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Most unfair game I have come across. A game? No a lottery.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gerben, 31 Dec 2017.

  1. Gerben

    Gerben New Member

    29 Dec 2017
    Just had a discussion today with a long time player about the game. He agreed this is not just a game, it is one giant lottery. You can buy weapons the first time, but to evolve them, you have to get lucky. Nothing more, nothing less. You cannot buy anything in the game itself to evolve your stuff. I needed to evolve my Sniper cannon and Turbo. So, I spend about 50 dollar to buy chests. But I opened one after the other and what did I find? 8 rare shields, which I don't ever use. What the hell do I need 8 rare shields for and then the next time I got an Epic shield. Also with collecting item pieces, finally had 10 Epics and was excited. Again you cannot choose which item you want, you get what Rovio wants, something you don't use over and over again. Why then have I collected over 200 items pieces? To get screwed everytime?

    But no Turbo, no sniper cannon, no bandage. Nothing I ever need or use. These algorithms within in the game make sure you always get want you don't use, always. So, you buy more pearls, because you get annoyed that the unfriends are always stronger than yourself, and so you spend and spend.

    It is just greed? Because they also messed-up the whole matchmaking system. I play this game since 5 - 6 weeks I guess and just after 10 battles I have to fight mk4 ships. Of course they are much stronger, have much better and bigger weapons. So, I started losing, one after another. Of course that is what they want, because we also want these bigger cannons and that is why we draw our wallet again. But as mentioned, no luck of course. Because you don't get what you want. Because this game is just one giant lottery.

    Of course they say it isn't, but they are well aware that it is. They have to keep their investors and the bank happy. Of course companies have to make money, but there are other ways. I have been playing games where you can buy new maps, pimp-up your vessel, buy fancy tires or decals, or whatever. These make good money as well, but they don't make money by fooling their players with a lottery scheme, but by an honest game. The European Union and other governments are working to ban these male practices. And I think they are right.

    You may ask why do I still play this game. Good question. In itself the game is great and the devs have done a grand job of it! But if a game is too unequal and unfair, than in the end everybody is going to walk away from it and so am I. Losing because the unfriends are just more skilled is no problem, but losing because their ships and weapons are 5x heavier is. It is crazy. The last 20-30 battles I have always played mk4 ships. And lost most of the times. People say I should go down in infamy. But what is the fun in that? And I quote a friend from Battle Bay. It is the same as a light weight boxing champion of 16 years of age. He doesn´t fight the heavy weight champion of 30 years old, just because they have the same score. But in Battle Bay it is like that and I think there is only one reason, so we lose and spend more money. I cannot win from 4x mk4 and 1x mk5 or 2x mk3 and 3 mk4 ships! Mk1 needs to battle mk1 and mk2 needs to battle mk2. That is just pure logic.

    Hope anybody listens to what I say, especially the people at Rovio.

    I don't like bitching, but a game should be fun and not a lottery and run by countless algorithms to make sure you get screwed.

    - Oskar -, Ultrah, Sewah and 6 others like this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Well-Known Member

    29 May 2017
    Mate, it's RNG, tons of games use it, especially online games. I can assure you there is no "algorithm" to make sure you don't get the items you want. Also, you'll eventually progress and get items to evolve, its not a coincidence that (if you assume F2P) a players level and play time heavily correlates with how good their gear is. At the point I'm at as a F2P player, I already have all the rares I need and now all i hope for is to upgrade epics.

    But I get it, it's extremely frustrating, especially if you've spent $50 as you said and got nothing that you wanted. Perhaps some sort of system can be worked in to get a specific item that you want, albeit at a much higher price.
  3. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Heh, you should try Diablo 3 in hardcore mode. It makes this lottery look like a friendly stream of stuff.
    BoomBoat4000 and The Otherguy like this.
  4. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    OP those mk4s you’re up against....were in your shoes not long ago. Try other weapons/ships/combos until you gain more infamy - it won’t be long before you’re up there in your mk4 too! :D
    The Otherguy likes this.
  5. nuoni

    nuoni Member

    15 Dec 2017
    Everything implemented is intentional
    From RNG to match making system that encourages p2w

    I was willing to spend myself and do some p2w but then I realized that all these crates guarantee nothing and I could end up with rares and epics of gear lube and reality was what I really want could cost an indefinite amount of money.
    It is also a game of highest bidder and someone out there will be always willing to drop x10 of what you could drop on this game and two-shot you in game with his "pro skills".

