair?

  1. This should have been what the game started with!

  2. Yes

  3. No

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  1. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    So matchmaking so far is always based off of infamy which is gained from winning. I have here for a proposal that would make matchmaking much more fair.
    There is this MMO on called Taichi Panda and how you get matched in PVP is based on something called "Might". How do you increase your might? Every piece of gear you put on your character gives you might. You base character's level also gives you might. Everytime you level up a piece of gear the might on that particular piece of gear increases. I want to apply this system to battle bay. I'll give some examples:

    MK 1 ships: 100 might
    MK 2 ships: 200 might
    MK 3 ships: 300 might
    MK 4 ships: 400 might
    MK 5 ships: 500 might
    MK 6 ships: 600 might
    MK 7 ships: 700 might
    Common item: 50 might
    Uncommon item: 150 might
    Rare item: 250 might
    Epic item: 350 might
    Legendary item: 450 might
    Every time you level up a item it gains 10 might
    Perks grant might too depending on the tier.

    With this system, matches can be found based off of your ship's might value.

    This system is not to replace infamy, infamy will still be used for leagues and such, but matchmaking would be based off of this new system to make matches much more fair.
    Please share your thoughts and comments below. AND if you vote no please be provide your constructive criticism!
  2. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    I fully support this. But I think this system will not be implemented because matches will become totally dependent on skill, meaning people's win rates will no longer be forced to 50%. So the noobs will be totally punished while the pros will be winning non stop. But I actually find it fair, unlike the current system where the better you are at handling your ship, the tougher the enemies the game will make you fight, in order to force you to 50% wins.

    It will also hurt rovio's revenue because people won't find the impulsive need to spend pearls to get legendary items. Because no matter what legendary items they buy, the game will equalize it by finding another opponent with the same strength.
    lolo and vis1234567899 like this.
  3. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    There is a easy fix to this part in terms of not hurting rovio's revenue. How taichi panda secures its revenue is simple. In order to do this the infamy system should be abolished. World and league rankings are 100% dependent on your might. This gives incentive to spend because in order to have the highest possible might in the game you have to have the best items
    FearsomeChicken and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    i support it too but i guess the might of each ship should not go up by a 100 as it might put an mk1 with a legendary with an mk4 with 3 commons or so
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Of course i have not thought out the numbers in detail enough to make it work but if you guys wanna carefully plan it out and help the devs please feel free to do so!
  6. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Yes might do but i think the actual numbering system is only fair if made by the devs as they can probably spend time fixing all the flaws in the numbering while we play the game lol
  7. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    When talking about matchmaking systems one fundamental question needs to be answered: What is fair? This might seem like an obvious question but it is actually not that straight forward.

    There are two main approaches to matchmaking:
    1. MMR based. In MMR based matchmaking players who perform on the same level are matched together. This is what Battle Bay has currently.
    2. Equipment based. In equipment based matchmaking players play together if the have similar equipment. This is essentially what you are suggesting.

    So which one is more fair? Equipment based matchmaking is essentially making a claim that players who have the same level items should be playing together. Surely fair right? However, that logic also means: "You have the same sneakers as Usain Bolt so you should be racing against him". All of a sudden it doesn't feel that fair anymore.

    However, an MMR based matchmaking takes a different stance. It says "I don't care why you are as good as you are, maybe it's skills, maybe it's items, but if you perform on a certain level, you should be playing with others who perform on the same level". Using the same sports metaphor it's saying "Oh, you run 100 meters in 13.7 seconds, so I'll put you against other players who can also run it in 13.7 seconds".

    So, which one feels more fair and more fun?
    1. Play with other players who on average perform on the same level and is guaranteed to always give you a meaningful challenge?
    2. Play against totally random people, as long as they have the same gear. Sometimes they run circles around you, and sometimes they don't even know how to shoot with their weapons. If you are one of the least skilled players you end up just losing all every time, and the game doesn't even try to correct that by adjusting the difficulty level, which doesn't feel fair or fun. If you are super humanly good, you keep on winning all the time and again the game doesn't even try to give you more challenges, which becomes boring pretty quickly.

    We, the Battle Bay team, have chosen the option number 1 because we feel it gives better overall experience for the wide variety of different players.
  8. Scourge Argaen

    Scourge Argaen Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    I like this idea and feel it has good merit to it. Some of the immediate benfits I see of it are:

    * Reduction in Seal Clubbing i.e. you can't bring an under equipped ship or a lower than appropriate level ship into a battle as you'll be matched to those of fairly equal might rating.
    * Players will have the freedom to trial other ships and experiment without having much detriment to others as there is no concern of falling into the above style.
    *More relaxed game progression for casual players who don't have the time to dedicate towards gear development to keep in their current band.

    If this was implemented then the tournament system should reflect it. The tournament levels you can play in is dictated by your might level. If this was ever to be implemented you would potentially rule out seal clubbing indefinitely as there would be no benefit at all to throwing a game.

    Considerations to the banding would take into consideration the level of ship you use I.e. Master 2 requires a mandatory level 4 ship. There may also be a restriction on certain bands and gear i.e. no legendaries until Master Leagues 2/1 banding to help negate an overly biased game play.

    As to whether there may be an impact on revenue I don't have a clue. I think people will always spend money though to enjoy and partake of the high end game play where the bigger challenges await.

