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Why No Stars ?

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by HELLRAZOR, 22 Dec 2017.


    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Anyway, the less damage or kills i do, the more i get rewarded ? What gives ?
  2. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    You dropped too much infamy, which triggered the anti-tanking system. Regain your lost infamy and rewards will return. :)
    Mr. Chompers and craz¥burd like this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    It's bull, makes one want to play no more & even the annoying purchase ads gives me the s#1%$ !
    It's taking away the fun & making it seem like more work to do. Ridiculous
  4. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Maybe fleet with a guild mate or friend to get back up there quicker? The system isn't even close to perfect, but its better than nothing.
    What happened?
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  5. Ash KOT

    Ash KOT MVP

    30 Aug 2017
    I know its frustrating but there has to be a system in place to stop players from infamy tanking.
    You are a MK6 at 1100 infamy, which is usually MK4 /MK5 territory.
    Do you think it is fun for the tiny MK4s with T2 rare weapons to get paired against you?
    To get out of the punishment zone you need to be within 800 infamy of your all time highest infamy.
  6. Neptune_Gaming

    Neptune_Gaming Well-Known Member

    26 Oct 2017
    I completely agree with you, i am in 800 infamy and mk5's come with rare t4 items.
    Mr. Chompers and Ash KOT like this.
  7. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    It’s not better than nothing. There was NO reason to implement this at all. It does ZERO to curb the seal clubbers, all it does is spit in your face and say “you dared to lose a match? Dirty cheater. Give us your money.”

    The problem people are at 200 infamy NOT 1800 so a blanket policy like this is clearly designed to slow down the grinders in favour of people who will buy resources in order to keep progressing. If you don’t pay, they don’t care if you quit.

    Like two people complained about the seal clubbers so they put out this obnoxious fix... yet the infamy embargos get more threads than all the other topics put together. Most of them ignored or deleted quickly.

    Mika admitted they have a system that is designed to “break losing streaks” so they obviously have an infamy “adjusting” system in place... how easy would it be to set f2p players to, say, 49% win ratio, while adding one percent every time you make a purchase? How ripe for abuse.

    They are, after all just people... and people can be small and greedy. Working for Rovio instills exactly zero moral virtue that was not already present. So spare me the “but we would never.”
  8. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Please don't put words into my mouth. There is no "infamy adjusting system". If two players on a losing streak are put on the different sides it is just common sense that both teams can't possibly lose at the same time. That's all.
  9. Salt Upon Wounds

    Salt Upon Wounds New Member

    20 Apr 2017
    This low infamy, no stars nonsense is so frustrating. Do you think I want to be this low? But becuz my partner and I had a good run (several weeks ago) we are now stuck with continually poor team mates and loss after loss after loss with no rewards and no end in sight. Could I suggest a reset after a certain amount of time? It’s sucking the fun out of the game. Even my chests from home have dropped in value. I am not tanking battles to get low infamy, just tell me what to do to get ahead? Consistently my partner and I are the top 2 players at the end of battle (not where a fixer should be) but 2 against 5 seldom wins the battle. Fix the problem or you will see people leaving the Bay and not bothering to wave goodbye.
    opp, HELLRAZOR and The Otherguy like this.
  10. Head Zilla

    Head Zilla Member

    18 May 2017
    If you have highest infamy in ur team during battle , u will have less chance to win more stars if your team wins{or lower mkX ship than yours}...
    That makes sense , cause players with lower infamy gets more stars... how no one noticed?

    also you are mk6 and u have even mk4 in your team ,so ...? 2+2=4? You are highest level , you should have more infamy then u will maybe 'EARN' some stars... regards!
  11. Salt Upon Wounds

    Salt Upon Wounds New Member

    20 Apr 2017
    Pull your head out ...
    HELLRAZOR likes this.
  12. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)

    It does a LOT to curb seal clubbers, who only want to pick on the little guys and expect to get full stars. Some people getting caught in the crossfire is better than some mk7s in the 300s killing mk1s in one shot with superior weapons. This was the reason to implement this system, and the tanking measures also include putting the tankers into queues with ships that are their level.

    The lower rewards feature clears out the "star farming" tankers, while the equal matching feature takes care of the sadistic people who enjoy oneshotting mk1s and don't care if they lose rewards.

    The fix is very old, it came in like the first update post global launch. Also, people crying about dropping infamy have usually ignored the consequences and played guild quests in Ace 1 with common weapons or something, OR gone on losing streaks. If they are on losing streaks, they WILL get full rewards in a few more matches by fleeting with friends or as such. If they were working on guild quests, GG mate, you should win for contribution to be counted!

