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Its a game

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Hastal123, 29 Dec 2017.

  1. Hastal123

    Hastal123 New Member

    28 Aug 2017
    I dont get why ppl overthink the game, they take it so seriously, wanting op strategies making most setups be over used , which makes the game boring with no versatility, I mean use the combos you like, no point grinding its just a game. People even do the math behind stuff posting the numbers, I mean its a game, just have fun. This is my opinion.
  2. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    Some people like grinding... some people even find math and spreadsheets fun... they are most likely aliens but still.

    I do take your meaning, some take every change as a personal attack to their infamy... but if you look at them another way it’s actually pretty impressive how much passion people have for this game. They almost lose their minds when it gets tampered with in a way they don’t like.

    This is a great post Hastal!

    People need to remember that they can go see Star Wars (Or Pitch Perfect 3, whatevs) and come back later!
  3. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Great suggestion. Speaking of suggestion, the suggestion you are suggesting belongs to the suggestion and ideas. So I suggest you to take my suggestion and post your suggestion in suggestion section.:p:p:p. On a serious note I just remembered that I have a life.:D:(:(
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
  5. Hastal123

    Hastal123 New Member

    28 Aug 2017
    Actually its no suggestion, just advice, so I would suggest not to suggest me to put it as a suggestion but suggest ppl just to read it and ponder over it
    Mr. Chompers and Rainbow Warrior like this.
  6. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    My eyes are burning...
  7. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Some people find it fun to ‘overthink’ things. Chess is also ‘a game’ yet people have been overthinking it and writing books about it for centuries. In more recent years, they’ve even been building supercomputers to overthink it even more.

    So long as you’re enjoying yourself, I don’t think it matters how much (or how little) you want to think about a game.

    If someone is getting angry, and threatening to hurt people, then I think they probably do need to hear that “it’s just a game”, and “you’re taking it ‘too’ seriously”. But just wanting to chat and strategise, and math things out... that’s how game theory develops, it’s fun! :)
  8. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    The simple answer is because other people are not you.

    • Grinders like to grind. They enjoy the monotony. Think of it like meditating to advance your character.
    • Min/Max'ers want the best strategy. They don't care if they "like" it or not. They like being powerful. So they will optimize their numbers in whatever way is necessary and rebuild as the game changes.
    • Spreadsheet Dudes: Yes, I'm one. I like to analyze the math of most games I play. I'm a numbers guy in general so it's no surprise I bring that to gaming. Mostly we do this because we love doing it. Other people take the results and make those "OP" min/max builds you talked about. For me, I just go ahead and use the numbers to help me make whatever build I think sounds like fun... typically a highly unusual build.
    <stop reading here if you don't want the "fun with your new spreadsheet" story back from Diablo 2>

    Now for a fun story back in the hoary days of gaming-gone-by. Back in Diablo 2 there was this spell called "enchant" that the entire community knew for an absolute fact was utterly useless. NOBODY trained it... EVER. What it did was add a tiny bit of fire damage to someone's weapon. Enter Snapple's spreadsheets. One of the things my spreadsheets told me was that it would combine nicely with several other things in the game. "Nicely" in this case, means a level 1 character fresh out of the character creation screen holding a noobie bow that does 1 point of damage could one-shot anything in in the game which was not completely fire immune. Putting that in BattleBay terms, it'd be like a perk you could add to your common canon that made it do about... say.... 20k damage. Even better, this spell was supposed to last a few minutes. Mine lasted for something like 4.5 hours.

    Playing around with my newfound and utterly game-breaking toy It also turned out you could enchant summoned minions. So there I was playing in an 8 player game (all solo in different areas) and the call of my dreams came over chat. Some summoner was having trouble because his zombie army was too weak in an 8 player game to advance. I was on it immediately laughing already since I KNEW how this was going to play out.

    My character's name was Enchantrix.

    ZombieLord: Can anyone in this game help me out?
    Enchantrix: What's the problem?
    ZombieLord: I can't make it past this next area. The monsters are just too tough in an 8 player game and they're slaughtering my zombies. Will you help me?
    Enchantrix: (laughing already) Sure. Summon you're army.
    <ZombieLord summons his minions... a lot of them>
    <Enchantrix enchants each zombie>
    <ZombieLord watches me go through this spell casting ritual but he has no idea what I'm doing since he's never seen enchant>

    Enchantrix: There you go dude. Have fun.
    ZombieLord: Wait! You said you were going to help me kill them!
    Enchantrix: I did. Go get 'em slugger.
    ZombieLord: So you're really just trolling me and you won't help?
    Enchantrix: I DID help you. I enchanted your zombies (yes, I'm playing this out for all it's worth)
    ZombieLord: You suck dude.
    <that exchange went on for several minutes with me laughing and fighting and him swearing and begging for "real" help>
    Enchantrix: Just go fight dude. Really. I helped you.
    <15 seconds passes during which I'm sure his army has slaughtered everything it came across instantly>
    Enchantrix: I told you. I enchanted your minions.
    Zombielord: Bull! Come on man. Tell me what you did!

