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Boat Improvements for Speeder and Fixer (Slot Changes)

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 20 Jan 2018.

  1. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Why I am not surprised you have a personal vendetta against speeders and plan on nerfing everything about the speeders.
    Since you asked for reason why your idea is stupid let's give you reasons.
    Fixer 3 yellow slot pts
    Acc to ur logic all fixers std setup will be
    1. Tesla shield ( which can last upto 10 sec)
    2. Ob ( for running away )
    And speeder std setup will lose tesla shield
    So in your grand idea for changeyou want speeders the lowest heath boat in the game to lose its pseudo health ( tesla shield) so it can be shut down easily and fixers who have decent health and the ability to heal up have another pseudo health ( tesla shield ) and which will also protect them from the tesla bolt( only thing that can stop healing from only duct tape and pulse not box and bolt which is a bug) so it will be impossible to stop fixers from healing up and make it impossible to kill them and wait where are the speeders who generally take down fixers oh right they can't move in because they don't have anything to protect them ( no tesla shield ).
    You don't want to step up speeders you just want to make your fixer boat op and nerf speeder to the ground.
    And what will speeders do with 4 red slots ?
    Use double EC we can already use double BC its same thing ( as chances to use EC aoe are not always there ).
    And what else is two slot big torp news alert forst has already been nerfed to ground what else should speeders use mortars then or missiles?
    So you even want speeders to be restricted to 2 weapon choices now who would explain that to rngesus that speeders only want EC and big torp nothing else then the slot pts will be wasted.
    Both boat fixers and speeders already have their unique roles and both provide uniqueness to the game and as for enforcer you haven't seen a good mk6 player double tesla shield are op it so hard to catch them when they don't have the shield up and it's hard to take down shield and don't get me started on enfo dancing.
    All three boats are well balanced in end game don't bring any crap ideas to make them worse.
    If you want fix for fixers ask devs to return pulse to its former glory or atleast 75% of healing of the user instead of 50% now
    Last edited: 20 Jan 2018
  2. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    I disagree with botj changes.
    Reducing a fixers weapon choices to nothing gives it no survivability in a 1v1 situation and making ductable useless since you are forcing them to be a support only ship. A better change would be
    R: 3 3
    Y: 1
    G: 4 4 4
    B: 3 3
    This way they have more hp and freedom to chose a different healing item other than pulse because in battles they tend to be easy pickingd against speeders
    Speakig of speeders. Your proposed change will negate the tesla shield that speeders love so much and force them to use 2 2 slot weapons to fully utilize the extra slot points but here's the problem. No shield mesns they'll get melted when they close in on ememies and the double 2 slot would get rid of the flare explosive combo since theyd hsve to either run double explosive or firebomb (which can't be used st close range, against other speeders)
    Ian and Stonebanks like this.
  3. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    3 yellow slots on fixer means duct tape fixer is dead. 1 red slot 1 point. Your a peashooter.
    2 yellow slots 3 points. Tesla shield breaks and stuns you. Fixers self healing is so weak, you think boats cannot take down a double pulse fixer or fixers running bolts and boxes? Did you forget flare still exists in the game? Completely invalid arguement. Fixer is not receiving a buff at all. All the nightmare fixers will be nerfed to a degree but be compensated with extra movement speed or a shield. Nightmare fixers have VERY High dps BECAUSE they have the same slots as a speeder. That is the only reason I'm running triple tape.