    Just my thoughts anyway :)
  9. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Hold up, in games like Overwatch and CSGO, all players only have access to the same items. If we match players according to their item levels, doesnt that in essence create a very similar system? Why is it that in those games they are able to so well develop skill groups and leagues while battle bay cannot do so should they switch to a item level base system? Taichi Panda is a hugely successful Mobile game and i believe their system works and can be successfully implemented into battle bay. They have professional teams surely who have thought it all out and so i believe there has got to be a deeper more complex level behind everything.
    IMO, i believe you guys think about it the wrong way that it is more fun to have a challenge fighting against players that have better gear than you. Even if everyone has the same level of gear, there will always be a group who are good and a group who are bad. This is a learning gap that many games have. There is nothing wrong with a high or low W/L ratio. People will learn and get better, that's the fun in the game
    Last edited: 24 Oct 2017
  10. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I already gave the solution to the reveune problem. How Taichi Panda does it is by having the leaderboards be based on your "might". So basically the end goal of the game is to get the best gear you can get! if all gear have their own might levels that reflect upon levelling up and evolving. The incentive to spend pearls remains.
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Because Overwatch and CS:GO both use MMR based matchmaking just like Battle Bay. CS:GO and BB are even based on the same algorithm, Glicko 2, although both games have modified it heavily for their specific needs.
  12. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Understood, essentially to keep the current infamy system Battle bay requires MMR base matchmaking. The proposed equipment based system would work but only if the infamy system is abolished so as to allow Rovio to maintain incentive for pearl purchasing through having leaderboards be based off of equipment levels. Lack of a way to combine these two ideas has led the battle bay team to go with MMR matchmaking instead of adopting what Taichi Panda has done with Equipment based.

    EDIT: now that i think about it in game like overwatch and CS:GO where everyone has the same level of items, MMR progression is purely based on skill. In battle bay due to the variance in items, the MMR progression is not as skill based as people want it to be. At higher levels, items do affect how far you can push. The big question i'm now sure the battle bay team has to address is HOW do you make the game as skill based as possible while maximizing incentive for IAP purchases. The system we have now is the best they could think of.
    Last edited: 24 Oct 2017
    Spinners71, lolo and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    Lol Just Keep Me Away From Tier5 Epic Players And We Will Be All Right :)
    TheAntiSnipe and Miku Da Yo 39 like this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Wow. Serious discussion happening here. But, I don't know, why don't we keep both? As in, infamy first, gear second? As in, first, the game checks your infamy. Then, to gauge skill, it will compare W/L or something like that. So some players with good equip. and bad skills will end up with players of a little higher skill and infamy compared to them, and people with bad weapons and good skill will play on terms with the same kind of people. This neither affects revenue (players are still able to progress, infamy is still the main unit) nor does it cause seal clubbing or infamy tanking.
    Also, devs, I had a suggestion. Vainglory has this low priority queue thing. Those devs don't care if you lost connection or delibirately lost, they put you in a low priority queue where you have 1 minute of wait time regardless of whether a match is available. I think implementing this will lessen match tanking by speeders and the like.
    Spinners71 and vis1234567899 like this.
  15. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    In Overwatch, everyone does in fact have the same gear. That means it's 'not' being ranked by gear. It's by skill. Miika is saying that it works better to rank by skill instead of items.

    I believe the infamy system itself is a perfect concept, but it has its own flaws. It does a good job of reflecting the difference between your skill and your power, but occasionally can fluctuate and cause your entire team to be wiped in an instant.

    It's not perfect, but I think it's a perfect idea. We just need to give the devs time to polish it, fix the weird issues that can cause one team to often be far more powerful than the other.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I agree with @TheAntiSnipe. I don't think this is a boolean decision. It is certainly true that Usain Bolt's skill ought to matter. But all of his skill and ability could not overcome enough of a gear mismatch. Intuitively it seems to me that MatchMakingScore = f(Skill, Gear).

    I still think, however, that fixing the incentive structure is job #1. That makes a total hash of the skill input to the function. My infamy does not represent my skill. It represents my assessment of the best min/max matchmaking situation to keep gold, sugar, and parts flowing. I would like to see what sort of matches the existing system put together if there weren't M5's at infamy 150. Possibly no further adjustments are required.
    Last edited: 28 Jan 2018
    YerJokinArnYer likes this.
  17. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    A Honda can never beat a Ferrari no matter how good the driver is. There cannot be such a big gap in gear. We need to match first based on infamy, then based on gear. If gear level gap is too big, you will not be able to get matches up. If your gear is too OP you will never find a match, too bad
  18. PastelPiku

    PastelPiku Well-Known Member

    27 Jan 2018
    A professional driver can win in a Honda if the Ferrari is being driven by a kid. But a professional in a Ferrari will beat both. It's not really about the skill or the power, just the results.
  19. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    In battle bay if you got t5 legendaries, you are invincible to a player with all t5 commons. No matter how professional the player with the commons is and how bad and zero skilled the guy with the t5 legendaries is, he is an invincible god. The fact that there can be THIS big of a gear gap in the game is a horrific design flaw.
    PastelPiku likes this.
  20. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    A big issue with BB is that legendaries circumvent the training tree. A newbie player can pay cash to buy a legendary item on day 1 whereas for others it takes others many months of training and nearly 40 captain levels to be eligible to put together an equivalent T5 rare item. It is the prototypical P2W model, but it just feels there is something missing.
    PastelPiku likes this.

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