    Also, the fix was a really hot topic back in the day, and I was one of the people rallying for it. The community was a lot smaller, and the game was literally a videogame edition of the "Wild Wild West". I learned shooter fighting mk4s who thought it was funny to kill my mk2 with a single bullet from a t4 rare blast cannon. Believe me, without that fix, we wouldn't HAVE a christmas update this year.
    _devill and The Otherguy like this.
  13. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    AntiSnipe: whatever happened with that nice lady, Sandra Baldwin? I really admired how you went out of your way to try and help her... was CRUSHED when she got banned. I thought for sure the devs would finally relent, at least in her case. But not a word from them, at least not in the thread. Did she end up quitting for good? I DO hope she is gone for good because she seemed really nice and she deserved to be treated better. I hope she found a game as fun as this one was when I first started. I just wish she had quit on her own terms, under her own steam.

    I was there for the global launch also, I remember how easy it used to be to max out my gold stars every day ... so I find it hard to believe a couple green boxes could be the motivation for dropping infamy. It seems to me much more likely that people who BOUGHT their gear and found out it did not give them auto-wins, so they drop down to where they actually CAN one shot people. And those people won’t be affected by this solution, because they can simply buy their resources. Which of course seems to be the entire point... And if they are, then they are trapped down there where Rovio claims they don’t want them.

    I’ve been at this a while too. I have to ask: have you ever dropped into the “punishment zone?” Because your solution of “just fleet up for a couple of games “ comes across a little glib... considering that most people spend an entire month trying to claw back that lousy 200 infamy, and in every case once flagged your infamy plummets. Three days ago I was 200 over the “dirty cheater” line, then one bad day (13 losses in a row... spread out over 12 hours and with every configuration of fleeting failing to help) and I’m 100 under. And no matter how I try it won’t climb, every win followed by a loss no matter what I do. I have a stressful job, I don’t need to be made to feel shitty by what was supposed to be my relaxation time.

    Also, I have to say that every person in my guild with a low lvl alt says the same thing. They are a mark 2 fighting nothing but 4 and 5’s... and they cannot progress at all. These are people whose mains are in nightmare so I trust their judgment and abilities. If they would be discouraged enough to quit their alts how much more affected would a noob be?
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    1. Yes, seems to me she quit. Poor lady. Devs never ended up responding though. Sad case there, I could probably have helped her out.

    2. No, I've never been down there. But I did assist a lot of them. It only takes five or so wins, mostly it's just "weekend madness", so I advise them to continue in the weekdays. However, for a noob who keeps losing and never notices his zero star rewards, I see your point. If not detected early, the anti-tanking measures are hard to correct and you'll find yourself in a vicious cycle(I would describe this better, but I need to sleep so... Oh well. I'll explain later). One thing I do agree on is that it needs to be corrected, since far too many people are getting caught in the crossfire.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  15. GoreSnorkle

    GoreSnorkle Active Member

    11 Nov 2017
    I don’t know how you can experience it without intentionally losing, but honestly it might change your perspective on the subject...

    If they DO try to break losing streaks, (and a single win does NOT in my opinion count... losing 2 of every 3 is still losing...) at what point does this occur? Five losses? Eight? And do they also do the same for winning streaks?
  16. craz¥burd

    craz¥burd Well-Known Member

    8 Jul 2017
    United Kingdom
    I totally agree. Last weekend, no matter who I fleeted with or if I went solo, I lost battle after battle. Even with a few hours break in between (and admittedly I was also doing quests).
    I lost 600 infamy and it was only after a friend reminded me that weekend players (especially end of season, as it was) can be bad.
    I nearly jacked it in, wondering how long it would take to claw my way back...3 days later, after the weekend and new season start, I gained the 600 *plus* another 200 to hit my all time high.

    I’ve learned my lesson!! :rolleyes:o_O
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    But i'm again in many battles playing with mk 5 & 6 in a team. Really scoring the most with the most kills in some games & receiving the lowest amount of gold & sugar is bull & doesn't feel fun anymore, but knowing that playing won't be enough to upgrade crew & weapons & the devs know this as they exploit players while using it to their advantage & making it worse by trying to force feed us into buying stuff
    I don't play that much, look at my weapons.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Look, i'm gonna say it as it is. So tanking, farming sound f#¢¥*? like someone should be joining the army cleaning shit right, i have better things to do than calculate ways of receiving petty digital (not real) items in a gaming platform, i'm on here to de-stress myself & relax, to have a bit of fun but it's sad to say it's all slowly coming down to do with sales & greed.

    HELLRAZOR Well-Known Member

    9 Apr 2017
    The Biggest Island on Earth
    Yes they can, it's called a draw.
  20. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    In my entire 3900 match career, I've seen 7-8 draws.
    The Otherguy likes this.

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