    As for the speeder, you can still run Tesla shield, no one is saying you can't. A enforcer has to choose only 1 point weapons. Such is the case with speeder and yellow items. No matter how you look at it, 4 red points is a huge dps boost to speeder and your refusal to take advantage of it is ur own loss. Speeder is lowest health ship in game? LOL

    Most to lowest health:
    Speeder / Enforcer
  4. Jasper21

    Jasper21 Active Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Lol. Thank you for your proposed changes to mk6 speeder, the so called “buff”, but no thanks :confused:
  5. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Do some research before writing off someone argument as invalid.
    ( I have till now not heard a single argument from you which has facts behind it or has some logical sense )
    Fixers has lowest health yeah right. This is waveblower's fixer with only tier 4 std epic shield ( see 7658 health ) Screenshot_20180120-094506.png
    Below is @ysl health with epic tier 5 big shield with all epic perks. ( See 7225 health)
    As for speeders will have choice to equip tesla shield so ur want speeder to waste one yellow slot and equip only two items another nerf and are you new to forums that's the freaking thing mk5 enforcer are crying about the whole time? Do you even know the problem with enforcer before taking their stand and imposing same problem for speeders.
    And as for flare gun did it has a short range speeders need to be near you to fire that and they won't be able to penetrate enemy lines with little health they will be taken down immediately seriously did you even read my answer it was mentioned Thier cleary.
    As for tesla shield can be broken fixers stay in the middle of the enemy group unless someone penetrates the enemy( which speeders do now )or enemy team seperate you cannot touch fixers so rare chance of breaking shield.
    And enforcer has to choose one slot weapons did you forget one slot weapons that work with enfo have a lot of choices.
    Flare gun BC EC sniper std cannon mine ball park mortars lrm carronade etc whereas only 2 slot weapon that work for speeder are big torp and EC and I already explained about flaws of those two in my previous answer.
    And one more thing having highest dps weapon doesn't matter if they don't have synergy.
    Ask any decent fixer they will all say the same thing the best fix for fixer is buff pulse self healing capacity that's all
    Your suggestion is pointless and has no argument or basis whatsoever.
    Before giving response to my answer do urself and me a favour do some thinking and research first have some solid facts to back you up.
  6. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    YSL has 125+ Healing bandage every 5 sec (1500 HP gain if she survives a minute) and (she could always Swtich to std shield 1.5k hp straight gain) ,Twice better map control with speed and agility(Which is the reason why Fixer and speeder HP should not be compared)

    Comparing speeder(Most op boat in nightmate) vs fixer (weakest in nightmare) shows how baised you are to protect your precious yellow banana lol...

    Speeder is the one single Reason why fixers suffer!
  7. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    I shudder to think of paladin fixers with 3 yellow items and 3 duct tapes :eek:

    Imagine- tesla bolt, overboost, nitro, and duct tape?!
    New meta right there.
    Well except for the one red slot point o_O
  8. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    You know how much dactape heal? 125+ ticks per sec see the difference? And they also have lot of equipment to heal themselves.
    Fixers are the game changers in a game it's only natural they should be taken down first that's why they are targeted first.
    Because that's the logical course of action in the game.
    And bandage is equipped by shooter and defenders too so should we bring down helath of all of them to fixer level?
    As for protecting my speeder boat the suggestion he suggested are pointless and will make a good boat run into ground and make fixer op.
    I proposed a good suggestion to fix the problems of fixer improve the self healing capacity via pulse to its former glory in case you didn't read it.
    If you have any arguments with facts that you can throw at me then ur welcome just don't throw crap allegations about protecting ur boat and all
  9. Jasper21

    Jasper21 Active Member

    26 Jun 2017
    I think these changes will never take place. You proposed changing the red slots of mk6 fixer from 2 slots 3 points to 1 slot 1 point, you have to also change the 2 red slot points of mk5 fixer to 1 slot point. Think about all the mk5/6 fixers who are running 2-slot points weapons like napalm, firebomb, big torp or ex cannon as their main weapon, all of a sudden they CAN’T equip their main weapon on their ship. For enforcers you can give up a red slot if you want to equip a 2-slot points weapon, but with your proposed changes to fixers, you have absolutely no way to equip such weapons. What are these fixers going to do right after the change? Spend money to buy another weapon and level it up to T3/4 in a day so that they can bring them into battles? Have you considered how devastating it would be for F2P fixers?

