Imho (bracing for salt) speeder needs a COMPLETE maleover. It no longer fits it's role as a fast ship at mk6, becoming a fast ship+juggernaut+crowd control class ship. I don't know about you guys, but the kind of weapon combos that exist in this game not just empower speeders, they make them highly dangerous boats to the point that the speeder is unnatural no matter how I think about it. At mk6, the ability to wield a bandage with the incendiary combo and tesla shield, makes a good opening damn near impossible to come by in case of skilled speeders.
Unfortunately, the main problem here is that most other classes assume speeders to be a literal godlike class of ship. That may be slightly true. However, the skill ceiling is high and it is an unforgiving ship to play as well.
A tesla bolt nerf, while in my opinion being well deserved, will need a complete rebalance across rarities. I do believe that any stun beyond 13 seconds is an excess. But that's coming from me as an Ace 3-2 player. My perspective on this may change as well. Since the OP didn't specify a nerf, I'd say that capping all stuns to 13 seconds, while killing most people who spent lotsa cash on legendaries, would do it. Not that it's the best idea, or even a good idea for that matter. However, making it a twoslot will hit mk5s hard, and I think(believe) that tesla equipment deserves it's own slot. Make it so that the tesbolt and tesshield becomes an altogether different category of item(orange maybe?) And this will ensure that people use only one of them(mk4 speeder and mk5 speeder will have one slot point, one slot, while mk6 will have one slotpoint, two slots, i agree this needs modification, but bear in mind this is an example).
Whew. Well, that's my opinion on the matter. Feel free to comment, my details are sketchy.
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