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Time to remove the specific weapon quests?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Kitterini, 17 Jan 2018.

  1. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Another useless threadlock ( https://forum.battlebay.net/threads/so-ysl-is-at-it-again-losing-on-purpose.16062/ ).
    Discussions never reach interesting places when you constantly apply censorship.
    Im sure the player mentioned in the post can handle a few nonamers talking shit.

    Players running lvl 10 Cannons is not because we try to lose on purpose, its a consequence of guildquests that does nothing good for the core gameplay (the actual fighting). Aslong as quests that require using a specific weapon exist, players are forced to use those weapons.

    It sucks for your teammates, but direct your complaints at the devs that refuse to change the guildquests into something that enhances gameplay rather than quests that ruin it.
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2018
    Zachiderp, Fin-, Star.Nova and 14 others like this.
  2. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Not sure the threadlock was relevant, we dont enjoy locking discussions :)

    I agree with the weapon specific guild quests are annoying, and should be "looser" to allow more flexibility.

    "Deal X damage with cannons / mortars" etc instead of a specific weapon
    "Deal X damage via burning (opens up firebomb, flare gun or grenade crits etc)

    This would make matches more competitive, stop us having to buy weak variants of weapons for quests and also stop us dropping a load of infamy every rivalry.
    Fin-, Star.Nova, Spinners71 and 9 others like this.
  3. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    This is just such an easy solution and it is lazy that the devs haven't at least tried it. Just run a trial week where all of the quests are like this. If it works, great. If not, go back to the weapons or try something different. I define "works" in the eyes of the devs.... Makes money and encourages people to play more (and watch videos). Because if it doesn't do those two things, then the devs and Rovio don't care at all.
  4. Stonebanks

    Stonebanks Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    Yeah, i agree with @Ash KOT, there are a few very easy solutions, but if anything going against "economics", just like the devs are calling it, it's not happening. what a shame.
  5. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Aye people have been suggesting that since guildquests arrived.
    @Help I Cant Swim You strike the main issue and reason why it probably wont change. The intend is to make people feel like they need to get specific weapons leveled up, and whats the only way to bring weapons to a viable state fast? $$$.

    I fully accept that freemiums have to consider how to generate income, I just hope devs will put more faith in their product being great (and BB core gameplay is amazing!). Finding a balance between generating income and providing amazing gameplay is what seperates freemium failures and successes.

    Many aspects of BB has improved vastly over the last year, but the actual battles are worse than ever.
    yellowocean and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  6. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Rovio went public at the end of last year... so now more than ever they only care about turning a profit.
  7. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I think the best thing we, as players, can do is to keep reminding them that long term profits rely on the game remaining fun to play!
  8. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    Enough of the Rovio bashing man, constructive criticism is welcome but this is the 3rd time you have written "Rovio only care about profit".
    A55A51N and vis1234567899 like this.
  9. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    This is very true, keeping customers engaged and active is always the key to success! More time spent in game, more money spent, happier player base, more profit, happier Rovio, if you can get the balance right, everyone is a winner!
    LimeOnMars and vis1234567899 like this.
  10. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    Do you work for Rovio?
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  11. Sh@rp shooter

    Sh@rp shooter Active Member

    14 Dec 2017
    Lol he has to justify his mvp status
    Riddlerpaji and Help I Cant Swim like this.
  12. Help I Cant Swim

    Help I Cant Swim MVP

    25 Oct 2017
    So would you call the current economy in the game "balanced"?
    Babablacksheep and vis1234567899 like this.
  13. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Ash is doing what he is supposed to be doing. Otherwise the forum would run amok and players who want to contribute or find some useful information will be deterred and stop coming.

    Moving on, one option is to make it that ANY damage you with a quest active is worth a fraction of specific weapon quests, lets say 25%. Only the actual weapon is worth full damage. This will help move things along a little fast (more progress, more fun) and make it more sensible for someone without a specific weapon to contribute using the best stuff they have instead of a level 10 version. Boosts would still do what they do to the final number. Maybe the fraction % needs to adjusted to be balanced but I will gladly take 375 damage from a 1500 dmg big torp to apply to napalm damage quest!
    vis1234567899 likes this.
  14. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Just to make it clear: I'm not asking for easier or faster quest completion, all I hope for are quests that can be completed by normal playing. Your idea would be a step in the right direction, but I'd much rather see the specific weapons quests tossed down the drain.

    Having to bring underleved rares into nightmare games is not fun for anyone. Its not fun for me, it sucks for my teammates and it makes games less interesting for my opponents.
  15. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    BB is pretty great, but there are some low hanging fruit that would improve opinions of this game and keep more players around. The most glaring rivalry issues are

    1. Having same boards for all rivalry participants is imperative
    2. Fix or remove trophy calculations. It's completely broken.
    3. Enable a way to show player activity so leaders can make good decisions on who to keep/invite to a guild. Fixing #2 would be a step in the right direction.
    4. Weapon specific quests is obviously an income generator, but mines were removed for obvious reasons... carronade and napalm probably need to go as well. I like item grouping better.