    *not every fixer has legendary 1-slot items like you do @Miku Da Yo 39.

    Edit: just found out that even mk3 fixer has 2 red slot points. Imagine how many fixers (mk3-7) are going to suffer with such change of slot points.
    Last edited: 20 Jan 2018
  10. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Regardless if they are F2P or not if they only own 1 weapon having played through hundreds of hours into their BB career, then they deserve to have to grind for new gear. Seriously what kind of player scraps everything and has only one weapon. -_-
  11. Jasper21

    Jasper21 Active Member

    26 Jun 2017
    No one deserves to suffer such grinding. There are F2P players who put almost all their available resources into building up something they are using.

    For P2P, some players have put in thousands of $$$ into building up a missile, an ex cannon, or a railgun. Now these weapons are useless on fixers, do you think it’s fair to them?
    Ovidmikel and Ian like this.
  12. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    If you scrapped all your stuff, that is your fault. Unless we are talking noobs below lv 20. Nobody in their right mind runs with only 1 weapon and scraps all the hundreds of items they get.

    This thread is done. I shared my thoughts. I honestly don't care what people think. Hope the devs see this, they make the call not us. Don't reply. Lock the thread
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Wow. So YOU create a thread, and you say you "honestly don't care what people think".

    As a speeder, I firmly reject and oppose this idea. Two twoslot weapons would make speeder OP? Don't kid me. Fixer main, aren't you? Please. I think @Joey who was right about you.

    Guys, this dude is trying to kill the flaregun, and this is his latest attempt. He's trying to exploit the only "opening" to the flare+blast/excannon combo by removing the tesla shield from play altogether.

    I'm adding a poll here, since any buff or nerf needs proper debate.
  14. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    My opinion on possible changes:

    3RR 1Y 5GGG 2BB > 2RR 1Y 5GGG 3BB
    (2 point red weapon still available)
    Pulse 75% selfheal

    Make the tesla bolt a 2 point item so they would have to choose between shield and bolt. Remove the resistance thing.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Fully support the fixer thing, but about the speeder... Making tbolt a twoslot is going to hurt midgame and early game speeders. We'll need to nerf it when it starts becoming ridiculous, with those NASTY 13+ second stuns. I think, instead of a slot nerf, the tbolt needs a tree nerf.
    LimeOnMars likes this.
  16. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    Maybe you are right, i am honestly not sure about the bolt thing. Was thinking about the fact that both shield and bolt equipped are too strong on speeders, but maybe i am wrong :D
    Last edited: 20 Jan 2018
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  17. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Wont affect any speeder except mk6,Only mk6 has slots to Occupy tesla shield.
    Its already ridiculous in nightmare.Mortars(as a weapon) and fixers are useless because of speeder environment.They arent bad at all but specifically speeders are runing them.Also F2P speeders are well balanced,But when you have epic goods equipped speeder shows its sheer power(Epic OB,Epic Tesla shield,Epic nitro are terrifically strong).The reason why jumpannen shine late game even tho he is better most of P2W speeder.Becuase rare yellows make speeder well balanced

    Adding poll is abuse of your power
    @The Grim Repair so now we create thread and if mvps' dont like it.They are free to modify it?
    (Except caps/abusive language).I m losing forum intrest everyday because of this constant censoring
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  18. LimeOnMars

    LimeOnMars Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    But mk5 speeder should have to sacrifice a yellow slot in order to equip bolt. It's 3YYY
  19. vis1234567899

    vis1234567899 Well-Known Member

    17 Aug 2017
    Actually I would love this change
    as then I can bring in two heavy weapons as a speeder. I use one point yellow items anyway so.........
  20. kurdish bndo

    kurdish bndo Active Member

    26 Nov 2017
    @lana92999 meant you can not add 3 item if you have only 2 slot

    not just that slot point means space and slot mean 1 or 2

    for example
    ex cannon is 2 slot item but as all item it needs only i slot point

    just change all slot to point and point to slot. :)

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