    Just FYI, I am in the same boat as you. I need a sniper or a turbo badly and I keep getting nothing but mortars/torps and bandages.

    They wont listen to forum posts btw, a 1 star review on app store is much more effective.
    Last edited: 31 Dec 2017
  6. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is the way of Battle Bay... and why Battlefront got into lootbox trouble because it is, literally, a lottery, and the EU wants to ban it. There's no real control in this game on purpose, not in matchups, not in items, I can't even find enough rare parts in the market to purchase with my growing pile of gold.. RNGods decided to fill the infrequently refreshed market with epic parts, except I have no epics to evolve. I received 16 rare blast canons before getting a 3rd rare Turbo. Epics? Ha... The RNGods decided I need to be slow with dual T5 BC's. And then not to give me enough rare power cells to make that second BC, so I still only have one built, 3 months later.

    There's no actual choice here, no way to reward you with what you want for your efforts or skills, just roll with what the RNGods give you, or become a wallet warrior to pretend you deserve those 8 legendary items.

    Seriously though, I played someone today at 1.5k with 4 legendary items equipped. They were one of my 4 kills that match.
  7. Rez Messing

    Rez Messing Active Member

    23 Jun 2017
    San Diego Harbor
    I have heard from way too many people that the supposed RNG isn’t so random and that it is actually geared toward giving less than you expect, thus prompting you to spend money on the game. For a quick example, in the latest rivalry “raffle” I have hit the green power cells (a completely useless item) 3 times so far. So much for being ‘rewarded’ for my efforts. :(
  8. Spongeboat

    Spongeboat Well-Known Member

    7 Jun 2017
    My main gripe with this game is, you can't play the way you want. You have to roll with whatever rng give you. I'm a mk5 shooter main right now with over 5k battles. I play shooter not because I want it, rather because that's what rng decided me to play. I initially wanted to play an enforcer but rng never gives me any yellow item, it gives me a lot of red items instead. So I said fck it and decided to upgrade my shooter.

    I still wanted to play enforcer even this day, but at my current infamy it's a big no no. My enforcer is heavily underpowered. If I insist on playing, I might get myself into a lose streak and get the game penalized my ass for "infamy tanking", even though you have no intention to do that at all.

    In short, this game gives a big middle finger to player's personal preferences. Players don't get to decide what to play, the game does.
    If what game decide happens to be the same as what you wanted, good for you. If not, you have options to either just roll with it or give up.

    Or cash out some dem monies....
  9. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    This game is shameless when it comes to RNG
    nuoni likes this.
  10. Olibooger

    Olibooger Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Freelance Bum
    Mojave, California
    Eh, even if you p2w, youll only be faced with players who either have even bigger, upgraded weapons or youll remain skill-less shooting at players who are in the same infamy range that are skill-less with big weapons.
    The game itself keeps you where it wants you unless you spend a retarded amount of money and have a great deal of skill. Only then will you be top 10. Very few f2p make it to the top. Those dudes are super skilled tho and usually in a speeder.
    Personally, im f2p for the most part and find myself infamy tanking every season start reguardless my skill and gear.
    After over 20k battles over half of my gear I use is rare. Albeit rare L50s, but ive played a lot. I too play against those dudes with L50 legendary and epics. But, it isnt all about the gear all the time, your skill level has a big part in it.
    If you want to play enfo, play it and suffer some infamy loss until you randomly gain more yellow. Either way, playing against bigger boats will only make you better.

    All in all. I agree tho. The randomness is annoying but the game itself is fun and doable at any level reguardless of RNG.
    tonberryking98 likes this.
  11. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    This is a great point. Even P2W are subject to RNG and people willing to spend more than you, and/or play more than you. Just be comfortable at your level of paying and playing and realize that as a general rule you will be competing with others who are doing the same. It's the great leveler.
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I think that's how the matchmaking system ought to work. It's not how it does. That's why so many of us are doing infamy tanking.
  13. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    RNG want me to be a Fixer with Big Bertha Legend!!!

    Oh Dev, of alllllllll the available weapon u decide Big B for me.

    I dont know if i should cry or laugh!

  14. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Do It! You know you want to!
    Ultrah likes this.
  15. ryanllts

    ryanllts Active Member

    21 Jul 2017
    u dont get what u want, i aproved this message. me as a defender using dual cannons, not getting my third cannon in 6 months. i see my find rare achivement going from 70 to 300 without cannon, then i realized what dev is ip to. so fking evil
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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