    I could also enchant myself and then put away my weapons and one shot the final end-boss in hell difficulty right through his fire resistance. It'd be the same drill. People would tell me to get ready and get my staff out. I'd say something like, "I am ready dude. I'm gonna go fisticuffs with him!" Then they'd all get mad at me. Then they'd all get stunned when I punched Baal in the face and he died.

    I also played around with a certain bow which shot arrows which pierced through enemies to hit other ones. The bow also had "exploding arrows" meaning every hit caused an explosion. As it happens, the explosions also carried the damage of the enchant and when fired into a pack the explosions overlapped each other. Sure it was overkill for most situations (well, all situations actually) but it was hilarious to be with a party and listen to their reactions as I'd fire one arrow into a room and clear it.

    That was something like 20 or so years ago and I'm STILL laughing about it. Knowledge is power... including power to laugh.
  9. Hastal123

    Hastal123 New Member

    28 Aug 2017
    Ya but most ppl use valuable time of their life in doin such things.Ppl r forgetting their real life coz of games, its crazy. Ppl should spend more time with real ppl in the real world, not spend their time on such things, I am not saying dont play but rather instead of grinding, I dont know spreadsheeting, you should use your time wisely not just throw it away.
    Zerolive likes this.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Good example of combat analysis lol.
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    No, don't worry, besause
    A] Some of us dont have a life xD(not me)
    B] We balance our gametimes WHILE also managing our real lives(me)
  12. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    Let me help you out here. You are not saying I should use my time wisely. You are saying I should use my time as YOU would. How on earth would that be wise for me? My life and skills and inclinations are not yours. If we were in a living room together chatting we could debate the wisdom of my life choices. But a simple prescription of "Do it my way" isn't helpful or useful. You don't know enough about me or my life to even know what "wisely" would look like.

    I'm betting you didn't know that while I'm spreadsheeting and playing battlebay my wife is pretty normally a few feet away dressed in something... uh... pleasing while she works on her next oil painting. Unless something is pretty intense in either the painting or the game/spreadsheet we're usually chattering away back and forth with each other (with some added leering from me). She's the most important person in my life... by far. Tell me again how I'm not "interacting with real people". Explain to me how spending time with her in shared hobby time is un-wise (technically she's a professional oil painter so it's my hobby time and her career/passion time). While you're at it, tell me how spending time with my son (who lives in another country) in Battle Bay is a poor life choice.

    Do you see what I mean when I say you don't know enough about me or my life to know what "wise" means? Other people are not you.
  13. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    It all started simply enough. My son (who also plays in Battle Bay) suggested that a max-level enchant from a higher level sorceress who'd spent all her points in "enchant" might be a significant buff to a starting character. In hardcore mode, when you died your character was wiped so restarting was a common and tedious task. That was an amazingly effective power leveling tool. That's what got me to drag out the spreadsheet and ponder what would happen if.... And then I broke the game LOL.

    By the time it was done I had spent endless hours grinding, bartering, and generally gaining every possible point into that skill... like 35 levels beyond what Blizzard thought was "the max". The way they had built the skill it was some sort of geometric curve. Once it got substantially beyond the boundaries the designers had envisioned it became insane. Even worse that it combined multiplicatively with several other things. So by skill level 53 (as I remember) the formula was basically <insane base damage> * 250% * 500% * 200%. As an amusing quirk in the game mechanics, using no weapon gave another 200% buff.

    It's a perfect example of min/max gaming driven by spreadsheet calculations.
  14. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    @Hastal123 This is a forum... a place where we discuss aspects of the game; Strategy, Bugs, Issues, Suggestions, ideas, etc. We are all here to have fun, I mean some people find amusement in trolling and proving people wrong on the internet and I'm sure there are some people on the forums who haven't even picked up the game in months (They know their names) personally I would love to grind gold and sugar just to spend it all... Rinse & Repeat:p but I also like to come to the forums because we are a friendly community where we can have friendly conversations and debates... It also makes me feel good to help people by teaching them what I have learned about the game and also learning from other players. Maybe its not for you but some people enjoy it.

    P.S. Forums are where players can voice their opinions about the game, some of the changes made in-game were because of suggestions here... many people wanted a "Practice Mode" and look... we got custom battles.
    Last edited: 30 Dec 2017
  15. Hastal123

    Hastal123 New Member

    28 Aug 2017
    Who cares, end of this thread.
  16. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    At first that trailer looked like The 100
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  17. Snapshot

    Snapshot Well-Known Member

    4 Dec 2017
    I heard about that movie a while ago and I was excited. But that trailer looks like a butchery of the book which was awesome. Let's hope it isn't so.
  18. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    The name--Steven spielberg will sell the movie
  19. Rinse & Repeat

    Rinse & Repeat Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    New York
    Well that's not fair I took the time to answer your question as best I can and you just dismiss it, you know what fine its no use arguing with you
  20. Mr. Chompers

    Mr. Chompers Well-Known Member

    19 Aug 2017
    How dare you insult me! I am SO offended!
    Just a quick question, could you give me your coordinates? It really helps with the whole alien abduction process if we know where you are.

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