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Time to remove the specific weapon quests?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kitterini, 17 Jan 2018.

  1. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    From a lowbie perspective (level 25), yeah I would mostly. In other words, the game has been feeding me the things I need to compete at about the pace I need them. Blue parts are a pain but I can't blame Rovio for that. I'm saving most of my blue/epic stuff rather than scrapping it. I see it as a long-term gain vs. a short-term loss.

    Where I thought it got grim was when I was successful and pushed up in infamy well above similarly leveled captains. Then the economy broke for me. Better gear slowed to a trickle just when I needed it most. Few stars, little gold & sugar, few pearls, and much much harder time on the guild quests. I think antisnipe said it well. "The systems don't function correctly when you perform outside the developers' expectations."

    Although I readily admit that the presence of such rampant tanking (both to lose infamy and for guild quests and other reasons like learning a new weapon/skill) makes a hash of any sensible progression system. Maybe the gear I have would appear more adequate if I wasn't seeing so many much higher captains at such low infamy levels? Rovio appears to attach a lot of stock to the infamy number when match making and that number can be manipulated by the players. I absolutely agree that the whole problem is more about the incentive structure than the players. It's not pertinent to this thread but the incentive structure problem extends beyond guild quests.
  2. Ovidmikel

    Ovidmikel Active Member

    3 Aug 2017
    The quest could be play so many battle with fixer shooter fleeted, shooter speeder fleeted and so on . agree with all posts having to.use low lvl weapons for quest causes problems for everyone
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Let me just put this up:

    Our guild does quests like this: We run quests for our main weapons. But in addition, I asked every member to try and learn one new weapon a month.
    I think this is how Rovio wanted us to run rivalries. My guild is mostly Ace 3-2 and Master 2-1. A bunch of midgamers. Meaning it's at a point where "learning" is possible.
    Back in the day when pearls weren't nerfed, we recklessly ran Board 3 and crushed any and all rivals. This meant that the rivalry took priority. So yes. Our guild was, for a month or so, guilty of running low weps.

    Now here's my issue.

    It's been more than a month since we've been playing the way Rovio would want us to. It isn't rewarding. At all.
    We barely manage Board 2. And haven't been first(except once) since we began this.

    I believe that this runs contrary to the theory of game design, in that the developers should incentivise playing the way they want the users to play, rather than punishing users for not playing that way.

    I like all the ideas presented here, but I believe we need to find a way that encourages F2Ps to pick up new weapons under acceptable conditions. The game should "reward" trying out new, strong weapons for guild work.
    Ultrah and benguin8 like this.
  4. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    In theory... but that's kind of hard, no? There's a conceptual conflict between "play as hard as you can" and "learn new weapons". You really can't have them both... not on a routine basis. In order to "get good" I need to focus on my chosen weapons platform and drill those instincts into my very soul. If I, over the course of my career, choose to try new things once in a while it's only a temporary thing. But the guild quests happen every week.

    The bottom line for me is that if I want to advance i can't participate in the guild quests that don't involve my exact platform... no substitutions allowed. Even swapping the LRM for a fire bomb changes the play dramatically.

    ** edited to add **
    The only way I can really think of to do this is to have non-infamy guild quest matches somehow. I don't think the player base is big enough to support that.
    Last edited: 19 Jan 2018
    TheAntiSnipe and Babablacksheep like this.
  5. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    I don't think guild rivalry item dmg quests are broken. The answer is to either diversify in-guild, or to have a full inventory of weps to cover possibilities. I do think boards should be the same for each rivalry.

    Before Guild rivalries I was a scrapper. I'd scrap everything to get the parts I needed for a specific upgrade. Now I only scrap those items I absolutely, definitely don't need. I've been building my inventory and upgrading items I need for specific guild quests. So now when we get STD mortar or missiles (which no one in my guild likes) I'm on it straight away with my T4 rares to get em done.

    Without specific wep dmg quests I prob would never have discovered how much I love RG or trip torp. I still can't stand mortars but I use em if I have to
  6. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Uh oh.. You disagreed with the devs. Be prepared to lose MVP.... :p

    The issue I have with the current system is that it is far too difficult to pick up a new weapon and devote time and resources into that weapon in order to get it to a level that it isn't a major handicap. This might not matter at low infamy, but it does at 2500+ (where I am).

    "I would love to help with the Carronade quest, but my lvl10 epic Carronade says otherwise."

    Right now it is a double whammy. You have difficult weapon quests (e.g. Carronade) AND it is difficult to actually level the weapon to make the quest easier. They need to fix one of these. I'd say fix the leveling and acquiring of dupes through regular play (not the "special offers").

    One way this could be done is by removing the less-rare parts requirement from the leveling of items. So remove the commons, uncommons and rares from the leveling of epics. This would then allow somebody to focus on leveling some rares to see if they liked them without hurting the leveling of their main epics.
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Lol! I have no attachments to the title tho. I come here to advise and to listen to better players.
    Agree 100%✓✓ I'm in the same league as you, and I have the same problems. But I have decided to learn the carro as a weapon because it really seems to fit my style.
    Yup! I think they'll fix both, due to all the stuff about lootboxes last year, but let's see how they do it.
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  8. DaveRay35

    DaveRay35 Active Member

    18 Jun 2017
    What you're talking about is related to willingness, effort, and time. None of this is fundamentally unfair.

