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Battle Bay's Biggest Problems [Rant]

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Zachiderp, 21 Jan 2018.

  1. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Battle Bay has so many issues and almost every aspect of the game is flawed so I'll try to cover every problem the game has.

    Season rewards
    Season rewards are so underwhelming. After 2 long weeks of pushing to a higher infamy, you are given a few pieces, parts and gold that you literally could've gotten in a day if you farmed all your star crates and did your quests that day (unless you're in ace and higher). On top of that the seasons tend to be unwinnable due to higher level ships dropping in infamy to receive the top prize in lower leagues, making it unfair for the players who are supposed to be there. Season rewards should be buffed and you should be able to choose the rewards you would like to receive as well as gear from that season if you made it in the top 10 (Challenger common, warrior uncommon, master rare, ace epic, and nightmare more legendary pieces).

    Powercells are an unneeded limiter when evolving items and can't even be bought. causing major problems to unlucky players who don't receive them through recycling. They are also useless once you get gear of a higher rarity causing unhappy players receiving them from guild raffle when they have literally no use for them what so ever. Powercells should be completely removed from the game and players who have powercells should be compensated with either gold, sugar, or parts depending on the rarity of the powercell

    Advancing in the game means forcing players to use one ship for the rest of the game, causing repetitive gameplay due to lack of different playstyles. The price of upgrading a ship should be reduced greatly because it's ridiculous how much it costs to take your ship to the next MK level, or all ships are upgraded at the same time when reaching a new mk level. Another reason why is because it's difficult to balance ships if players only limit themselves to playing only one ship. Like say if speeder was nerfed and majority of players only leveled up their speeder, they will still continue to play it, because they just don't have the resources or time (or cash) to swap to another ship.

    The big issue players have in the game is matchmaking, but it's not as bad as you think. The reason many players complain is due to floaters or higher mk levels. But that's not the biggest issue. The unfairness is caused mostly by gear. There has almost NEVER been a game where all players had equal gear, perks, and crew training. Teams should also have EVEN ships AND mk levels for the matches to be fair, balance changes will be necessary to let all ships be equally used but this is needed. The reason why is because a team of 3mk5 speeders and 2mk5 shooters will clearly dominate a team of 3 mk5 shooters and 2 mk5 fixers because even though they are equal in mk levels, the team with fixers is at a clear weapon disadvantage and the team with speeders could stun the shooters and take down the fixers making the battle even more difficult.

    Guild Raffle and Rivalry
    The quests are highly unbalanced since each guild gets a different set of quests and some weapons have clear advantages over others in terms of dealing damage. A few ways to fix this problem is 1: Remove weapon specific quests (https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/time-to-remove-the-specific-weapon-quests.16068/) or 2: Base the quests on the weapons/ships players use most in the guild.
    These are where most of the game's problems lie. The only way to progress in this game is skill and gear and as we've clearly seen in matchmaking gear>>>>>>skill. Gear causes so many problems in the game that it needs it's own sections.
    The RNG: It makes progress limited and forces players to use weapons they get the most of or suffer a very long wait in hopes for a duplicate. There is no definite way to earn duplicates other than busted lootrates which should be completely changed. I've proposed multiple solutions to this problem such as evolving lower gear (such as a common) to a higher rarity gear of equal level (common lvl 10 -> uncommon lvl1) through using parts gold and sugar, allowing duplicates of lower rarity to combine to make a higher rarity( 5 common dupes to make uncommon) or this idea hear https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/weapon-rework.15318/

    The Rarities: IMO the rarity system is a heaping pile of hot GARBAGE! It creates MAJOR imbalances in matchmaking since players can skip through progression with luck. The system should either be completely reworked/removed or level caps on gear in leagues so that only skill will determine whether a player rises or not and gear could do that in higher up leagues.

