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Help me with my weaponry

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Snapshot, 5 Jan 2018.

  1. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Hi everyone:

    I thought I'd post my situation here and get some input from those who know... well... way more than me. To start with, here's my shooter with it's typical weapon loadout:
    • Canon: Because I like to knife fight... short & mid range
    • Sniper Canon: Because I like to knife fight... all range weapon.
    • Blast Canon: Short & Mid Range: For more punch
    • Long Range Mortar: For at least one arcing weapon and another long range choice.
    My questions:
    1. The gods of RNG seem to decree that I should be a flare user. I've now got 5 of the little buggers. I can see some combination there with extra damage to burn perks but man... my whole style is about direct damage and being able to surgically cut someone down. Using a weapon slot for flare seems... counter-productive. Level it up for scrap them?
    2. Let's talk about those explosing canons. Yes, I know I should've gone that direction to start with but man those shells are slow and that scared me off them. Do I want to abandon progress on my blast canon and swap over to exploding canon? Are the bonuses I'm sacrificing really worth it in your opinion?
    3. Why oh why cannot I not get any turbo... ever. Gear lube and rudders I can get. A turbo... not so much.
    4. Anything else you see in my inventory that you want to comment on?
    Nikkie! likes this.
  2. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Ditch the sniper. You cannot get the most out of both sniper and blast cannon because you have to choose one over other in many places in bhurt's training tree. Instead, evolve the railgun to a decent level instead of sniper. Go for ex cannon instead of blast too but don't scrap blast as they can be swapped easily. Upgrade your shield to max level and put on some perks(any even if uncommon). And last but not the least, swap cannon if you get decent damaging item because in shooter reload time isn't that concerning factor as weapon rotation takes up time which consumes cooldown of weapons simultaneously. Good luck :)
  3. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    You should not use Blast Cannon, if you are using sniper cannon because it will divide the training and none of these weapons will become powerful...use explosive cannon instead of blast cannon.
  4. nuoni

    nuoni Member

    15 Dec 2017
    Ditch Cannon, and run dual sniper + Rail + ExC.

    Also holy hell all of this setup and you're playing at 640 infamy?
    Nikkie! likes this.
  5. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    It's a mk4 setup..you can't run two 2 point weapons at same time.
    Std cannon has better reload time and accuracy than any other weapon.
  6. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    LOL yeah... quests. Normally I run at about 1000 and try to stay below 1200.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  7. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    *nod* I've been thinking I may finally ditch my beloved canon when I get another weapon slot at M5. But for now, it's the love of my knife-fighting life. It ensures I always have a weapon available to shoot and it, along with the sniper, are great at dealing with those pesky speeders.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Any thoughts on those flares? Should I just scrap them despite having five dupes or is that a worthwhile weapon even given the fact that I favor instant, precise damage?
    Nikkie! likes this.
  9. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I am using the same setup of canon, sniper and LR mortar since mk1 coz I am too devoted to my setup...lemme show you.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  10. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Keep them if you want to use speeder or enforcer in future.
  11. Earel

    Earel Active Member

    24 Jun 2017
    Imho, u are waste slots...
    imagine next situation ur enemy mock-up for 60 sec.
    Goal for you do the most damage in this 60 sec.
    I think u will be use only 3 weapons and rest u don’t be use... it’s a problem for many players who play many weapon.
    You couldn’t use all weapon - reason cd...
  12. nuoni

    nuoni Member

    15 Dec 2017
    Mk4 has a total of 6 red points over 4 slots.
    Now reason I know this because Im patiently waiting for a mk4 so I could run a triple firebomb setup because I've read here that it is how you farm battle stars.

