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How to calculate star?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Piyanat, 25 Apr 2017.

  1. Piyanat

    Piyanat New Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Is it fair for me as more kill and more damage, but got lower star??
    I play many matches and got very low star always...

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  2. Splash0rboy3000

    Splash0rboy3000 Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I think there is no known way to calculate. But i have some hints: If you use fire or stun and disable enemys, you get more stars than simply doing DMG.
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  3. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017
    Hi Piyanat! There's lots of things that matter, not only damage. Here's a screenshot of Miika's reply to the question earlier:
    Screen Shot 2017-04-25 at 11.43.38.png

    Happy Battling!
  4. Piyanat

    Piyanat New Member

    10 Apr 2017
  5. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Seems like fixer contribution is not as effective as it could be. There are a lot of games I do a lot of healing but only on 1-2 boats and even survive to the end only to get 1 star for a win. There is almost no chance for a star in the loss and I can live with that. Damage numbers usually don't make that big a difference (unless I do a lot) as I usually do a respectable 1-2k being an mk3 among mk4's and mk5's. My healing + damage must be >4-5k and the max damage in the match is between 5-10k.

    As far as I can tell the algorithm weights my healing spread across boats as more important than total healing or keeping your main damage dealers alive for the win. That is the goal at least for me.
    Last edited: 3 May 2017
    Miss-B and behumble like this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    I've looked in this theory & i can't say for certain that what the dev's explanation on how it works is correct, but we sort of have to believe it as it's their game. I've seen too many different factors that go south of this star system & how it's calculated, but it doesn't bother me as i get gold stars just for being a good boy. Lol
  7. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    You don't get any contribution for healing ships until those ships actually then contribute to the battle somehow. In other words, just healing an AKF in a corner does not grant you anything, but if you heal a player that deals damage then you get your share of that too. The same logic applies too all contribution calculations, it only counts only if it actually helps something.
  8. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I think I see. So healing a tank or yourself (trying to survive the enemy onslaught targeting the healer first) that doesn't do much damage but allows other boats to be unmolested would count less?
  9. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Maybe, depends on situation. All there is is a simple equation.
    Help team = Stars
    That's it. The more you help, the more you get. :)
    Think about it with common sense. Using Miika's case for example, healing an AFK wouldn't help,the team.
    By the way, don't forget there are a lot of ways to get stars as long as it fulfills the "help team" part. Just use common sense. Things like dealing damage strategically, frosting and stunning people for the team... They all help. It all just depends in my opinion. ;)
    David Bonaparte likes this.
  10. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    What I said was a simplification, not the actual accurate logic. What Captain_Perry said is right, just focus on helping your team and you should be getting stars. And if we see that some way of contributing is not in balance with other ways we'll keep balancing it.
  11. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Good Advice Captain Perry. The part I am having trouble with is if I don't understand how I am helping more in one game versus others than I can't consistently do it. It seems to defy my common sense when I think I had a good game and got one star:confused: There have been bad games with 2 stars but it doesn't seem to happen with the same frequency.

    I never had the same feeling playing shooter. My infamy is a lot higher with fixer than shooter but average stars is lower.
    Last edited: 4 May 2017
  12. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Some examples.

    On the last one I got 2 stars, but before the screen came up I was thinking AquaR played really well and I did just ok. Inexplicably he only got 1 star despite both of us being tied at the hip and doing pretty much the same thing. Maybe I had better healing equipment though. In fact, he lead the initial distraction where weakened them and the final assault so it could well be argued he was the MVP in my opinion

    I could post more analysis of the description of the other performance if that would help isolate what I am doing wrong.

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    Last edited: 4 May 2017
  13. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I barely kept Demoncrex alive through a heavy onslaught. He did by far the most damage and most of my heals went to him. Notice the other teams total damage output was the same as ours so there was a significant amount of healing. Demoncrex got 3 stars - I got 1.

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  14. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    I got focus fired and died first. Almost zero healing and damage, but I made them chase me across the map.
    2 stars, why?

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  15. SOFe

    SOFe New Member

    11 May 2017
    Same with attacking right? So if you kill an AFK ship, it doesn't score as much as a moving ship?
    Do the battle rewards (gold and sugar) use the same (base) algorithm?
    If you don't attack, heal, or render enemies into effects (e.g. freeze, stun), is there a chance of getting rewarded? For example, if I speed around enemies to distract them, do I get rewarded? If not, I believe it's possible to reward this by measuring the time or number of shots that enemies are targetting at you (especially ones that missed).
    And, does killing score? According to your logic, killing renders a ship useless and should also be rewarded.

    And finally, could you tell us exactly how much you get from healing :D (like the % share)
    Last edited: 11 May 2017
  16. TrainerDopay

    TrainerDopay New Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Well, I use to use all cannons, I would usually end up with one - two stars on each battle that I win on. But when I changed two of my guns to fire bombs, I ended up wit three stars 1/2 chance on every battle won. I feel like it's the assist that matters. Whittling down the enemy's health and spreading them out with fire bomb really affected how I got three stars.

    Most of the the three star battles were just from me camping behind a rock firing my fire bombs. As long as you deal constant damage you'll get the three stars.

    SAME DIFF3R3NC3 Well-Known Member

    26 Apr 2017
    Possibly because as the other team chased you, your team was able to accumulate damage on them without return fire? Just a possibility.

    I play Fixer myself, usually can earn 2 stars now, but I still see a lot of 1's. What's your weapon out of curiosity? I use napalm, which I *believe* contributes to the team in the sense that when an enemy is in it taking damage, and a teammate fires on them, they take burning damage which I assume is credited to me as I lit them on fire. Does that make sense?

  18. TheFixer27

    TheFixer27 Well-Known Member

    6 Sep 2017
    A boat
    My phone
    Does healing Your Own boat with duct tape or taking alot of dmg contribute?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  19. Metal Upa

    Metal Upa New Member

    15 Oct 2017
    But but, why ur profile pic isn't a fixer :(
    Wymtime likes this.
  20. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    This old thread got necro'd again?

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