    The Imbalance: There are many items with CLEAR advantages over others but like the same problem above with ships, some players are unable to farm up enough resources to switch so they have to suffer or quit. This also makes balancing very difficult because it's impossible to tell whether or not a buff or nerf will destroy a weapon because it not only effects low level players, it effects EVERY player. Mortars are clearly over powered at lower levels since ships are much slower and can barely dodge, but at higher levels mortars are rarely even seen since ships are much faster. And certain items aren't even used at lower levels which brings me to my final topic

    Crew Training
    Crew training has caused more problems than me may think. A lot of training usually interferes with another weapon preventing tons of weapon combos(like sniper and blast cannons, triple torps and mines and so on) to be possible due to this. Instead of an actual crew there should just be a training branch for each weapon and ship so that they all can reach their full potential ( or something like this https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/weapon-rework.15318/)
    The experienced gained from crew training should scale with the amount it costs because I find it ridiculous that an upgrade that costs more will give me LESS experience than an upgrade that costs much more
    Another issue with crew training which i find major is the limitations put at the beginning of the game. Almost never will I see a player using a tesla bolt, triple torp or napalm since the training for them is locked until a higher level. A lot of other weapons are also only good near end game due to the training for them being so far away, such as explosive cannon and carronade which makes it a nightmare when players only get those weapons as dupicates without the proper training. It's also difficult to balance the game since not all players have equal crew training so players could have the same level weapon, but since one has better training than the other it's an unfair match up.

    STOP GIVING ME QUESTS FOR WEAPONS I DON'T USE! Also you get about the same amount of gold as you do sugar from them. You should get much more gold than sugar since sugar is much harder to get than gold and you have a higher capacity for gold than you to sugar to further prove my point.

    Cheating/Win Trading
    At a certain infamy this is seen very oftenly so at 3000+ infamy players friends will be unable to see the name's or guild of players on the enemy team until the end of the game
  2. Ultrah

    Ultrah Well-Known Member

    19 Jun 2017
  3. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    The Otherguy and Ultrah like this.
  4. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Gnu likes this.
  5. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I agree with basically everything you said. Here's the deal though, at least half of those issues would be resolved by getting infamy corrected, I'll list several points on that topic:

    Season Rewards: I'd assert infamy droppers are the issue. BB needs to have a stable infamy system that doesn't allow this, at least with an x-day moving average, making it extremely difficult to drop and re-gain infamy in a 2-week time-span. If you were good enough to reach infamy X, you should probably stay there (i.e. have a floor), as your items and skills are only going to get better.
    Ships: IMO ships should all be leveled at once. That along with infamy based on longer-term moving average would solve most of the infamy issues in this game.
    Matchmaking: solved by good infamy. An infamy system that whiplashes 24 points per match is not a proper tool for matchmaking.
    Gear: shouldn't be an issue if infamy is fixed to the point where matchmaking is good. I could care less if I go against a player with better gear if we are equal in a match.

    PS: Quests.
    You will receive quests for ships that are equipped in any boat you have. Put the ones you don't want quests for in your inventory.
    Also I'm ok with the quest gold/sugar balance. Matchup rewards are heavily skewed toward gold already, so there's not many ways to make up sugar deficits.
    Captain Gilligan and Zachiderp like this.
  6. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    There can only be one GNU
    Gnu likes this.
  7. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    But seasonal rewards are still lackluster. especially if you're not in the top 3. Although a better infamy system would be good, player will still end up pummeled by players with better gear because there's a certain point the game will let you go before gear will be required to rise.
  8. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Problem with infamy dropping is that season rewards are simply not worth it. All league rewards for position 10+ are worse than lower leagues top 10. Why do I have to go up to next league when I can drop some infamy to go in easier league and get better rewards simply by placing in top 10. Not to mention guild seasons are half the time period and give far better rewards.
    _devill and Zachiderp like this.
  9. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Heh, who cares about the season rewards? The amount of just raw "stuff" that I'd pass up pushing for infamy rather than grinding for gear seems insurmountable. This season the quest board was awful so I decided to try to push into master (got to 1275). But I couldn't keep it up. It quickly bankrupted me.

    As long as that remains true then there is nothing Rovio can ever do to solve the infamy problem. They might stop existing high levels from doing it but whatever they did wouldn't affect me at all. How could it? I'm already at a comfortable infamy for farming. What's stopping me from just staying there simply by playing but not as well or patiently as I might? I could put in solid middle-ground performances forever and stay right where I want to. At that point I'm not exactly tanking since I'm performing par for the infamy. But it stinks that the other players aren't really in control of the match whether they know it or not. It's still a problem.
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2018
  10. nzouF

    nzouF Member

    22 Jan 2018
    OP, I agree with you but if you think any modification will be done any soon, you're wrong. Nothing will happen in a long time.
    Maybe a big update will come later but most of the current mid level/high level player base will already be gone.

    Let's face reality, the game is a huge lotery and you only have two ways to play : total F2P or total P2W, there's no in between.