    Also standard cannon is not meant to be carried on high level shooters. It cools down too fast that you'd able to cycle it with other 11sec or plus weapons you'd normally carry alongside to maximize DPS output. Standard setup for a 3 slot shooter is 3 11sec cool down weapons. The more slots, the more you're going to have to adjust cool down gradient of weapons to be able to cycle through them perfectly.
    It is might be comforting to have standard cannon to be always on cool down but you're hurting your overall dps output because you're not going to fire that thing as often as you should be.

    btw your setup is now making me hesitant to upgrade because even with a level 40 rare turbo and you are not hitting the mk5s speed cap.
    Last edited: 5 Jan 2018
  13. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Yeah right,
    But I have always said that, don't copy others. Just enhance your playstyle, no matter what others say.
    Be comfortable with your weapon choices and learn to use them perfectly.
    Lightning sword likes this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    First shot should cycle back in 8- seconds, so the cannon is ok on a mk4 shooter. Remember to have a "killing combo" that you just "execute" like a machine when certain conditions are met. I used to run BT+snipe+FB+snipe on my mk4 back in the day. My kill-combo was a double snipe, followed by a minor nudge from my torp. At mk5, my friend starlord, aka beast hunter, runs pretty much the same combo. Back then, we just pincered the enemy ship from opposite flanks. And a single slip-up by the enemy would lead to a game-ending bigtorp in the back. For you, though:

    Some thoughts. Knife fighting is not a suitable job for a shooter. Yes, it is a thing, but shooters, in general, are snipers. BUT if you insist on brawling, here's some requirements:
    1. You need speed and stealth. Learn all flank points.
    2. You need heavy armor for when you get into the fight.
    3. You need kill-combos. For now, try using a normal napalm+snipe+std+exc. Advanced plays(at the cost of some dps) include using flare+ex+snipe+rail(hybrid class), or snipe+ex+std. mortar+RG(true sniper), or flare+exc+snipe+napalm(use napalm to zone in an area, then use flare+exc to hit hard, then snipe them as they run).

    Also, some things that shooters miss:

    1. Brawlers almost never survive until the end of the fight.
    2. Snipers should never move from their "line". They should never be on the frontline.
    3. Hybrids should be in front of snipers. Assassins always go for snipers, since they are weaker closerange. Bear that in mind. Hybrids are good knifers, good snipers, but not great at any one field.

    Finally, as to your loadout. Sniper cannon and blast cannon will always end up in each other's way. Use only one. Decide what you want based on what I said.
    Nikkie! and AdmiralChris like this.
  15. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Most importantly, learn to lead your shots... Usually I hit a moving speeder with a sniper or railgun at range 30-40 coz I learned leading my shots perfectly.
    Snipers should always have patience or they will miss their long shots.
    Nikkie! and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  16. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I was actually eyeing that railgun as my next addition when I hit M5. It fits a lot of my general criteria (works well at various ranges and delivers precision damage) and it has the endearing feature of packing a real punch. That's something I don't really have right now. Insofar as leveling up all the stuff and perking it up... yeah... I'm working on that.

    ROFL... if I changed over to the ex-canon then that'd be the M5 setup I'm looking at too. Although I keep thinking that with that many guns the advantages of the canon aren't looking so attractive any more. Why do you hang onto it rather than... say.... another sniper canon if you wanted to keep the same functionality or something more strategic like napalm?
  17. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Hitting speeders with high velocity weapons like that is what I expect. I sort of want every one of my bullets to matter so I seldom just tap the fire button. Hitting them with slower things like the ex-canon or (*shudder*) torpedoes.... that is the domain of the BattleBay gods in my mind :)

    I'm not really a sniper though. I just have the long-range options for times when that's appropriate. My actual play style is more like "assassin".
    Nikkie! and The Otherguy like this.
  18. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    My cannon does 420 damage/5 secs which is pretty cool in my opinion. I have 5% crit chance on it and it does 700+ damage critically.
    I am too comfortable with it so I wouldn't even think of ditching it till I get mk6.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  19. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    Railgun isn't that easy to use as u might think, though it has high velocity. It does decreased damage as distance between target and you decreases.
    It goes damn straight not like sniper shots which bends a little, so shooting on high waves is a challenge.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Shooters can never be assassins, xD. Call it being a brawler. And no. Anyone can fire torps well if they put their minds to it. I could teach you if you wanted...
    Nikkie! and H.A.D.E.S like this.

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