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How does it feels to start fresh?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Helius Maximus, 16 Jan 2018.

  1. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    So, I got kind of bored and decided to start a brand new account and see how it is nowadays. What I found is that it is amazing that new players are actually playing the game. I found that it must be super difficult for new players to move forward and even reach a captain level 10 and be able to have a MK2 boat. As soon as I hit 250 - 350 infamy I started to have matches against MK4 boats, level 30 captains, T3 rares, T2 epics, even a legendary was spoted, and the loadout I managed to have was this:
    The swift torp did 110 dmg, one cannon 90 and the other 70. In many battles I was instantly killed in one shot just starting the match.

    Of course I managed to quickly move over 800 infamy with this loadout and a MK1 boat, but I think a new player comming into BB will be super frustrated just starting the game.

    A player below level 10 shouldn't be facing other players with higher captain level and boats above MK2. I think BB must be loosing players because of this. This should be a time to get familiar with the game, slowly make progress, upgrade common and uncommons and gain experience, but instead the rookies are being roasted and thrown to the sharks very early in the game.

    Also, why are so many MK4 boats at 300 infamy? Infamy tanking is not a thing anymore, so I don't get why those players are there. I guess they must really suck and lose a lot, but it doesn't make sense to me.

    Is there any rookie around that care to share his experience with this game?
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2018
  2. StrictSalmon307

    StrictSalmon307 Well-Known Member

    31 Dec 2017
    Professional student
    When I had started there were more people joining, so I had time to play with other noobs like myself. My friend that started this game has this problem though.
  3. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    same here, i started alt account last month, i saw a max epic mk5 with lv40 captian arounf 700 infamy
  4. nuoni

    nuoni Member

    15 Dec 2017
    I just recently scrapped everything in my account the moment I've hit an MK4 and I'm planning on starting an entirely new account. Because I decided to play semi-decent for a couple of hours, my infamy rose to 1300+ and minimum infamy I can drop into was around 500 which is complete garbage and still full of occasional multi tiered epics and legendary sightings. I kept getting matched with 3k+ HP MK5 shooter behemoths while I'm only 1800 HP on my MK3 and the moment I upgraded to an MK4, it suddenly got even worse and I started seeing 4k HP shooters with upgraded turbos (ie So not only they are a higher HP than you, they are also faster and will easily keep up if you decided to run.)
    Mines does no longer work as a deterrent beyond 1300 infamy range, players playing at this point have their exact trigger radius in mind and easily navigate through them and will still blast you with 2 or 3 shots. Even if they did trigger those mines, my tier 8 mine did 700 damage, so it was not a big deal if you're 3k or 4k HP shooter. Even the speeders I kept getting matched against had 2.5k HP.
    So in a nutshell, the option of fighting them toe-to-toe from a safe distance is completely gone. I've played several battles on my MK4 and all of them ended up with other ships just walking up and shooting me because they're aware of high little HP I have compared to theirs or just dying to 2 or 3 shots from a big bertha or just plane mortar spam because I'm still stuck with a level 10 rare turbo and I can not move to dodge their mortars.

    The game is not fun to play at all, the infamy system is broken (on purpose) and rewards for getting into higher leagues are an absolute joke. I am also thinking of starting a new account and never move beyond 100 infamy or upgrade beyond MK1 and just login to do occasional quests.

    Anyway here are some of the worst offenders I've seen through my couple of weeks of gameplay.

  5. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    I started a mini recently to learn fixer.
    I stay back and snipe, as I only have 800 health. It's a tactic I learned from a (legit, capt lvl 13) mk2 fixer at 1800 infamy.
    Nikkie! and Scourge Argaen like this.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I'm fairly new. Like you I had no problem bouncing up in infamy. Mine rose to something like 1200+ before I panicked and started tanking. Like you, I also saw a lot of higher mark boats... and I still do. None of that was a problem. My problem was winning too much not losing too much. Nor did those M4's pose any serious challenge. For the most part they are poorly captained and my dual turbo config baffled them. I routinely see level 28 captains with infamy max of 650 or so. I'm assuming they are casual players who just log in once in a while and pot some little toy boats. The ones I know closely aren't doing anything tricky like tanking. They're just not advancing in infamy because they're too casual to play that hard.

    Overall I had a blast being a newbie until my infamy problems. Having to tank substantially depressed my enjoyment of the game. More recently, either I've changed or something in the system has because I don't find my infamy climbing to ridiculous levels. That's a wonderful improvement in my play experience.