    These are all things that Rovio's play testers should have found before they went out the door. They were all brought up days after guilds were released, no good excuse left to let these problems exist so many months later.
  16. What's Up Player

    What's Up Player Well-Known Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Nicely said. Thumbs up.
  17. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    I think this is the key here.
    Obviously activity and engagement are up since the introduction of guild quests.
    But it didn't take long for people to point out the inverse relationship between weapon-specific guild quests and competitiveness in-game.
    (To clarify in case that's not obvious, that means when people are using specific weapons to complete a quest, but those weapons are under-leveled for their infamy, then that affects their ability to compete "at their best".)

    I log into the game each night to battle.
    To compete.
    It drives me bananas being forced to use sub-par weapons to complete guild quests. It sucks for me. It sucks for anyone I get paired with in battle.
    No one is truly "forced" of course, but ignoring guild quests to compete at maximum effort has 2 severe consequences: you pass up on a tremendous resource opportunity, plus you might get kicked from your guild for slowing down the guild's resource opportunity.

    Playing more games and competing at maximum effort should have 2 results:
    - Benefit the player
    - Benefit their guild

    It's risky for Rovio to implement a system that doesn't provide those results.
    It's mildly risky for Rovio to allow players to feel like increasing their # games played might not help themselves or their guild very much (i.e. if they don't have the ships/weapons necessary to complete the remaining quests).
    It's incredibly risky for Rovio to allow players to feel like playing at sub-par effort (i.e. weaker ships/weapons) is a better way to help themselves or their guild.

    When I have to play with sub-par items... or when my teammates appear to be playing with sub-par items...
    That feels really bad.
    When you nerf the competitiveness of a game, it's like a cancer that slowly eats away everything good about the game.
    At first, only the most hyper-competitive people will be aware of it, get frustrated, and leave.
    Over time, it will spread to where all that's left are people who aren't looking for much competition at all, and then this might as well be Farmville...

    @ Rovio - I saw one of your posts say something like "we want every player to play their best in every battle".
    Here's a secret --- WE WANT TO TOO!
    The problem is, the incentives for sub-par play are enormous. WE DON'T WANT TO PLAY LIKE THIS -- HELP US STOP!

    Level-1 fix = change weapon-specific quests to weapon-category quests
    Level-2 fix = get rid of weapon-related quests altogether
    Level-3 fix = get rid of ship-related quests altogether
    Level-4 fix = get rid of all remaining quests (pure dmg, healing, or stars), to change Rivalry to compare ONE THING = # wins
  18. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    @Spinners71 , that was one of the best speeches since Bill Pullman in Independence Day!

    This HAS to be high on their list right? It has been out for several months and contribution trophies and quest specific irks are still huge topics. I admit that I do like the challenge of using a new weapon and that has helped push that, but I can't level my good stuff AND level my weak stuff all with the same game economy. Maybe if the part floodgates were to open and I could level twice as much stuff as I am now, this wound not be such a topic. Hey I do not mind leveling lots of stuff in the game if it allows me to.

    To continue to brainstorm this, some other options that are a step in the right direction -
    • Add a 2nd weapon option that could be used to complete a quest! So instead of only "swift torps", it would say "swift and tri torps". At least this gives you a second chance to have something you might have leveled. I agree having categories would probably give the most flexibility but I worry that some category weapons are quite different (std mortar vs firebomb) and some have no category like grenade. You can have short range weps like carronade, grenade, and cannon. vs long range ones. Heal quests are blind to what green weapon you use to meet your goal! We want more of that.
    • Note that no one has a problem with daily quests. For one we can reroll. And 2nd is that they are selected based on what we have equipped to our ships! Why can't rivalry quests be the same way? Isn't that programming already written somewhere? Make rivalry challenges relate to what we have equipped. Or make it 75% chance, and give a 25% chance you do not. I know you love RNG.
    I am not 100% sold on @envylife 's #1 point that all rivalry quests need to be the same. Let's tackle one problem at a time. If quests are fixed, maybe you will not need them to be the same.
    Sh@rp shooter and The Otherguy like this.
  19. YerJokinArnYer

    YerJokinArnYer MVP

    1 Oct 2017
    I like the second weapon option. I think that would help. I also would like damage scored in losses counting too for weapon quests.
  20. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    One of the strong contributors to me deciding to say WTF this season and push my infamy is that the quest board is simply horrible for me this time. That means I don't have to worry about that when to drop a load of infamy and what that'll do to my tanking penalty. I maintain an inventory of U20 stuff for questing (heh, and shedding infamy) but this week I missed on nearly everything and the rest are fleet quests... not much use in our guild.
    vis1234567899 likes this.

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