    So long story short : yes, the game is great in its core (engine/physics/gameplay) but what's around it is badly designed (or designed this way on purpose).
    Infamy system was probably ok in the beginning but is awful now, crew training/xp grind is sickening, players toxicity (in its diverse form) and the lack of punishment of these behaviors are terrible.
    Last edited: 22 Jan 2018
    Zachiderp likes this.
  11. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    And sadly this is true. I was hoping even a minimal change will be made but at this point I don't think rovio even cares. There was a thread about rng going on for weeks until they finally nreploed and atill haven't made any changes :/
  12. A55A51N

    A55A51N Well-Known Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Well if you are so unhappy with almost everything about the game just quit!! Make a leaving thread and delete the game. Don’t need to salt the forums for us who like the game
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Though I agree with him, I think we all like to rant every now and then, which is what this thread is anyway lel.
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I agree with most of this.

    Matchmaking hasn’t bothered me for a while (maybe I just got used to it). I just wish it would stop allowing people to join Ace/Nightmare games in a mk1.
  15. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Because this is more cristicism than salt. I want this game to get better and even proposed solutions to most of the issues I've listed. I already quit playing, all i do is collect daily reward and only plan on returning when the game gets better.
  16. nzouF

    nzouF Member

    22 Jan 2018
    Same here minus the daily rewards.
  17. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Season rewards: Agreed. I have stopped even checking the seasons anymore because they simply do not matter.

    Powercells: Absolutely agreed. Mainly just remove power cells from all the guild rivalry rewards. They are worse than just getting some sugar.

    Ships: Slightly disagree. I don't think the actual gold cost is the most expensive part of upgrading/switching ships. I think the most difficult part is the needed training and loadout in order to make each ship effective. It takes way too long and costs way too much to do the higher-level training. This makes switching ships and even switching weapons very painful. It is also very difficult to build 2 competitive loadouts, even for similar ships (speeder and enforcer) because they simply do not use the same slots for most of the players.

    Matchmaking: Disagreed. While it sounds great that I would be matched with somebody with the exact same ship mk, captain level, and "gear level", I think this would be even more unfair. I do not pretend to be the best or even close, but, for the most part, I would shred anybody that does not have much better gear than me. I think the infamy system needs to be adjusted to also include a "gear level". For example, each level and rarity contributes a certain number of points towards your infamy. This would make the games a little bit fairer without allowing somebody with superior skill to just run roughshod through same-geared scrubs. I also disagree about your ship composition suggestion. I like having variety and uneven teams. It makes you have to adapt and play differently.

    Guild Rivalry: Agreed, give every guild the same quests. And something needs to be done about weapon quests. They've heard enough about this so I won't go into it further.
    Guild Raffle: REMOVE THE POWER CELLS. FFS. Seriously. I hit legendary power cells THREE TIMES IN A ROW during this rivalry. Do you know how frustrating it is to get a useless item when I've devoted so much time into saving up those raffle tokens.

    Gear: Agreed. Something needs to change here. Rovio needs to set an example in the gaming world. They make plenty of money and will continue to make money.

    Crew Training: Agreed. Training is just too slow and too expensive.

    Quests: That is your own fault @Zachiderp. You only get weapon quests for the weapons that you have equipped on your ships. I do think that the rewards should be raised on them. I've had sugar quests that reward >200k and then some that reward only 60k recently. They need to have a floor that increases with captain level.

    Cheating/Win Trading: Eh. One team is going to win and one team is going to lose. Probably too small of an issue to really worry about.
    Zachiderp and A55A51N like this.
  18. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    When i said gear i meant fixer quests. For months i had stopped using fixer and hadn't even had recycled the gear that was equipped to if yet I was constantly getting gear for it still. I agreee with what your point on matchmaking although some comps are at a clear disadvantage but thats more of a balancing issue most times I also really likedthe gear level to infamy points idea. I also respect your point wih the slight disagree on ships. I never really had much of a problem with the training since I don't train as much but I can see the issue
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  19. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    You too? I've experienced the same, hitting legendary power cells 4 out of 10 draws, and no pieces. Based on all the reports on this forum it is apparent they are weighting legendary power cells heavier than others. For F2P players, they are as worthless as uncommon cells because It takes F2P players 1 year to get a single legendary item.
  20. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Its triggering when im so close to getting an epic dupe then hitting a powercell
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.

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