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Scrap my epic t3 blast canon by accident !

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Hunter Zolomon, 18 Apr 2017.

  1. Hunter Zolomon

    Hunter Zolomon New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Dear Developers,
    I'm Hunter Zolomon and I have been back after long time no play due to my broken phone. When i logged back to the game, it is totally new to me and i accidentally scrapped my epic t3 blast canon and its perks into materials. I really want my epic BC back, can you help me out please !!!
  2. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Omg Zolomon,that's very bad news that somebody also accidently scrap their rare t3 rare bc.seems u can see a big cross on the item....
  3. Hunter Zolomon

    Hunter Zolomon New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Yes its my mistake at all. If i scrapped another less precious item instead i wouldnt have made that mistake.
  4. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    I understand when you scrapped the main item.....It's hurts a lot
  5. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    well, this happened to others as well and is a desaster. i mean really: a big desaster.
    It shows again that the failsave as we have it does not prevent from mistakes. we had a topic like this in the old forums where exactly the same happened and this is kind of a problem: if you remove Scrap/Sale from the game you are not able to get rid of unwanted items. If it gets more complicated all players suffer from more clicks. The RNG system ("Chance of ...") makes it impossible to "undo" a scrap, because you could simply undo your scrap if you do not get what you wanted.

    i think there is only one option to handle this: make a way to get back items you scrapped unwanted. seriously, it is possible to kill items by accident players have spend a monthly wage on or even more, and there is no way to get them back. Sure, you can also crash your car in realworld and wont get it back either but this is a game not reality and in games it IS possible to undo unwanted actions. Dear Devs, please give players a way to get back their items in cases like this. Make them kneel, write emails and send prooves, take all their money, sugar, parts or whatever, but make this possible. i lost a good friend playing due to this and NOT because he disliked the update. now we have to play frisbee if we meet - great :D
    ArctiC, HELLRAZOR, Felipowski and 2 others like this.
  6. 360NOSCOPE

    360NOSCOPE New Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I have also experienced this... *rip t4 rare missiles* Might I suggest a anti-scrap feature. It blocks the user from scraping the item if it have a perk on it or an extra warning when scraping any t1(or above) rare and epics.
    Faze Rug and DEWE like this.
  7. pdcpdc

    pdcpdc New Member

    17 May 2017
    TO DEVS:
    You should add the confirmation timeout for scraping non-common items (so red right SCRAP button becomes active in few seconds in the new dialog, but not immediately).
    Accidentaly scrapped rare item instead of level-up today by single awkward hand movement.
    HELLRAZOR likes this.
  8. Neodecadente

    Neodecadente New Member

    23 May 2017
    A good idea would be to lock items, so you don't scrap them by accident
  9. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017
    Hi there,

    Scrapping an item you'd like to keep is very unfortunate, but there's not much we can do. We appreciate the feedback and ideas though, I'll share them with the team.

    Ian likes this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    I reckon thats a bull$#*t answer bennunator as there should be a way to get them back as long as we don't use the parts for anything else. We didn't design the game with flaws & simple problems that you guys can address, if we owned the item to begin with, then we should get it back if a mistake was made by accident as there is no fail safe to stop scrapping the item. By rights, there should be a "RETURN ITEM COOLING OFF PERIOD" & a player can void that cooling off period, if they use the parts obtained from scrapping that item.
    The way i deleted my item was trying to delete the useless common items from my list that we receive in daily crates & accidentally pressed the tier 3 epic item to scrap with wet fingers & it was gone, Bye Bye, Ciao, Heippa, Adiós, Arrivederci, Auf Wiedersehen, Sayonara.
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I understand your frustration, losing a high level item would be really frustrating. Unfortunately we haven't come up with a fool proof method of preventing mistakes. Currently it takes 3 consecutive misclicks to scrap a wrong item (1. Open a wrong item. 2. Press scrap instead of close. 3. Press scrap instead of close) which is already quite a lot. We could add more confirmation dialogs but since scrapping is something players do multiple times per day it needs to be still easy enough to not get annoying.

    Do you have any suggestions what kind of safety measures would have prevented the accident in your case?
  12. lolawola

    lolawola Active Member

    8 May 2017
  13. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Locking items is a great preventative solution. Pokémon go even did this...lol.

    Seriously though, it is an easy solution.
    Ian likes this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Or an item COOLING OFF PERIOD which gives a player around an hour or less to get back an item which was scrapped by accident, as when you accidentally scrap an item, you want that item back ASAP. As long as the player doesn't use those parts on another item to upgrade & if so, then the item scrapped will be lost for good. Even a locked / unlocked item can be re pressed & lost by accident, but with a COOLING OFF PERIOD it gives a player the chance to get back their item. Up to the devs anyway. Thanks for taking note & being concerned Miika.
  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Having any kind of "regret" button is unfortunately not feasible because the scrapping loot is RNG, which means the feature would be really easy to exploit. You just keep rescrapping the same item until you get the loot you want.

    We have been thinking about preventing scrapping items which are equipped to ships and showing an extra confirmation when scrapping items which already have been leveled up. Those might at least catch some mistake cases. Unfortunately it's never going to be completely fool proof because scrapping needs to be easy to do still.
  16. KaOsKillian

    KaOsKillian New Member

    25 May 2017
    I like the idea of simply locking an item far more. Then you go in and mark all the items you don't want to scrap and even if you miss click, it won let you. It could be as simple as adding a checkbox in the corner of an item that basically mass the scrap option..
  17. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    This is why locking solves it. You simply have a little lock to enable or disable.
    Last edited: 26 May 2017

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    How about having another screen, so when items come in they get put into an outbox & when you want to scrap items, they also get sent to the outbox first before you can delete them.
  19. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    The thing is, you can't prevent people from doing something stupid. You could add locking + another confirmation window and chances are there would still be someone who comes on the forums and goes "pls I forgot to lock and accidentally pressed yes on all the confirmations how do I get my item back". There's no solution to people not paying attention to what they're doing.

    That said, I think the suggestion to make items that have a perk in them unscrappable is a good one. I think that would prevent people from breaking high-end items in a more effective way than locking or extra confirmation would.
  20. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    You have to be able to delete. Yes, people complain. But you can reduce error rates to within reason. All suggestions welcome. Lock has worked well in other games, and that is why I jumped on it when I saw the suggestion. Like the ideas! And it seems the devs are paying attention. All good.

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