    I started guild quests with no carronade. Through hoarding and upgrading (only when doing a carronade guild quest) I now have a rare T4 which does a job when I need it.

    One of the main benefits to guild quests, in my opinion, is it 'encourages' people to diversify their inventory. We will all be worse off in the long run if this is taken away.
  9. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    I agree 100%. BUT... right now it is too difficult to actually diversify your inventory. Too hard to get epic dupes. Too hard to get materials. Too hard to train new captains. All of these greatly stall any diversification.

    Just as an example... I've just started play World of Warships Blitz and the way that it allows you to have a massively diverse "inventory" of ships is outstanding. However, the gameplay is slow and boring compared to Battle Bay.....
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    There's a thin line between encouragement and pushing. Well, not that the devs intend to push peeps, that's exactly what some guilds do, they push their guildmates till they burn out, for guild quests. Though it isn't the game's design, nor the developers intent, this is the effect I see often. People ask me why I have so many Master 1-Ace 3-2 players in my guild.

    These peeps are here to recover. Literally. Ace league guilds are that bad. The leadership makes you use any weapon, regardless of your style. Non cooperation is an instant kick.
  11. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Guild quests have now forced me to hoard all weapons, so I now have epic tri torp and epic missile launcher.
    I dont like the weapons, and would have normally hit the scrapper but I am now trying to build up at least one decent variant of everything.
    It has its drawbacks, I wont get as many parts from scrapping, and levelling up everything evenly instead of focusing on a few key items means my infamy will stay around the same for probably 12 months!
    However if the specific quests were changed to group quests, I could go back to my original method of only keeping stuff I enjoy using and want to use.
    The other drawback is the pearls required to keep buying slots, but at least I am a key member for rivalries :)
    DaveRay35 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Please come back to this thread once you have to deal 1.5milliom damage with underleveled rares vs top 100 players :)

    I get your argument in theory, but in practice we are playing a game where alot of weapons are so horrendous, or have so narrow applications for usage, that almost noone has them at high end (Mortars, Tri Torp, St Cannon, Carronade). In practice we are playing a game where you need to find 4+ duplicates to make those trash weapons even semi viable and there is no way to get x item (aside from using $$$ to get more random items that might be what you need).

    I can only guess, but I can Imagine that this is less of a pain at lower infamy. However in games packed with t5 epics and legendaries its unfun to be 'forced' to use low rarity underleveled weapons that are terrible even if you had a high level version.
  13. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    Don't forgot the training too which play a major role in making a item powerful.
    I really wish we should be allowed to switch captain whenever we want want without the need to retrain it and whether or captain is free or not.
    Providing this feature will help us a lot and will add a lot of variety to the game and it's not like it makes money for rovio anyway.
  14. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    A few people brought up a good point in that this is how Rovio wants the game to be now. I can support that from a concept (I do like to try new weapons, and it gives the game more variety). Maybe a lot of us players are that played before the change scrapped all and focused on a core set, but the new player today knows only to save all and level each a little bit. I am OK if this is the new way but the game economy does NOT support leveling everything slowly at once! It can take a year to level one epic and now the game promotes leveling all? We need more parts, more gold, more sugar. I have so much I have been hording and I cannot level any of it. Maybe I get enough epic parts to go up one level a week, for one item. Oh and if you want us to max our inventories you need to lower the pearl cost of expanding it. It gets prohibitive really fast.

    Just make a decision Rovio and go with it.
    Spinners71 and Snapshot like this.
  15. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Agreed and it may be my noobness but it seems to me that some of the weapons (I'm looking at you missiles) are pretty much utterly worthless until you have the training to back them up. Why does this weapon appear on the easy board? Napalm isn't even a weapon so much as a crowd control tool. Why does this appear on any <do xxxxx damage> quest? That's not it's purpose when used properly.
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  16. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    And what does it have to do with my comment?
  17. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    ...you mentioned training...
    ...he mentioned training...
    ...seems applicable to me...
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  18. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Still think it's crazy that they haven't used the battle highlights for guild quests..
    I don't don't mind the weapon damage quests too much, but they aren't very creative.
    If they just split them into in 4 categories (cannon/railgun, torpedo/mine, mortar/grenade, incendiaries), kept the star and killquests and filled the rest of the quest table with (positive) battle medals I think it'd be a lot more interesting.
    Hopefully solve the T1 cannon fool problems too..

    Unfortunately it doesn't go without saying that all guilds in a rivalry should have the same quest tables every week, but it really should.
    Jasper21, TheAntiSnipe and Kitterini like this.
  19. Craigjnoble

    Craigjnoble Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Yeah the weapon damages either need changed depending on the weapon or perhaps grouped.
    Another issue with levelling items is when someone leaves and your then caught short and to many people with the same setups. That can really grind the quest board to a halt when your legendary tri torps shooter disappear etc. It can also take time to replace someone like that as normally most applicants are a case running snipers and big torps on shooters. “we need that for quests” #saidnoguildever.

    I still agree with everyone on the rivalry’s should be all on the same quests. Some quests will be more suited to other guilds but everyone is in the same race. It’s annoying to find that your opponents have damage dealer, healing, big torps and snipers and you have napalm, long range mortar and carronade (although that’s my specialty).

    Finished quests should also be refreshed to the next one after they are completed and the board rewards changed to after x quests completed. Then you also don’t loose days trying to chip away at one quest to get the next board.
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.
  20. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    +1000... genius!
    Help I Cant Swim likes this.

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