    I am almost exclusively F2P. I gave them $6.99 for one pearl diver because I thought they deserved some of my money. I spent those pearls on inventory space. I have what i think is a decent selection of gear. I'm a late-stage mark 4 running with mostly R25-ish gear -- not random stuff but the exact weapons I want (except for another #$!#$! turbo LOL). That seems roughly right. That'll start pushing up into R35 as my bhurt training develops and I wait endlessly on more blue parts. I've already got all the duplicate gear.

    As a new player I LOVED this game all except for my excessive infamy problem.

    By the way, infamy tanking is very much a thing still and it happens at all levels. Sudden bubbles in infamy seem to happen and it's easy to get carried on a 1000 point upswing and then suddenly you're screwed forever. I think Rovio may be smoothing that out which would be wonderful. I'm just not convinced that a large part of the captains you're seeing are tanking. I think most of them are casuals. You can see that easily in the screenshot TheOtherGuy posted. If I was ThunderOfGod in that picture (a close analogy to my boat) I'd expect to roll up the opposition even if the rest of my team floated. Heck, the 3 unfriend shooters have taken themselves out of the game just with their gear selection.

    Yup... when I found myself fighting m5's and 6's in a m2/3 my answer was dual turbo's and don't get noticed. In the end I found that un-fun since it doesn't really fit the model of a combat game as I understand it and my contribution to the team was almost always negligible. I'm really hoping that they are getting a handle on this. Man, I wish I could start an alt account but I think I need to give them facebook access for that and... well... not gonna happen.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  7. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I scrapped all my items on my main account a few days ago, and started a new account. It has been fun.
    I really needed to concentrate on things other than Battle Bay, and I couldn't get to quit by just uninstalling the app, so I had to scrap my items. And to not quit completely, I'm going to be playing on my mini-account(ign is FIREBOMB SPAMMER, lol).
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2018
  8. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Awe! :( That's too bad. :(:(:(
    Disguised likes this.
  9. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    I may not be a rookie, but I know the whales are a vicious cycle that keeps on going, a catch 22 situation I believe it's called.

    So basically, a few people decide that this is the game they will spend money on. Which is fine! But they don't have the necessary skill to advance any higher despite their weapon. But what this does is it makes other players, that have the skill, but are outmatched by the sheer strength of the weapons. So they stay down in low infamy and accumulate resources, giving them t3 rares and such. But then the same thing that happened to them happens to other players, starting the cycle over again. :eek:
  10. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I'm not sure I agree that's a problem. The legitimate casuals are casual. Their gear wont' save them for long from a more serious player. I know. I beat them all the time. Big guns do 0 damage when they hit the waves. I think it's the tankers (mea culpa) which are causing utter chaos in the system which depends on an orderly infamy progression.

    On the bright side I just found out that your infamy max is for the season not the life time. If that's true then the worst that happens if you get screwed over by the infamy system is you go play another game for two weeks. For Rovio that's a disaster. For me...not so much.
  11. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I started playing when I stayed home alone and was really bored. The game started to grow into an obsession from which I lost valuable sleep and free time.
    I felt that it would get worse if I didn't quit in time.

    I also used to get this thrilling feeling of being introduced to an ingenious concept when I first played the game.
    The only setup of mine I remember was my mk2 enfo: UC T2 sniper, rare T2 standard mortar, either one of the 2 Tesla items, and a rare standard shield.
    Last edited: 17 Jan 2018
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I have to admit, other than my complaints with the infamy/matchmaking systems, there's so much to like about this game. I love the overall art theme. What's not to love about little toy boats? I love the details of the art (OK, we could perhaps discuss the music a bit). I love how the battlefield is complex in 3 dimensions and the breadth of choices in how a weapon can cope with that. I love how gear matters but skill has a significant impact. I love the pacing of it. The game plays just slow enough to barely give you the time you need to process all that complexity. I love how the game supports sufficient complexity to be able to more or less "build a boat to spec". I knew what I wanted to do in combat. I looked at the boats and weapons and the choices were obvious. I'm quite confident I'm going to come up with some really oddball new metas over time. Yup, I love that too.

    There's an awful lot to like about Battle Bay.
    Spinners71 and Disguised like this.
  13. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    Thanks to the power of bluestacks and some app cloners, I have 5 accounts in total. It’s better to start another account, if you get bored of your main. Also you learn from your mistakes.

    E.G Gnuquixotic is a high climber but it has some decent gear
    And my 1st mini Gunquixotic has 4 epic explosive cannons

    Now while still playing on my main, I can passively build my items from my mini while still enjoying the game with my main.
    Helius Maximus and Disguised like this.
  14. Jujujuan

    Jujujuan Active Member

    9 Oct 2017
    Mk5 with tier 4 items just F!#$ you with only 1 Shot if you are above 500 Infamy.
    Mk4 feels a really distant dream

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